
Azur Lane : Wiseman

Destiny, trust, obligation, the future. It is not to protect them, nor to guide them, to come to their world. He has a responsibility of his own, a obligation of his own. He could not, however, have neglected them. This is a story full of struggle, anxious, he's never going to give up. This is Azur lane with people from a different world. Kay, the lightning element, is sent to their world to fulfill his duty. Eliminating all 'Cell' that roaming and wandering, creating chaos that can become the threat for the humanity. However, nothing will go smoothly as he decides to become their commander. Just to make his duty easier. He never care about them, yet he promises to protect them. First Arc - The Beginning, Chapter 1 until Chapter 20 Second Arc - The Guardian Swords, Chapter 21 until .... I do not own Azur Lane. For those who wants to read the latest chapter, please go to Watt Pad, because I'm too lazy to update here. Eventhough, it will only takes a few mins. It has the same title.

SKay_00 · Video Games
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This story happens a few days before the first operation started.

Kay is busy reading the reports that Belfast has provided in the commander 's office. The reports provide a variety of critical details that can help him construct a plan for the next operation.

"Tea for you, Master," Belfast said. She pours a cup of tea for Kay as he reads the reports.

"Thank you, Belfast," Kay said. "I'm sorry to ask you to take your time. As you know, I really need to know about the Crimson Axis, particularly the Sakura Empire Shipgirls who are still near the Azur Lane.

Belfast is in the room next to Kay. She's also supporting Kay by providing all the feedback and details Kay asked for.

"Don't worry about it, Master," Belfast said. "It is the maid 's responsibility to support her master." Kay had already sent some fleets to search the location after they got the information from Akatsuki and Kirishima.

Apparently, the girls confirmed to him that they saw some of the Sakura Empire fleets roaming around there.

Kaga, Akagi, Souryu, Hiryuu, Zuikaku, Shoukaku, Ayanami, Fusou, Yamashiro, Fubuki, I-56 and I-58. They are all the forces of the Sakura Empire that taking part of the mission to conquer the Azur Lane. It is worth noting that there are already several sirens at their hands.

Kay has already formulated a strategy to combat them. However, something is still lacking.

It's their reinforcements that's not yet in Azur Lane.

"They 're too late," Kay said. "Are you sure they 're coming here today? It's too late from what I've been told. Particularly their arrival time.

"Her majesty never breaks her promises," Belfast said. "But it's always unusual for her majesty not to let us know."

Did she send a message to us? "Ask Kay.

"No, she did not give any message or signal of distress," Belfast answered.

Kay 's thinking about the problem. He shouldn't worry too much about it, as the reinforcements are strong enough to protect themselves. Nonetheless, a lot of enemies are still wandering around here.

Kay stands and grabs his cape. Before that, he's checking his watch to make sure it's in good shape.

"Contact Wales and Enterprise to meet me in the meeting room right now," Kay ordered. "Tell them this is a matter of urgency."

"As you wish, Master," Belfast responded.

A few minutes later, Wales and Enterprise arrived in the meeting room. Cleveland, Hornet and Hood are coming with them, too.

"What can we do to help you commander? "Wales said.

She's really shocked at this unexpected meeting. She was still going to see him as she thought this could be a serious problem.

"Assign a search and rescue operation fleet. I need a couple of girls to go with me, "Kay said.

"If you want someone to go with you, Enterprise and I could do that," Wales said. She's already figured out that it's about reinforcements that haven't yet arrived.

"No," Kay said. "I need the two of you to stay here. I can not afford to send our best ships to take part in this mission, particularly as I also leave the base.

"We need ships with fast maneuver right now."

"Then I know what kind of girls you can work with," Wales said. "I'm going to tell them right now."


A few minutes later, Kay arrives with a fleet consisting of several ship girls from Eagle Union and the Royal Navy at the port.

The girls who take part in this search and rescue mission are Cleveland, Hornet, Javelin, Laffey, Belfast and Montpelier. Kay gives them a brief explanation of their responsibility to carry out this mission.

"Are you sure you only want to bring only one aircraft carrier to this mission, Commander? " asked Hornet. "It might be an issue if we encounter the Crimson Axis and sirens."

"That's not a big problem," Kay said. "We already have the best anti-aircraft on this mission."

"Who is that? "asked Hornet.

Cleveland, Javelin, Belfast and Montpelier pointed their fingers at Kay, indicating him as the best anti-aircraft in this mission.

"What? But, how? "Hornet said that she didn't believe it.

