
Azeroth's Inferno(Warcraft/ Might and Magic)

The Burning Legion is strong indeed, but how strong is a man turned demon blessed by the God of Chaos ? How big are the waves that will result in their confrontation.

QuincyEcht · Video Games
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23 Chs

Dream and Fortress

In the boundless expanse of the universe, amidst the swirling void of space, a malevolent presence loomed. Seated upon a throne of crimson stone, a demonic figure exuded an aura of darkness, his armor battered and seeping with molten blood. His scarred flesh bore witness to the countless battles he had endured.

With a resolute motion, seven ethereal lights ignited upon his back, casting an eerie luminescence in the cosmic abyss. Clutching the seven eggs tightly in his grasp, the demon's gaze pierced the darkness, fixating on a desolate planet below—a barren wasteland devoid of life.

As he descended towards the planet's surface, the demon released the seven mysterious orbs from his grip. Each orb pulsated with an otherworldly energy, casting radiant beams as they hurtled towards their destination. Upon impact, a wondrous transformation unfolded before his eyes.

Life sprang forth from the once desolate terrain, as rivers meandered, forests flourished, and mountains majestically rose towards the heavens. The very essence of the planet seemed to awaken, responding to the touch of the demon's power.

With each drop of his blood that fell upon the planet, twelve strange and magnificent beings emerged from the newfound life. Their crimson skin and formidable horns marked them as heralds of the demon's influence, as they roamed the rejuvenated world, embodying its newfound vitality.

As the demon completed his descent, a profound transformation swept across the cosmos. With each beat of his mighty wings, reality itself seemed to tremble in reverence. Beside him, a magnificent dragon materialized, its scales ablaze with hues of crimson and obsidian.

With a thunderous roar that reverberated through the celestial expanse, the dragon unleashed a symphony of cosmic resonance. The stars above twinkled in harmonious cadence, their light dancing in tandem with the pulsating energy emanating from the duo.

Suddenly, the seven eggs began to whirl faster and faster, colliding until they merged into a single colossal egg that enveloped the planet and its surrounding celestial bodies. Bathed in the radiant glow of the new egg, the world and its surroundings seemed to fall into perfect harmony.

As the egg's light dissipated, the demon descended upon the planet's surface, his colossal form making contact without harm. With closed eyes and stilled breath, he succumbed to a peaceful slumber. Yet, to the astonishment of all, the twelve beings rushed towards him, their actions betraying their newfound sentience as they greedily consumed his flesh and armor in a frenzy unbefitting of intelligent beings.

From a fiery realm bathed in crimson hues, a portal emerged, unleashing a torrent of demonic beings upon the new world. With fierce determination, they surveyed their surroundings, their crimson eyes ablaze with curiosity and ambition.

As days turned into centuries, the demons wrought wonders upon the land, constructing magnificent cities and sculpting breathtaking landscapes. They revered the fallen demon and the twelve traitorous beings as gods, their civilizations flourishing under their watchful gaze.

With each passing age, their societies evolved, reaching new heights of splendor and sophistication.

I awoke from the strange dream, feeling disoriented as I tried to grasp its meaning. Onyxia was already busy packing her belongings into a peculiar box made of unfamiliar material. 

I rose from my slumber, greeted by her smile. "Had a good night?" she inquired, her tone laced with amusement.

"You could say that," I replied, my thoughts still consumed by the vivid imagery of the dream. The display of power by the demon was unlike anything I had ever witnessed, and the presence of Ylath's egg added an unsettling layer to the experience. Was this dream merely a figment of my imagination, or a forewarning of events yet to unfold?

"Can you teleport me to Khaz Modan?" I asked, my mind already set on my mission. "My orders are to establish a fortress there to halt the Horde's progression."

"If you insist," Onyxia responded with a furrowed brow. "But Father has summoned the flight to convene at Nefarian's lair. We are to discuss the flight's next course of action."

"Good luck," I said to her as a portal materialized before me, revealing the snowy landscape of Khaz Modan beyond. I turned to bid her farewell, but she vanished in an instant.

With a sigh, I stepped through the portal, feeling the chill of the snow as it enveloped me. It was the first time I had encountered snow in this new life.

