
Ayanokouji in Regressor Instruction Manual

Ayanokouji got transported to new world after accepting an invitation. in this timeline Ayanokouji is 20 years old and he never left the white room so he is quite apathetic and indifferent to everyone around him. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

Illusionmaster · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 2


[The tutorial has finished. The starting point will open soon. Please be careful of the monster's attack.]

"Damn it…"

It was chaotic.

Before I could formulate a plan to move on in this unknown world, I heard the sound of unknown beasts from outside the starting point.

I began to see terrified people moving towards the walls while others geared up as if they were determined to at least protect themselves. It was the same for me.

There were enough weapons so I immediately ran and grabbed a sword and couple of daggers, I hesitate whatever I should pick a shield as well, but in the end I didn't, it will only decrease my speed.

'Now, how will I face this situation ?'

'should find some people to team up with?'

'No, in this situation the second most dangerous thing is humans after the monster, they will try anything in order to survive, so backstabbing isn't out of the questions."

'First, I should try to find how far my strength compared to this monsters.'

I had a lot on my mind.

Shouts that were more like screams rang out from all over the place as the combination of the monsters' cries and being trapped in an enclosed space instilled fear into the hearts of everyone. "Please save us!"

"P-Please let us out. Please…"

"Stop joking around and open the door! I'm going to sue all of you! I'm going to sue! Hurry up and open the door!"

"Sob sob…please save us. Please…"

"I'm going to call the police! The police!"

"Grab a weapon! Don't you hear the noise that's coming from outside? Get a weapon!"

"You! Grab a weapon! You do it! Everyone, quickly grab a shield. Hurry!"

"What are you doing? Stop making things weird and end this sick joke!"

"It's not a joke! Didn't you all see the status window? Hurry up and grab a weapon! Hey mister! Do you think this is a joke?"

The large man that had been shouting desperately grabbed a wooden shield. He wasn't the only one that suggested fighting, but he was a little more aggressive than the others.

Before the Monsters break in, I tried to used my ability [Absolute hypnosis] to see it's effect, Suddenly a circle with a radius of 10 m appeared around me, and information about it appeared in my mind.

I will be able to influence anyone senses inside this circle, 10 m is the current limit of this circle.

Meaning if people were out of my range I won't be able to influence them.

Suddenly, I came up with an idea, I tried to use my ability to change my status window, just in case someone was able to see my abilities, since I have my ability of absolute hypnosis, there is a possibility of others having the ability to see our status window, it would make me passive if the others know my ability while I am in the dark.

And just as I thought, I was able to change how my status window looks like, But the downside of this is that it will work only to the people who are inside my hypnosis domain .

Now my status window looks like this

[Name – Ayanokouji kiyotaka]

[Title – None.]

[Age – 20]

[Nature – Unlimited curiosity]

[Job – Unemployed]


[Strength – 21/Above Heroic growth limit]

[Agility – 17/Below rare growth limit]

[Stamina – 20/Above Heroic growth limit]

[Intelligence – 29/ Legendary growth limit]

[Endurance – 25/Above Heroic growth limit]

[Luck – 11/Below average growth limit]

[Magic – 7/Above rare growth limit]

[Overall Review – Overall, the stats are balanced. The player's intelligence is high, which make you able to solve your problem using your head instead of your muscles.]

'Perfect camouflage…'

The guy who tried to cheer up the players looked heavy, tall, and bulky, yet he didn't look like he was fat. It actually seemed like his entire body was covered with muscles.

Maybe because my ability is related to the senses, my senses were extra sharp, I can sense that he is weaker than me but he was above average compared to the people around here.

I can see why this tutorial is necessary, even if you have great growth potential, but if you don't have strong heart and mind, it will only lead to your destruction .

Should I team up with him to fight our way out of here, I can tell that his sincere in his speech from his body movements and expression.

I should further watch him in order to determine his personality.

