
Azeroth's Last Hope

In a twist of fate, Dave finds himself inexplicably transported into the immersive world of Azeroth, the legendary setting of the Warcraft series. Upon arrival in Azeroth, he realizes that he has been reborn as Arthas Menethil, the Crown Prince of Lordaeron, son of King Terenas Menethil II and heir to the throne. Fortunately, he received a system that will aid him and with his knowledge of the Warcraft franchise, he utilizes it to the best of his abilities. Will he brought about a big change in Azeroth? Or will he die trying? Stay tuned for more! ---- I don't own anything related to the Warcraft franchise! This cover don't belong to me either! This is a rewrite of the fanfiction I made before, this is solely for myself to get better at writing. Besides, there are rarely anyone making fanfiction about Warcraft, so I wanted to give it a try myself.

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15 Chs

Chapter 10: Townhall

A sense of urgency emanated from Mike's tone as he asked, "My Prince, may I inquire as to the origin of this design?"

Arthas was taken aback by Mike's strange behavior. 

His normally calm demeanor seemed to have shifted into one of desperation.

Faced with no other option, he replied with a carefully crafted lie, "I made it myself."

But Mike was not easily convinced. 

He closely examined Arthas, trying to make sense of the situation.

How could this five-year-old prince have created such a complex design?

Feeling the weight of suspicion looming over him, Mike decided to take matters into his own hands. 

"If I may be so bold, would you mind drawing it again for me to verify? In exchange, I offer my services to you without compensation," he proposed.

Arthas hesitated for a moment before agreeing. 

Not only would it confirm his story, but it was also a good opportunity to save him 10 Gold.

The two of them headed towards the farmhouse, where Mike took a seat at the adjacent table.

Meanwhile, Arthas quickly retrieved a piece of paper and a pen from his room and sat across from Mike.

With intense focus and precision, he began to recreate the intricate design that had sparked so much curiosity in Mike's mind.


In just 5 short minutes, Arthas had effortlessly completed his drawing. 

He carefully studied the blueprint on his screen and recreated it with precision onto a sheet of paper.

As he handed it over to Mike, the man watched with intense focus, taking in every move and stroke of the pen.

He was completely silent, inspecting the design with meticulous scrutiny.

Without warning, Mike suddenly dropped to one knee, his hand placed proudly over his heart. 

He looked up at Arthas with a deep sense of reverence and spoke in a voice filled with unwavering loyalty, "I, Michael, pledge my undying allegiance to you, my Prince."

His words echoed throughout the room, heavy with respect and devotion.

Arthas was taken aback by this unexpected display of loyalty from someone he had only just met. 

He couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease as he gazed down at the kneeling figure before him.

It wasn't every day that someone pledged their loyalty so readily.

But then again, Arthas thought to himself, perhaps this was just another testament to the power of the system's blueprints. 

They were far more impressive than he could have ever imagined.

Finally breaking out of his shocked stupor, Arthas instructed Mike to rise and questioned, "What made you believe that I am worthy of your unwavering allegiance?"

With a smile still plastered on his face, Mike stood tall once again and replied in a voice overflowing with admiration and respect, "Your designs are unlike anything I have ever seen before, my Prince."

He continued, "You possess a true talent for creating masterful blueprints and I am honored to be able to work for someone with such remarkable skill."

Arthas couldn't help but feel a sense of pride wash over him at Mike's words. 

This stranger had willingly pledged his loyalty without hesitation or expectation.

With that realization, Arthas knew that he had done something truly special.

And with a smile on his face, he accepted Mike's oath of loyalty, knowing that he had just recruited an experienced architect for free.


The events that followed Arthas's decision were unexpected, unfolding like a story out of his control. 

With Mike's allegiance, a wave of new followers emerged, ready to serve under Arthas's leadership.

Among them were ten workers who had been laboring alongside Mike for years.

These were the same ten workers that the Knights had brought over, along with Mike himself.

When word spread of Mike pledging his allegiance to someone else, they were stunned and found it hard to believe.

After all, Mike was not one to give up his freedom lightly.

He valued his independence and the possibilities it offered for pursuing his building projects.

He had earned a reputation as one of Andorhal's finest Architects, and it was only through sheer luck or coincidence that Arthas managed to recruit him.

With Mike on board, the ten workers also became permanent members of Arthas's growing team. 