Taking a moment to acclimate to the wintry landscape, I surveyed my surroundings. In the distance, nestled within the rugged mountains, I spied an incredibly vast city built into the mountainside. Intrigued, I began to float towards it, my eyes drawn to the sight of flying creatures bearing cavaliers upon their backs.

"Lord Val-Beleth, we have been expecting your arrival," the leading dwarf greeted me with a respectful nod. "Our builders have cleared the site for the fortress you will construct. Please, follow me."

I followed them swiftly as we arrived at a mountainside, on which a tunnel was traversing the mountain.

"Here lies the only southern passage to Khaz Modan," the leading dwarf explained as we surveyed the area. "The other route is through the air, but I doubt those beasts have learned to fly."

"Thank you," I acknowledged him, taking in the unique construction of the fortress nestled within the mountainside. It was unlike anything our race had ever built.

With a nod of farewell, I withdrew my spirit and returned to Sheogh, intent on consulting the dwarven archives. After all, their expertise in fortress construction was renowned across Ashan.

I lost count of how many books I opened and closed in my search for knowledge. Despite my efforts, I struggled to envision a fortress design that was both functional and efficient. After all, what expertise did I possess in the realm of engineering? I was a fighter and a mage; constructing fortresses was far from my area of expertise.

I sighed as I returned to Khaz Modan, finding myself lying in the tunnel alone. The dwarves had apparently departed, leaving me to my own devices. I summoned the tome I had taken from the library, its title "Summoning Rituals for Novices" emblazoned on the cover.

Flipping through its pages, I landed on the section titled "Grand Summoning." Studying the intricate circle depicted within, I began to replicate it on the ground using my flame magic to melt the stone beneath my touch. After about an hour of meticulous work, the circle was complete, its crimson glow casting an otherworldly aura.

With a surge of magical energy, the circle sprang to life, a massive portal materializing at its center. Demons from my legion poured forth, carrying carts laden with obsidian stones and rare magical materials from Sheogh.

"Let's get started!" I exclaimed, presenting the fortress plans to the "architects" who began directing the demons to move the stone into position. To my surprise, two demons of considerable strength emerged from the portal.

"I am Malik, from the Legion of Hate," announced the towering chaos lord.

"And I am Lamia, from the Legion of Pain," added the seductive succubus.

"Excellent," I nodded, satisfied with their swift compliance. "By signing this, you'll be able to summon your legions unto this fortress." I handed them a parchment, which they promptly signed without hesitation. With their signatures, they became bound to my command, their allegiance now tethered to my own contract with the alliance.

I was familiar with Lamia and Malik; they were the default characters one could play in skirmishes. Lamia, once the lover of Azkaal, had ultimately betrayed him, leading to his defeat and subsequent sealing by the angels. Azkaal was a formidable pit lord, capable of decimating Neltharion or Alexstrasza with ease, all while laughing.

He was after all the strongest general of one of the Six Overlords.

Malik was a faithful man of Urgash and overall a pretty good demon if I remember well.

"Malik, you'll scout for any signs of green orcs. Let me know if you spot anything," I instructed him. With a nod, he and a dozen Cerberus departed swiftly through a portal.

"Lamia, you and your sisters will enchant the walls and gate of the fortress. Also, construct the Eye of Urgash in this location," I directed Lamia before heading towards the portal. Once back in Sheogh, I inspected the infernal machines promised to me by Kha-Beleth.

There were a dozen cannons and around three hundred infernal golems, resembling the fearsome Chosen of Khorne with their blazing axes. The central piece of defense, the Eye of Urgash, served dual purposes. It could destabilize normal species by creating chaos in an area and functioned as a cannon projecting pure prime magic. I should make sure to steer clear of its destructive power, as it could obliterate anything it touched, disrupting both time and space.

'And if everything goes wrong, I could always detonate it,' I mused to myself, contemplating the destructive power of the Eye of Urgash. Such a drastic measure would undoubtedly obliterate the entire mountain like a black hole, earning the ire of the dwarves.

Sighing, I surveyed the two enormous factories responsible for the production of infernal steel. They weren't automated, a consequence of Kha-Beleth's lack of time to implement such systems before his betrayal by Kiril. Now, the daunting task of overseeing their operation had fallen to me. It required a wealth of knowledge and materials, both of which I sorely lacked.