Suddenly there was a skinny guy who didn't look strong walking towards the big guy while welding a spear. When he was near the big guy, he showed his spear to convey that he's gonna fight. The big guy become a little excited, and started the conversation with the skinny one.

' he's quite cunning, he knew that with his strength alone, it's impossible for him to survive. So he attached himself with strong one, but how was he able to tell that the big guy was strong, I can tell because my ability side effect, but what about him, was it because his speech, his build, or an ability similar to mine or even ...

"Are you going to fight too, dude?"

"Yes. I think that's the best thing to do. There seems to be something outside…it's best to do something rather than to stand idle."

"Dude, you look like a timid person but you speak my language. "

"Thank you. Let's get ready."

'it looks like they are going to fight together, I should keep close eye on the skinny guy to confirm my suspicion.'

Suddenly the skinny guy turned toward the crowd and said

"Nothing will change if you keep denying this situation. Shouldn't we first handle the issue that we're about to face? The beasts are roaring outside. Whether this is reality, a hidden camera prank, or a dream, we need to do something. Everyone, grab a weapon. We must fight back."

"Stop joking around!"

"It's not a joke. I don't want to joke around like this either and I rather wish that this was a joke. Everyone, please grab a weapon. If it's a joke, then we can deal with it then."

There needed to be a lot of people who could fight since we didn't know how many and what type of monsters were outside.

Someone mumbled.

"O-Okay, let's grab a weapon. T-Taking care of those things first and then assessing the situation would be best. W-We were told that we could win, s-so I'm sure we will."

"Y-You're right!"

"Let's fight!"

Of course, no one was used to fighting but people started grabbing weapons. Some did it because others were doing it and others did it in order to protect themselves.

The atmosphere was getting better.

'Not bad.'

This mood wasn't bad.

"You guys should grab a weapon too."

"Excuse me?"

"I'm not telling you to fight but we don't know what will happen so you should at least have a weapon. You can't expect someone to protect you. This is reality."

"Oh. O-Okay…"

'I'm not sure if he did this in order to survive with this people, or he used them in order to increase his chances.'

I'm sure they understood what he said. They looked unsatisfied as they grabbed a weapon, but that was it.

Of course, there were still a few distasteful people who were lingering in the back.

'Can we win?'

Of course, it was impossible, the voice already said that the goal is to survive, meaning there might be hundreds of this monsters. but we could probably survive through it.

A lot of us might die, but this base must be of grave importance. We must protect it.

'Tutorial. She definitely said this was a tutorial.'

The mood felt good and everyone seemed willing to fight. Their eyes were filled with the desire to live..

'We can do it.'

[The starting point will open momentarily. Five, four, three, two, one.]

[The starting point will now open. I wish you all the best.]

But it was my mistake to think that we could do something—that we could win—that if we endured, a miracle would happen.


It wasn't the stone gate in front of us that opened, it was the one behind us. As soon as it opened, a human-like monster appeared and viciously bit off the head of a retreating woman to the point that her blood splattered on everyone around her.

Before the others could feel terrified, however, monsters rushed in from all directions.

"Ahhhhh! Save me!"


'Damn it!'

In an instant, the base was filled with screams.

It was hell.

The big guy was the one who first shouted that we should fight, but he most likely never imagined, even in his wildest dreams, that we would fight against these kinds of monsters because he was staring absent-mindedly at the fight unfolding before him with his sword and shield.

'well I shouldn't expect much from them, I should just ensure my safety and everything else does not matter, whatever this people live or die, it has nothing to do with me.'

It's not because a matter of me being cold or anything, in this kind of situation where the strong eat the weak, our life back on earth whatever we were rich or poor, has power to influence the others or not, it doesn't matter, the new law in this new environment is the strong rule and the weak obey, that's all.

Most people here were ordinary people that never once wielded a sword and to make things worse, they weren't used to fighting. There was no way they would be able to endure a situation like this. No one could believe the reality that was in front of them.

"What are you doing? Do you want to die?!"


The skinny guy started to shout at the big one, it looks like he woke up from this situation faster than I thought.

