
Ayden and Theodre tribe

Ayden, the old foodtruck owner gets killed and is reincarnated in everyones dream... a fantasy world. He finds out that he was born in a legendary tribe and could use amazing magic that less than 10 000 had from millions. Follow the Aydens journey as he discovers new ways to use magic and explores the new world.

parch · Fantasy
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45 Chs


I stayed inside the realm; the times is twelve times faster than in my world so every second would be too much. I checked my core. It was about 3/5th full, it's enough.

While in this state I could be in whatever position I wanted and even sit on clouds, so I didn't need to do any preparations. I started the process. I started to cast magic, I imagined something. My people, giving me strength, memories that I had gotten from them. The mana started to cause havoc inside my body. This is why you don't cast beforehand.

When mana has "intent" in it and is ready to launch, it needs to be launched or shot. Like I said last time, using mana on the early stages is just tricking it. It goes on shock and doesn't resist using it but after some seconds or minutes, the mana starts realizing what's going on and wants to be freed.

I wonder if mana has real intelligence, and from what we could learn. This was why the mana was doing whatever it wanted inside my body, it couldn't leave because it had my "intent" in it.

It damaged my organs by trying to forcefully escape, even if my body was strengthened by my early life core and mana absorbing skin. Blood was tripping from my mouth; I could however not lose consciousness. When I could get the mana inside the ring, I could give them something like "eternal shock". It cannot do anything else but give them more power.

I was infusing my ring, closest to my core with mana ready to cast. This is what Joshua told me to do. It was however really hard with headaches and voices screaming help. I had somewhat gotten used to them but not enough.

It feels like they are not happening as often. I, however, could not thing about it now, because I was busy with upgrading my ring. The mana was hard to control, it was moving like gas atoms, where ever it wanted. It took much concentration to do it.

And finally, I did it. After getting ready, I spit the blood out from my mouth and tested the new ability that I gained. I could already use it, like the instructors game to my mind.


I cannot last longer anymore. I had been fighting for hours without rest and against well trained knights. They appeared so suddenly; fist we could see fire balls launched towards our houses. The fire spread too fast. They spread from house to house with no time to end it.

We decided to evacuate and were getting ready to move out. Then the knights appeared. There were only about twenty but when most were already coughing and getting tired from the smoke. They were also well trained no guard younger than thirty could defeat one.

There were still fifteen of them remaining. These two stayed here to eliminate the fire survivors while the rest tried to broke into the church, where all of the surviving people were hiding. I had to beat these two quickly and save them, but I had no energy.

The children were terrified. I hope my own son is safe and protects the people inside the church.

"Kids, please run away already!"

"We can't leave you sir"

"I can't protect you, leave!"

The children were hesitating but while talking to them, the other knight sneaked behind me and was now running towards the children.

I tried to run after him, but the other knight stopped me.


I closed my eyes when the knight was already ready to slash. I could hear it, someone just died. The instant death, falling to the ground and blood pouring out. However, no blood was heard pouring.

I opened my eyes to see the knight laying on the ground lifeless.

I couldn't see the one that did it. It couldn't be the kids because of the fact that he is not bleeding but I then heard it, footsteps. They were calm, distant but I could feel it. Even the steps had incredible power.

I turned on the right and saw something for the first time. A young adult was walking towards us. that, however, was not the surprising fact. He had natural white color. He had deep purple eyes, white robe, around 175cm tall and in good shape. And the aura around him... It was pure of one thing. Urge to kill.

When the other knight saw him, he pushed me to the ground and tried to attack him. He died in an instant, I saw nothing happen but the knight fell on the ground lifeless. Those who I had been fighting for an hour, were defeated in less than a second.

"Tell me to where all the other people are"

Why did he want to go there? I worried about who he was and what was he going to do but the aura surrounding him and made me point at the direction of our church. It had become more calming after killing the remaining knight. I had a strong feeling that this kid is someone really important.

Then he disappeared, what happened? I have so many questions but no answers, I can only hope that nothing bad happens.


I had saved the guard captain and the children he was protecting. I ran towards the church. I had seen this village so many times that I almost immediately knew, where it was. However, the burnt building made it a little hard.

Luckily, the captain told me where it was. After a while I also knew where it was. It felt weird to walk these streets as a human and not like a ghost like being. I arrived at the church, they had not broken in yet.

There were villagers with spears and pitchforks guarding the church from knights with sword and not as big range. I walked from the smoke, a villager saw me and looked at me like I was crazy but powerful and to meet those expectations I killed all the knights in an instant.

The villagers jumped back scared about what had happened and at that moment the voices asking for help got quieter. The villagers who were still pointing their spears at me looked at me cautiously and scared.

I didn't want to waste their time anymore, I did my prayer with my hands and disappeared from their sight. Now, it was time for the real massacre.


After dealing with the army with my thunder and hands, I was soaked in blood. Luckily my clothes in the realm were different and didn't follow me to my world. I sat and thought about what I had done, but it didn't disturb me.

I had done far more worse things, so with this case. I continued my day normally, like every other one.

My head was still full of voices but these were calming and warm. They were full of life and gratitude. They were praising me and swearing to believe me for their whole life. I could have listened to them for all day.


That day, the whole planet started telling fairy tales about a young white-haired man. Who commanded lightning and wiped out the biggest attack force in seconds. He could not be hit and moved so fast that he could not be seen with a naked eye. His strength could destroy mountains and lightning the whole world.

Some think that he was a devil. Devil had come to destroy humanity and it was said to be a god's punishment for wars. However, one city, one city. The most peaceful and powerful city. The capital of a country tells them all the same. It was a God. God who had answered their prayers and had come to save them.

Some said that they were mad, crazy, and insane. They, however, did not let those make them believe in something else, because they knew the truth.

A God was watching over them.