
Aye Chan

Author: Kyaw_zaw_win
Martial Arts
Ongoing · 1.5K Views
  • 1 Chs
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What is Aye Chan

Read ‘Aye Chan’ Online for Free, written by the author Kyaw_zaw_win, This book is a Martial Arts Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is:


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You must all know, if you are here, about Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen's story. but did you know that in a parallel universe Bella got a little sister? this is the story of Eden Swan a young reincarnated girl that only wants to live her life peacefully. well unless you mess with her... This is the story of her adventure starting into the world of twilight with some abilities of her own. some information before starting the book. There is no harem, no system, and most importantly this is a gender-bender story, and no it's not specifically a yuri story. well the character is bisexual ( like me ) so there is a possibility but I have not chosen as of yet who is going to be her partner ( if there is one ). so no cliche about Rosaly or Alice being her mate. there is already too much fanfic on webnovel about those two. this story is in parallel with 2 other stories and the character from this story is originally the same ( Scorpio ) from my book (gamer with shop system, Ark story) as they possess each half of Scorpio soul but they are not linked as their soul was then fused with a newborn soul so that it will not destroy itself. they, in the end, became two separate entities but with the same memory of their past life as they are both Scorpio. This is one of my first tries writing a story so sorry if it's not perfect. also sorry if my English is not so accurate as I speak French. I use Grammarly so it is the best I can do currently. don't hesitate to comment on my Error and I will correct them as soon as I see the comment. thank you. As of February 2022, I am starting to rewrite this book... only had one chapter so what was already written has already been done. after more than a year of absence on this novel, I will try to write something as I got some new ideas recently and my health got better after I got into treatments. so I got some time without working or being too sick to write. don't know about the release rate but I will try to at least write some chapters for you guys. if you want to chat, ask questions, or even give some ideas you can come to my discord server https://discord.gg/KmrD3eqDKf Everything in this story is the property of their rightful owners. I own nothing of their original stories, pictures, and characters. I only own my original characters. I don't know the release rate. it may be once a week, a month, or even once a year. it all depends on how much I work and my health.

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