His legs and hand that was holding the spear were shaking but he bit his lips and threw the spear. Luckily, the spear pierced through a monster's head.

The big guy aggressively pushed back the monsters with his shield.

The formation was destroyed in an instant as allies and monsters became indistinguishable from one another. There were even some that started running to an open space.

'well, it looks like I can't observe them well if I stay here.'

Staying here meant that I would die.


"Huh? Huh? Huh?"

"You damn pig! Run! Can't you hear me?!"

The skinny guy yelled towards the big one that. He must've returned to his senses because he immediately raised his shield and started running away.

Suddenly I sensed a rapid footsteps approaching me followed with growling sounds.

4 monsters around 2.50 m tall with green skin and sharp teeth were crushing everything in their path and they were heading toward me.

Without further thoughts, I grabbed my sword and sliced the head of the one on the left while dodging from their path, the remaining monsters turned toward me and started attack like crazy, I kept evading their attack while watching their movements with interest.

'it doesn't look like they have high intelligence, and their sight is quite bad.'

After breaf attacks I was able to find their strength and weakness which made me lost interest to further study them.

After evading their attacks, I stabbed my sword in the head of one of them while throwing my dagger to the the heart of the second one which made him unable to dodge.


While moving, I remembered the provisions.

They were relatively close by.

I needed to grab those since I didn't know if there were other shelters aside from this base.

Amidst the cacophony of voices, I could clearly distinguish the screams.

I made eye contact with a woman whose shoulder was bitten by a zombie.


I contemplated for moment but in the end I didn't save her, because she was a burden, a liability without any use. The woman's eyes were filled with despair but I didn't look at her. After grabbing three leather bags that were sitting on the floor, I looked behind and saw how the monster rushed to the woman and attacked her.

I stopped for seconds and then started running toward the exit but my left hand which was holding the dagger was empty, before I start my retreat I throw the dagger to her head ending her misery, she was gonna die anyway, so a quick death is better than being eaten alive.

I got food thanks to her, so it was only right to express my gratitude.

While retreating and killing all the monsters that came on my way.

A sword flew from somewhere and landed on the monster's head who was gonna attack the skinny guy. I wasn't sure if it was related to his luck stats, but I considered him lucky at this moment.

I made eye contact with the man that threw the sword. One thing I was sure of, however,was that I felt something strange.

'What is it?'

That man didn't seem terrified nor was he trembling in fear. He seemed desperate, but it wasn't an obsession with life.

'Was I seeing things?'

'what is wrong with that face, it was mixed with sadness, greaf and despair.'

Was he afraid, no, he doesn't like he is afraid, then why making the regret face, did someone close to him die or something.

He had a very memorable face.

When I suddenly passed him, I was able to sense that he strong and must be treated with cautious.

This is the first time I felt this way, I should keep an eye on him as well in case he turned up to be an enemy.

It looks like the skinny and big guy manage to survive and were able to grab some food with them.

I was able to hear their conversation since I wasn't far away from them. I made sure to activate my ability [absolute hypnosis] in order to follow them without being discovered.

"I-I think there's still someone inside!"

"Shut up and run if you don't want to die! You damn pig! Don't you see the monsters?"

"Ah! Okay, d-dude!"

It only took a moment for us to escape to an open area.

I saw people getting caught while running and those that hadn't been able to escape in the first place. When I looked back, I didn't see any monsters following us. They were focused on the prey that was inside the base.

The people inside must've been resisting because I heard screams from all over the place.

"S-Save me!"

"Fight baaaack!"



"Please save me. Sob sob…save me. Sob…"


Seeing how the big guy closed his eyes tightly, I guess he couldn't get the people we left out of his head either.

"Don't feel guilty. We had no choice."


"There was nothing we could do. There was nothing we could do…"

There was nothing we could do in that situation.

I'm sure he knew this as well.

"Damn it…."

But there wasn't a way to stop the curses that were coming out of the big guy mouth.


What class do you think is the most suitable for Ayanokouji?

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