I entered the factory just in time to witness an imp falling into one of the melting pits, disrupting the entire process. 'For Urgash's sake,' I muttered under my breath, frustrated by the setback.

Before I could intervene, the imp's manager unleashed a burst of rage-fueled magic, incinerating the unfortunate creature and the nearby imps on the spot. "You!" I shouted, my anger flaring. Killing them was a senseless act that would only further delay our project.

"My Lord, this lowly imp wasted so much resources!" the manager cried out, pointing to the melting body of the imp.

"And you are wasting even more!" I exclaimed, gesturing for the other managers to remove him from the factory. "I thought I already made it quite clear: never kill any imps, even if they fail. Don't you see that you are squandering valuable lives and labor?"

I heard his cries of apology, but I couldn't care less. I yearned for the strength to defeat the Horde, but it wasn't so simple. Their might was too formidable for me to face alone. The Alliance treated me and my brethren as mere cannon fodder, and the dwarves were no better. They exploited us to buy time for themselves and the gnomes to bolster their defenses.

As I returned to the library, whispers of forthcoming artifacts reached my ears, promising aid in the looming conflict. These were treasures I needed to distribute among trusted allies and subordinates. Closing the door behind me, I was enveloped in the familiar scent of aged parchment and leather-bound tomes. Amidst the rows of books, one particular volume caught my attention.

Its cover, a deep shade of blue reminiscent of a sparkling sapphire, beckoned to me. I reached out, drawn by its allure. Running my fingers along the smooth surface, I noted the absence of any embossments or markings, save for a subtle, almost imperceptible, etching along the spine.

With a sense of curiosity tinged with caution, I gently pried open the book. Instead of the expected pages filled with text, I was met with a single blank sheet, pristine and untouched. Yet, as I peered closer, a strange sensation washed over me. It was as though the book itself was alive, pulsating with an enigmatic energy that seemed to permeate the very air around me.

Before my eyes, a single line materialized on the page, as if ink were being drawn by an unseen hand. The words mirrored my own thoughts: 'What is this?' A shiver ran down my spine, a whisper of uncertainty echoing in the depths of my mind.

As I stood before the book, its words etched upon the page as if inscribed by some unseen force, a chill crept up my spine. "You are finally here, otherworlder," the script proclaimed, each letter appearing with an otherworldly glow.

Startled, I rose from my seat, the book held gingerly in my hands. With cautious precision, I closed its cover, half expecting resistance from some malevolent force within. As my fingers brushed against the cool surface, I focused my mana, casting a subtle spell to detect any traces of possession or enchantment.

Yet, to my surprise, there was no response. No flicker of dark energy, no telltale signs of malevolence. It was as though the book itself defied conventional understanding, an enigma of living parchment and ink, its secrets hidden beneath layers of mystique.

As the blue glow emanated from the book, it enveloped me in its ethereal embrace, transporting me to a realm beyond mortal comprehension. The transition was jarring, a sudden shift from the familiar surroundings of the library to the desolate expanse of the void.

All around me, the inky darkness stretched infinitely, swallowing any semblance of light or warmth. The cold of the void seeped into my bones, a chill that penetrated to the very core of my being. Yet, amidst the darkness, a faint luminescence beckoned, drawing my gaze like a moth to flame.

Before me stood a figure shrouded in an astral robe of azure hues, its form illuminated by an otherworldly glow. The fabric of its robes billowed gently in the void, as if stirred by unseen currents of magic that danced and twisted in the darkness.

Magic itself seemed to take on a life of its own in this realm, its essence untamed and wild, pulsating with raw energy that crackled and sparked in the air. Every flicker of light, every surge of power, seemed to echo through the void, casting fleeting shadows against the endless expanse of nothingness.

The stranger's piercing gaze bore into mine as he opened his eyes, revealing pupils that shimmered with a reptilian sheen. His voice, resonant with an unfathomable power, echoed through the void, commanding attention like a force of nature.

"You have taken your time, otherworlder," he declared, his words carrying weight and authority. "Come, sit, for there is much we must discuss."

Who's this mysterious mage I wonder 

Hope you enjoyed this little chapter

See you soon