
Azeroth's Last Hope

In a twist of fate, Dave finds himself inexplicably transported into the immersive world of Azeroth, the legendary setting of the Warcraft series. Upon arrival in Azeroth, he realizes that he has been reborn as Arthas Menethil, the Crown Prince of Lordaeron, son of King Terenas Menethil II and heir to the throne. Fortunately, he received a system that will aid him and with his knowledge of the Warcraft franchise, he utilizes it to the best of his abilities. Will he brought about a big change in Azeroth? Or will he die trying? Stay tuned for more! ---- I don't own anything related to the Warcraft franchise! This cover don't belong to me either! This is a rewrite of the fanfiction I made before, this is solely for myself to get better at writing. Besides, there are rarely anyone making fanfiction about Warcraft, so I wanted to give it a try myself.

Slipier · Video Games
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15 Chs

Chapter 3: Reborn

[Warcraft Timeline: -4]

Within the grand walls of the illustrious palace from the Kingdom of Lordaeron, in the heart of it's bustling Capital City.


[Welcome to the World of Warcraft!]

[You've been transported to the Continent of Azeroth.]

[Chosen as Azeroth's last hope. The fate of it's inhabitants rests upon your shoulders, as death and chaos runs rampant through the continent.]

[It is up to you in to change it, good luck!]




[You have received a System!]



[Activation of the System has commenced!]


[The System began its connection sequence, sending out waves of energy in search of a user.]

After a few moments, it made contact and established a connection, completing its activation process.

With a satisfied beep, the System was ready for use.

[Connection completed!]

A vibrant blue screen materialized, its border pulsing with a soft glow.

It was elegant and otherworldly, adding to the mystical feel of the interface.

Drawn to it with a sense of familiarity, he scanned the screen to see it's options.

[Status] [Quest] [Build]

Out of curiosity he chose [Status].

[Name: Arthas Menethil]

[Age: 1 Month Old] [Race: Human]

[Class: Hero] [Unit: Crown Prince]

- Info:

(Potential : 10) (Level: 1) (EXP: 0/100)

- Stats:

(Health: 1) (Mana: N/A)

- Combat:

(Melee: N/A) (Range: N/A) (Armor: N/A)

- Skills: (None)

A torrent of knowledge cascades into Dave's mind, overwhelming and disorienting at first. 

But gradually, like a puzzle coming together, he begins to untangle the information and make sense of it.

Each piece falls into place with a satisfying click, until the flood becomes a steady stream of understanding.

He figures out that the situation he is in is just like the hundreds of stories he has read in his spare time.

Being reborn in a fantasy world with a system and the common trope of saving the world.

On top of that, it's the world of a game he is addicted to.

Talk about cliche.

Arthas thinks about the unexpected weight of responsibility placed upon him as the chosen one.

Which settled heavily on his shoulders.

Taking in his surroundings, he finds that he is nestled within the confines of a small wooden baby crib, positioned right next to the window.

Located in a lavish room adorned with intricately woven tapestries depicting a powerful kingdom.

From his vantage point, he can peer out and see the hustle and bustle of the busy streets below.

He also takes note of an enigmatic young woman sat gracefully on a plush, velvet chair beside him, sipping a freshly brewed tea from the small table on her right.

Her blonde hair cascaded in loose waves down her back, framing her delicate features like a work of art.

In her hands, she held a lavish, leather-bound book, exuding elegance and refinement.

Minutes has passed by as he takes his time to observe his surroundings.

The room was filled with silence, save for the gentle crackling of the fireplace and the occasional rustle of pages being turned in a book. 

The warm glow from the fire cast shadows across the walls, creating a cozy atmosphere that enveloped both Arthas and the young woman nestled in an armchair.

The lady herself is immersed in the pages, the scent of burning wood mingled with the comforting aroma of freshly brewed tea, adding to the peaceful ambiance of the room.

Time seemed to slow down, as if entranced by this quiet moment captured within these four walls.

After patiently waiting and observing, Arthas carefully strategizes how to catch the woman's attention in order to gather more information. 

With a deep inhale, he releases a piercing cry that echoes through the room.

"WAHHHH!" insert crying baby noises

His voice loud and clear, like a newborn baby calling out for its mother.

He repeats the sound, each wail growing stronger and more urgent as he tries to capture the woman's attention.

With skill, he successfully accomplishes his task and garners the woman's attention.

Her smile was like a ray of sunshine, beaming with warmth and invitation as she gracefully made her way towards him.

Her voice was like a soothing melody, laced with comfort and familiarity.

"Oh my..." she spoke softly, her words wrapping around him like a warm embrace, "Do not worry dear, mother is here."

The air around them seemed to hum with a sense of calm, as if the lady herself exuded peace and comfort.

Arthas decisively holds out his arm as a silent plea, his small hand reaching out for a helping touch. 

The lady's warm smile, full of maternal love and compassion, as she delicately scoops Arthas up into her arms.

His head rests against her chest, cradled in the crook of her arm like a precious jewel.

A sense of safety and comfort washes over him as he snuggles close to her, feeling the warmth of her embrace.

Her eyes are filled with adoration for him in her arms.

"You will be okay, I'm right here with you," she speaks softly, her voice like a soothing balm for his weary soul.

Through their brief interactions alone, Arthas could sense a strong connection between himself and the woman. 

Perhaps it was the way she gazed at him with such tenderness, or how soothing her gentle touch is.

As he observed her caring for him, he couldn't help but wonder if this woman was his mother.

Pondering about the woman before him, the system suddenly sprang to life once more, casting a bright blue screen directly in front of his eyes.

[Name: Lianne Menethil]

[Age: 26] [Race: Human]

[Class: Noble] [Unit: Queen]

- Info:

(Potential: 1) (Level: 1) (EXP: 0/100)

- Stats:

(Health: 100) (Mana: N/A)

- Combat:

(Melee: 1-2) (Range: N/A) (Armor: N/A)

- Skills: (None)

This confirms it, the suspicions he had about the woman were true.

Arthas couldn't help but feel a sense of relief upon discovering that the woman cradling him was indeed his mother, Lianne Menethil, Queen of Lordaeron.

He knows that his mother is a powerful figure in the kingdom, but seeing her in person and feeling her warmth and tenderness was a surreal experience.

Contemplating about what he should do next.

He decides to go with the flow and gather as much information as he can about his situation.

Well aware that he is incapable of doing anything significant as a newborn.


If you wonder why the chapter looks different than before, it's because I revised it for the better or to adjust with the chapters in the future.

This won't be the last time, as I'll make changes throughout the story so there won't be any discrepancies.

If you guys notice anything wrong, or out of place. Let me know and I'll make the corresponding revisions to fix that.

Also if you have any ideas on how you want the story to go, feel free to tell me! I am open to anything, and it actually helps me a lot in writing.

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