
Azor begins

Alex was of half a month old when his father Jhon Manyu died mysteriously no one had a clue how he died. Alex grew up not knowing the love of a father and his mother also kept the death of his father a secret to him Alex always thought that he never had a father. At the age of five Alex was in first grade he was the most intelligent person in first grade but he was also weak and was always bullied. He would never complain about being bullied by others at home to his mother but inside he cried. When he was twelve he asked his mother that where his father is and why he had never been home his mother didn't knew what to answer. She would always say that he didn't had a father but now he was big enough to understand the importance of father. His mother didn't told him that his father is dead and Alex decided to not to talk to him. After four days not talking to his mother he went home when he was home his mother saw that he was injured. He told his mother not to talk to him even after having injuries he didn't talked to his mother Marie his mother went up to his room said that she will tell what happened to his father he opened the door his mom treated his injuries and told him that his father died when he was half a month near his bed and no one found how your dad died it was a mysterious death no one found an evidence. Alex asked that why she kept it a secret from him. His mother answered that she thought that he would not have been able to handle his father's sudden death and would have gone in depression affecting his studies at that age. Alex was not angry form his mother. When Alex was graduated with the highest score in the whole city. He joined the police force so he can open the file of his father and search how he died. One day he was opening a bottle of beer with his fingers and suddenly a burst of air made a crack in the celling and two of his fingers was broken. It was then not long enough when he realized that he was the one who killed his father he got to know that there was some powers in him. Was it from his birth or did he get it in some accident all these questions came into his mind. He went to his mother looking for answers he asked his mother that at the time of his birth anything strange happened his mother said no and said it was normal delivery then he asked that what his father's profession was that was a moment when he got to know that the one behind this was his father he got those the powers from his father's experiment. His father was a scientist. Soon after he began searching about his father's experiments in his office. And found out that he was trying to make mutants and he was not the first one. There were many like him living in disguise hat he thought doing crimes and because of which police was not able to catch them. He searched for the criminals with peculiar records where evidence and other things didn't made sense and he got one. The name of the criminal was Martin Brade he always escaped from the police somehow. He decided to use his powers to destroy evil but he was not good at controlling his powers. The first time he used his power by mistake he broke his two fingers he knew that his power will also harm him so he needs to have control on it. It was like a double edge sword for him. He decided to train so he can control his power but at the same time he was also afraid that he may break his bone once again. The Martin Brade had done three crimes in one month it had made a huge chaos in the city Alex was waiting for him to show up again and then he showed up not long after that he was robbing a bank police had circled him but Martin had some other kind of power than him it was poison gas all the officers were dead in an instant. Alex came to the crime scene having a mask and a uniform has his disguise the power Alex had was Creating AIR PRESSURE Alex went to him and said him to listen but he didn't and attacked Alex with poison gas but Alex was able to dodge it by creating a heavy air pressure in his right side but he even damaged his hand pretty badly breaking the bone of his hand. The pressure was so powerful that he was thrown 500 meters far Martin ran away this time also Alex went home and after that he went to see a doctor. Alex went to the lab of his father where he met Dr. Brez one of his father's friend working on the project of mutants with him. Alex told everything to him and he was surprised that they actually created mutants as the police would not tell that the criminals are on loose so to cover it up it was not broadcasted those people who had seen it and tried to tell others would not believe them. Dr. Brez started to do experiments on Alex with Dr. Brez's assistants they didn't got anything through the experiments everything was normal like a normal person would have they didn't got to know how he was able to create such a large amount of air pressure one of Brez's assistant Max gave Alex a special suite so that he will not get damage from the impact made by his power he got a suite which was a work in progress. But he still had to heal his hand first before fighting criminals and mutants. Alex still had a broken hand and he decided to test his powers as one of his hand was unharmed he wore the suite and got ready then by creating air pressure at his feet he went up very high in the sky. Now he decided to see how fast he can run. He created air pressure vertically on his feet making him even faster than a cheetah or any racer car. He even tried to fly but he had a crash landing by doing so. After a two months his hand was healed he got one gadget from Max to defeat that mutant Martin Brade now it was easy for him to control his power with the suit Max gave him. Alex even gave himself a name he called himself in his disguise look as AZOR (A helper) a justice helper. He started to hand over criminals to the police. He had left the police job and was keeping it a secret from his mother. This is how a new chapter unfolded in Alex's life.