Kay is ignoring Hornet as she is mumbling alone.

"We 're going to divide into two groups," Kay said. "Cleveland and Javelin are with me. The others are going to follow Belfast.

Kay gives Belfast something like a communicator that will help him get in touch with Belfast if anything happens.

"Contact me if something happens," Kay said. "Now, let's go and find them."

"Roger, Commander,"

They begin their mission to find the lost reinforcements. They already knew the last location as they were going straight to it. When they are near to the particular spot, they scatter around in two groups.

They don't see the reinforcements although they're already searching for them for quite time. They somehow don't want to give up, though. They 're trying to reach them, but it's futile.

"Find something there, Belfast?," Kay said when he was in touch with her.

"Nothing yet, Master," Belfast said. "We still haven't ... fou...nd ... zzzz ... bbzzz ..."

"Belfast?" said Kay.

He attempted to reach Belfast again, but he failed. Something disrupting their calls, so Kay can't get in contact with her.

"Cleveland, would you try to get in touch with them? "Asked Kay.

Cleveland is trying to get in contact with her sister, Montpelier, but her efforts are futile as she hears nothing but noise.

"I 'm sorry, commander," Cleveland said. "I can't reached them."

"Looks like someone jamming our communicator," Kay said.

"Ehhhh. So, what are we supposed to do, commander? "Asked Javelin.

Kay is touching his earphone, activating his element.

"It's really not a real concern to be honest," Kay said. "I am an element of lightning. I can easily jamming or restore the radio waves.

"Let them give something to them instead, however."


A few seconds later, a big explosion could be heard. Since Kay is an element of lightning. He can easily use his ability as long as it can be connected to lightning.

Cleveland and Javelin are still standing as they heard the explosions. They 're both staring at Kay like they can't believe what's just going on.

"Can you hear me, Belfast," Kay asked.

"Yes, I can hear you clearly, Master," said Belfast. "A few seconds ago, we heard some explosion. Is that your doing, master? ".

".......... No," Kay replied.

"What with the pause, Master," Belfast said.


"Belfast! What are you doing here? ," asked a beautiful girl with purple twin-tails, wearing a purple, black, red tie coat, Essex.

She is currently with Sharing-la, Independence, St. Louis and Intrepid as part of the Eagle Union reinforcements.

"We've been on a search and rescue mission to find all of you," Belfast said. "Thanks to the commander, we managed to get in touch with you after the communicator was restored."

Since Kay managed to destroy the siren ship that caused the chaos, they all managed to get in contact with each other. They've both decided to meet here.

A few minutes later, the Royal Navy ship girls arrived. They 're Edinburgh, Sheffield, Warspite, Formidable, and Sirius.

Edinburgh has been embracing Belfast since she saw her. They're sisters, but which one is behaving as older may be part of the debate because one of them doesn't seems liked a big sister.

"Belfast, I 'm glad to see you," Edinburgh said as she hugged Belfast.

"We were sorry to have arrived late, Belfast," said Sheffield. "Especially as Azur Lane, in particular, is still in danger."

"However, we've also heard that the current situation is calm thanks to someone," Essex said. "A new commander who unexpectedly appears to help you guys. Well, I'm very interested to meet him right now".


Obviously, sound of a photo taken can be heard. It's Sharing-La taking a picture of Essex 's smile. After Essex realized it, she was very embarrassed.

"Essex 's smile on the new commander is very unusual, particularly when she's often thinking about Enterprise," said Sharing-La. "It's a nice picture for me now."

"Wait a minute, Sharing-La," Essex said. "Can you delete the photo, please. It's really embarrassing.

Essex was trying to capture the Sharing-La camera. Nonetheless, it seems that Sharing-La is quick enough to get away from here. All the girls there chuckled when they saw it.

"Are we not forgetting anyone else? "Warspite asked.


"Where is her majesty?", asked Sheffield.

"Where is Helena now?" asked Essex.

"And, where is my master?", asked Belfast.

"Ara...ara....", said St. Louis.


Their faces were pale as they knew they finally realized it. Not only do they forget about their queen, they forget about Kay, too. They 're too excited about their reunion before they realize it.

Hopefully, the problem may not be as bad as they expected.


Kay, along with Javelin and Cleveland, decided to go to the explosion location. They noticed a cave as they got closer and closer.

"Now, all of you can stop hiding behind my back," Kay said.

"The cave is very scary, Commander," Javelin said.

"That's right, commander", said Cleveland. "We don't know if the enemies are inside the cave".

