

After the creation of the universe the Primordial God of creation and existence, Ahura-Mazda leaves behind his three creations and they become the first generation of Gods. This Gods namely being Azeth the other brother and God of creation, Yolen the only sister and God of time and Azathoth the God of space, last born and the youngest brother. They then begin constructing the universe but the younger brother feels useless and envies his siblings. To that end he will go to great lengths to be recognized but he feels petty for the creations that where failures and tries to help them but gets into real trouble with his siblings. As punishment they take his power and title of God, and then they banish him by sealing him into the unknown reaches of the void. After this he then realizes he has potential like the other Gods and tries to brake out but the only way is to use the reincarnation system. So he does it with this his life will be full of advantures and wonders he came experience from a human view.

edwin_hero · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Envy,Hate and Dispair

Almost 13 centuries had past and the universe was still and silent, no sound and no sign of life.The three siblings appeared and layed their eyes to this infinite world.

"Already then it's time" said Azeth with a smiling expression on his face, "Let's bring forth life in to the world".

"Are you sure we are ready." said Azathoth, who seemed a bit worried. "We are not as powerful as Ahura, can we bring about life as he did to us."

"By saying such a thing you are suggesting that our creator created failures, and thus you doubt our existence" her sister replied with a sour expression.

"Come on you know our brother has low esteem so don't go hard on him."Azeth replied as he began to gather stardust in his hand." We are Gods and we must give life as it was given to us.

From Azeth's hand a bright light appeared and blossomed into a galaxy, "We were made to create and thus we will. Now will you lend me your hand" said Azeth as he extended his hand to his siblings.

They then spend more than 10 billion years building and constructing the universe into what we see today. At the end the was sound of space gasses, neutron stars, galaxies and motion.

At the time Azathoth looked at his brother with envious eyes and asked "How did you know we could create something so special", Azeth simply laughed and said, "We were made together and we did it together, your asking as if I did this alone, together we can do everything.

This made Azathoth to envy his brother even more.

Will constructing the universe they came into the possession of 32 crystals of Ahura, and Azeth used them to their power to create 9 realms and the inhabitants that would inhabit these realms.

First he created mankind, and then he made angels to keep watch over mankind and the creatures of the world.

Secondly he made other creatures like demons, demonic beasts and creatures though experimenting because he was trying to create creatures and beasts that would inhabit the heavenly realm. But since the demons and demonic creatures failures he tossed them into the realm with bare lands and hellish landscape.

And after that they returned to the heavenly realm.

As time pasted the humans began to gain high intellect and other races began popping out from the world. Some of these were creatures and beasts but some were begins that had high intellect and free will.

Because of this Azeth was very displeased and he ordered the human race to wipe them out. Now because of the the power of Gods that the held they could not directly interfere with the mortal realm or better known as the human realm.

Azathoth didn't like the way his brother was as running things so he would give divine gifts to the other races.

His favorite race were the demons, he showed them favoritism because of two facts.

One, they were outcasts and he, himself had always felt like an outcast because he would watch as his brother build hundreds of thousands creatures and his sister guarding the timelines while he stood and watched with nothing for him to do to stand out.

Two, demon were very powerful creatures even without a conscious mind they could even rivile the angels.

So Azathoth took one of the divine crystals his brother had and made with it a conscious mind for one of the demons.

Azathoth spend many years with this demon and he named him Aizen and with that gift the demon became so much more powerful than any other demon.

Azathoth always saw anger in the demon's eyes and he asked "Why is your heart filled with so much hate and what would cure this hatred? " The demon said "My lord, my entire race has been sent her to this hellish landscape and abandoned by the Gods we were not even given a choice or a chance to prove ourselves, and for that I want nothing more than to rain destruction in the mortal realm until the God who made us can explain why damn us so. "

Azathoth said"I see my brother did not consider you as anything, but I'm your God now you worship me and only me and I'll let you realize your dream."with that he opened a portal to the mortal realm for the demons to invade."

After that he returned to the heavenly realm.

His brother and sister were waiting for him and as he entered his brother used his most powerful attack on him. HEAVENLY SUN FALLEN STRIKE.

With that Azathoth was down, Azeth walked toward him and asked" Why would you Allay with the demon and become their God.

"Because you abandoned them and they needed hope and their dreams to be realized" said Azathoth in an anger and powerless voice.

"I see, you have grown corrupt and thus what a shame" Azeth said as he enveloped his brother in a golden light but Azathoth tried to teleport away but his sister used TIME STOP on him.

TIME STOP is the ability to hult time for a person, thing or even the area around the user.

With that the light completely enveloped him and then it went to his brother's hand as a blue crystal orb.

Azathoth had lost his powers and his title as the God of space.

Then his brother locked up Azathoth into the void in the unknown outside the universe.

After that he tried to fuse with the orb but he failed and the orb escape to his sister fusing with he that made the Space-Time God.

Meanwhile in the void Azathoth was filled with anger and dispair nothing could ever make sense to him. He stayed in that state for a 5 thousand years.

And then something spoke to him.

[/Successful you have gained the primodial seed.]

It was a famine voice. Azathoth looked around and saw nothing with that he thought he had went insane.

And so he said "What's a primordial seed voice?"with a giggle in his words.

[/A primordial seed is a seed that indicates that an individual can evolve into a primordial God. Meaning you have the potential to evolve. ]

Azathoth looked amazed and horrified at the same time. So he asked" Who are you?"

[/I am the voice that comes from the arcane knowledge system known as Akashik Records.]

Azathoth was so shocked he couldn't believe it the only one to access the Akashik Records was only the primordial God Ahura.

As he saw this he knew that his life was about to change.