
Ayden and Theodre tribe

Ayden, the old foodtruck owner gets killed and is reincarnated in everyones dream... a fantasy world. He finds out that he was born in a legendary tribe and could use amazing magic that less than 10 000 had from millions. Follow the Aydens journey as he discovers new ways to use magic and explores the new world.

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45 Chs

An Interesting person

I found an inn to stay in, it was a little bit more expensive than the last one, but it was still fine. The interior was almost identical, with one bed, a closet, table and a bathroom with a toilet and a bath. It was already late, so I just went to sleep.

(*( (If you didn't know that sign means like a short time skip, I'll start using it more again)

I have been in the capital for only one day, but I already hate it. At home it was only my mom and I, the Montka wasn't that big either but the Capital, it's too big, loud and there's too many people. I don't want to stay here for too long, so I'll just get everything done that I wanted to.

First one is the famous library in here. It was far away, like too far away. In Montka I could get there in only 10 minutes but this took three times as long. I didn't want to run to not accidentally knock someone over.

When I finally got there and stepping inside, I realized why it was so famous. The library was at least five times as big as the one in Montka. It had three layers and each dedicated to different things.

First floor was for common people, it was full of things regarding living, agriculture, farming, herbs and so on.

Second floor was full of magic.

And the last floor was for nobles and their own books that they could rent or just keep there.

I of course walked straight to second floor and started to look for lightning books. But there wasn't anything interesting there. I also decided to look for books regarding my core, even if I was still long way from getting my fourth ring.

There still wasn't many interesting, most of them were for amateurs. I didn't know what to do, I didn't want to leave just empty handed and decided to go to the third floor.

There were some books, most of them looked old and where about history of the family or about the magic they were the most known of.

There wasn't many about lightning and if there were they were also about basics. I was about to leave, when something caught my eye, it was a book about cores. The title however was something I had not seen before.

Color of the core.

Color? I didn't even know that my core had a color. I checked if the book had a price, it was ten gold coins. Awfully expensive for a book, but it was worth it. If the book had even a little information about something about my core, that I didn't know. It could help me greatly.

I took the book and walked back to the first floor and to the register. I put the book on the table.

-That would be ten gold.

I handed him the coins, took the book, and walked to a nearby couch in the library and started reading.

The first chapters where about the same thing that I had already read, that there are different kinds of rings, and you can place them somewhere else.

Then the content changed. And it mentioned something that I didn't know.

"Cores have different kinds of colors. The color is not affected about how much mana you have or how many rings you have but the density of the mana that you put in your rings.

When you create a ring, you put a certain amount of mana into it, but if you start even more mana the color will change. The color will affect your rings greatly and even a normal sized rink protecting your core can purify mana as fast as a normal small one.

The colors order goes like this: First is light blue, dark blue, magenta, purple and black. The color will also affect the color of your magic."

This is the context simplified and it was amazing. I had no idea that you could change the color of your rings, but I still had one problem. I had no idea how to see my core, and it's color. I sat there thinking, I had never come even close of something like that.

I then felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around and there was a short person wearing a hood.

-I heard that you borrowed my book.

-If it's this, then yes.

-Fu fu fu fu, did you understand it?

-Yes, but I still have to study it.

-Mhhmmm, how old are you kid.


The person stepped backwards like they had heard something scary.

-13!?!?, and you already understood it and are planning to study it??


The mysterious person turned around and was mumbling by themselves. I quickly took the book and went to another location.

I again started reading the book and tried to figure out how I could see my own core.


I heard a yell behind me, and it was the same hood person. I frowned upon seeing them and went away again. To return the book after realizing that it had nothing to offer me.

After putting the book there where I took it from, the hood person was behind me.

-Why did you put it back.

-It doesn't have anything to offer me anymore.

-Like what.

-How is that your business.

-Remember? Its mine, I could help you.

I thought about it, and it had no harm.

-I don't know how to see my core.

-Why would you want to see that.

-To see the color and even put my rings in more effective places.

The hood person was standing still and the suddenly they started to.




They said while pointing me.

-I'll tell you them all, I'll give you a place to sleep, your coins back but!

They put their hand on their hood.


They took off their hood, and it was a girl. She looked the same age as Olivia.


I couldn't understand how a child could help me. Even if I was also a child physically.

-You don't understand what you're missing out huh?

She sighed, like I had just disappointed her somehow. She then started to use magic and suddenly icicles were surrounding me. It took me by surprise, but the most surprising fact was that, they were purple.

-Come, to my mansion and decide if you want to let this huge opportunity go!