This news brought relief to Arthas, as it saved him the hefty 50 Gold fees he would have had to pay to hire them individually.

Now, all he needed to provide for his people was food and shelter; their rewards could come later once he established a successful business with a steady stream of income.

As the Crown Prince of Lordaeron, he knew that when he eventually gained more authority from the King, he would be able to secure even better living conditions for his loyal followers.

In addition to that, Arthas now commanded a total of 34 men by his side, including 15 Footmen, 10 workers, 5 coachmen, 2 Lieutenants, 1 Architect and 1 Captain.

It was a diverse group of individuals who all shared one common goal: serving under Arthas and helping him achieve his plans for the future.

With this growing team behind him, Arthas knew it was only a matter of time before he could move on to the next phase of his grand plan.


With a determined look in his eyes, Arthas assigned each member of his new community specific tasks to work on for the future. 

The 15 Footmen were tasked with training to hone their skills, as well as hunting deer and scouting the surrounding land for potential dangers.

Their main duty, however, was to protect their territory from any foreign invaders or hostile wildlife that may pose a threat.

The sole Architect and his team of 10 workers were given the important responsibility of completing the construction of the Townhall.

With precision and dedication, they worked tirelessly to ensure every detail was perfect.

The 5 coachmen were kept busy storing, transporting, and delivering necessary materials to different areas of the settlement.

They also ferried members of the community to their designated workplaces, ensuring everyone had access to their assigned tasks.

Meanwhile, the other 2 Captains were given the crucial task of recruiting more men from Andorhal.

And Captain Falric himself was sent to gather information about the city and to report back everyday of his new findings.

Arthas knew that knowledge was power, and he wanted to be well-informed.

He himself worked day and night to make sure everything was running smoothly.

He consulted with the Footmen to devise effective strategies for defending their territory.

Personally monitored the progress of the townhall construction and ensured that the coachmen were always on schedule.

And also frequently checked in with the Lieutenants and Captain, eager for any updates on their recruitment or information from Andorhal.

Through careful planning and hard work, Arthas was determined to make his new home a success.

As days, weeks and months passed by, their efforts paid off as they saw significant progress and growth in their community.


[Warcraft Timeline: 2]

A year has passed.

[Construction has been completed!]

[You have been granted access to additional Tier 1 Buildings!]

As the sun set on the rolling farmland, a sense of accomplishment and exhaustion filled the air. 

The townhall, located in the center of the vast expanse, stood proudly as a symbol of the people's unity and strength.

Covered in sweat and dirt, the men who had worked tirelessly for the past year looked on with pride at their creation. 

Mike, their leader and architect, had put his heart and soul into drawing up plans and overseeing every detail of the construction.

His passion and determination had driven them to build the best townhall they could.

Now, the building was finally completed and the people at the farm were in awe of its beauty.

Praise and admiration poured in for Mike and his team, showering them with gratitude for their hard work.

Even Arthas, who had been secluded in the farmhouse during the construction, emerged and couldn't help but feel awe at the grand structure that now stood before him. 

The Townhall's towering walls were made of sturdy stone, carefully chiseled by skilled hands.

Its intricate details and imposing size took his breath away.

To commend the workers for their tireless efforts, he organized a lavish feast to celebrate the completion of the Townhall.

Platters of succulent deer meat, freshly hunted by the Knights, adorned the tables alongside barrels of rich, frothy beer brought over from Andorhal by the dedicated coachmen. 

The aroma of roasting meat and the clinking of tankards filled the air as everyone gathered outside the newly constructed building.

Amidst the revelry and indulgence, Arthas paused to admire the Townhall. 

A sense of pride swelled within him as he gazed upon what was once just a vision now standing tall and magnificent before him.


[Building Name: Townhall]

[Tier 1]

[Description: Can accommodate 500 units and unlock additional Tier 1 buildings.]

[Construction Upgrade: 5385 Gold and 5205 Lumber]

[Construction Upgrade Effect: Can accommodate 2000 units and unlock additional Tier 2 buildings]

If you wonder why the chapter looks different than before, it's because I revised it for the better or to adjust with the chapters in the future.

This won't be the last time, as I'll make changes throughout the story so there won't be any discrepancies.

If you guys notice anything wrong, or out of place. Let me know and I'll make the corresponding revisions to fix that.

Also if you have any ideas on how you want the story to go, feel free to tell me! I am open to anything, and it actually helps me a lot in writing.

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