"If that the case. How about all of you stay here and wait for me", said Kay as he went straight inside the cave.

"Wait a minute, commander!!".

The cave is very dark, but the darkness is not a concern for him. A few minutes later, he spotted a siren ship that had already been ruined by the explosion.

He inspected the siren ship for the last time before he decided to leave. He doesn't want the siren to cause problems later. So, he feels it's easier to finish it right now.

As he walks around, he saw two girls hugging each other. The little one is crying.

The girls saw Kay, but they stayed silent.

"Well, this might be a problem," Kay said. "You want some candy?" he asked.


"Belfast, can you hear me, please? "Asked Kay.

"Master! Where have you been? "Asked Belfast. "It doesn't matter right now. Where are you now? ".

"Where am I right now?",

"........... now that's a good point, "Kay said. "Where am I now? ".


"Do you remember the huge sound of the explosion that unexpectedly happened. I'm at that location, "Kay said.

"You mean, the explosion that caused by master doing," said Belfast.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but yes," Kay said. "I also found two girls when I investigate that location. They are Helena and a little girl who claimed to be Queen Elizabeth".

"..........I am sorry but can you repeat that, master?", asked Belfast.

"I found Helena and a little girl who claimed to be Queen Elizabeth," Kay said.

"And girls, please , please behave yourself and stop struggling, child. Behave liked a good kid, would you.

"Hey, that's disrespectful," Queen Elizabeth said. "I have already told you that I am Queen Elizabeth, Queen of the Royal Navy".

Yet Kay doesn't seem to believe her. He thinks this girl is too small and childish to become the queen of the Royal Navy. In fact, Belfast has already told him about her. Not generally to begin with, as Belfast only told him about the personality of Queen Elizabeth, not her appearance.

"Yeah, yeah," Kay said. "Don't worry, I 'm going to get your mom right now."

"Hey!!! Did you just ignore what I said? "Grieved Queen Elizabeth.

"Apparently she's very stubborn about this, Belfast," Kay said.

"Belfast?...........Belfast? ",

Kay attempts to call Belfast a number of times, but she didn't answer her question. It seems she's really in shock right now.

Kay has been looking at Helena as she stares at Kay for quite some time. Looks liked she was very interested in Kay's earphone that he was wearing to get in touch with Belfast.

"You want to touch it? "Kay asked.

"Is that all right? "Helena asked.

Kay nodded as he gave Helena the earphone. She looks really pleased when she looks at it. Then she puts it in her ear.

"Belfast, can you hear me, please? "Helena asked. "Queen Elizabeth and I are safe."

"Wait.........What? "Kay said, staring at the little girl he's been holding for some time. "But, I have holding this little girl for quite some time".


Azur Lane's meeting room.

"That's quite a scene," Kay said. "But before that, let me introduce myself to everyone. My name is Kay, and I'm going to stay here for a bit. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you.

The reinforcements that were arriving here in the meeting room, listening to Kay 's speech. Then all of them will introduce themselves.

They all seem happy and satisfied to meet with Kay. Queen Elizabeth, though, is pretty mad at that.

"Why Queen Elizabeth looks so mad at Kay," Enterprise asked as she spoke slowly to Essex.

"Apparently, the commander mistaken her as a lost child rather than Queen Elizabeth," Essex said. "He's also been treating her like a child for quite some time."

"I can see that.....," Enterprise said. "Well, he's guilty of this problem, too."

"Hey! "I can hear that," Kay exclaimed. "I mean, who would think that this sassy little girl is Queen Elizabeth, Queen of the Royal Navy. Technically, this is not completely my fault.

"What did you just say? ",yelled Queen Elizabeth.

"Now, my majesty, calm down? "Wales said that. "I 'm pretty sure the commander isn't purely treating you like that."

Queen Elizabeth is quite mad, but she doesn't want to think as much because she was trying to concentrate on the main topic of this meeting.

"Alright, before we began. There's something I want to tell you first, "Kay said.

Instead he's going to take a box out of his watch. The box contains a modern white earphone capable of contacting him from a distance. The technology of the earphone is stronger compared to the communicator in the world.

"I need someone to be my radar girl who can support me with a lot of things," Kay said. "I've already said this to Belfast, and she's already allocated a room for this job."

He called Helena and gave her the earphone.

"Thank you, Commander," Helena said. "I 'm going to do anything to help you out together for Azur Lane."

"Okay, let's get to the real objective now," Kay said.