
Wake Up and The Hunt Begins


Ralf opened his eyes the next morning to a system message.


Quest: The snowstorm has delayed the return of Mr. and Mrs. Krantz. Guard the door through the night to protect the children just in case there is any threat. (Complete)

Synopsis: Thankfully, the night passed without incident.

Reward: 100 Commoner Faction Points. 10 Experience.


Received: 100 Commoner Faction Paints. 10 Experience.



Level Increased!

Name: Alf Strouski

Age: 14

Level: 2 (0/15 Experience)

Available status points: 3


Strength: 10

Dexterity: 10

Vitality: 10

Spirit: 10

Intelligence: 10

Health: 4/10


Elementary Compression (Active), Level 1

Elementary Decompression (Active), Level 1

Potential: Baby steps! You're finally taking a step forward.

Current Contribution:

-Commoner Faction: 100


'Yes!' Ralf was excited to try the system functions he learned about yesterday and immediately opened the shop. Right as he was about to select the weapon he wanted, he heard a noise. 'Oh crap! I forgot I wasn't alone!'

He sat up and looked around. Declan wasn't able to be seen, presumably he was still asleep, but a girl was in the stove area lighting a fire. He presumed for breakfast. Declan hadn't mentioned his sister, but he assumed that was normal. He hadn't asked after all, and they both had been up rather late.

Now that he knew he wasn't alone, he couldn't get a weapon. After all, how could he explain arriving unarmed, but suddenly having a weapon? That was disappointing. He grit his teeth.

Hmm, could he at least get away with healing his leg? He glanced at the bandaged limb. While it might not be totally believable, perhaps he could just explain that he healed quickly? Or... he could just leave the bandage on and pretend? He considered his options.

He'd have to pretend. No one healed that quickly.

He closed his eyes again and pretended to still be sleeping. With his eyes closed he navigated to the interaction menu. He immediately selected his wounded leg and selected Heal.



This action will cost 50 contribution points. Do you confirm your selection?


'Here goes nothing!' Ralf thought. 'Yes!'

Suddenly a warm feeling slid through his body. It felt like pudding sliding down the inside of his leg, but it wasn't uncomfortable. When it reached the wound his leg immediately felt a hot sensation and couldn't help but gasp a little. He felt the wound shift suddenly as the sides seemed to come undone attached for a moment evidently it hadn't been mending precisely right. Once the flesh repositioned, it immediately re-bonded. The healing from that point was nearly instantaneous. The aching pain that had been radiating throughout his leg suddenly faded into a slight tingle. It felt glorious! 'Whew. That feeling could get addictive!"

He opened his eyes and sat up, 'Status?'


Name: Alf Strouski

Age: 14

Level: 2 (0/15 Experience)

Available status points: 3


Strength: 10

Dexterity: 10

Vitality: 10

Spirit: 10

Intelligence: 10

Health: 10/10


Elementary Compression (Active), Level 1

Elementary Decompression (Active), Level 1

Potential: Baby steps! You're finally taking a step forward.

Current Contribution:

-Commoner Faction: 100


'Yes! It worked!" Ralf grinned.

"Oh! You're awake! Hello! My name is Addy! How do you do?" Addy noticed that he was sitting up and was extremely courteous, "I'll have breakfast for you in a moment!" Then she immediately flushed a deep crimson and turned away.

'What was that about?' Ralf remembered that he had taken his shirt off. Oh yeah. He was now her age, shirtless, and sitting in her house. He blushed as well and then immediately pulled the shirt back over his head. 'That was awkward. Good job.' With an inward facepalm, he tried to rectify the situation as best as possible, "Cough. Thank you, Addy. My name is Ralf. I appreciate your hospitality."

A thud could be heard on the stairs from the loft, and Ralf and Addy glanced up. It was Declan. He was finishing buckling his belt around his waist and yawned loudly, "Oh! Hey, Ralf! You're awake? Is your leg feeling any better?"

He meandered over to a chair by the table and plopped down in it.

Ralf grinned, "Yeah, actually. It still hurt a bit, but you know, I think it'll be ok." He stood and pretended to limp over to a chair next to the table.

Declan matched his grin "That's good! If you're feeling up to it later, maybe you can help out with chopping some wood? We've got a good stockpile, but it's a daily task around here in the winter. Consider it payment for breakfast?"

"Declan!" Addy glared at him, "He's injured! Can't you..."

"Now, now. Addy, the wood needs to be chopped and there is a monster about! It's safer to have two people out there? Right, Ralf?" Declan gave him a pleading look that said "please back me up?"

Ralf laughed, "Yeah. I don't mind helping out, Addy. After all, I'm mooching breakfast off of you all!"

Addy glared at him, "Fine, but if you come back in bleeding and need your leg needs to be stitched again, don't ask for my help." With that, she humphed and turned back to the kettle of oats beginning to boil on the stove.

Declan grinned at her back and then mouthed the words "Thank you!" to Ralf, "In all seriousness though, Addy was the one who stitched you up before bed last night. She's great with a needle! Don't strain yourself while we're out there. If the monster shows up, just run as fast as you can. I'll distract it to give you time. Thankfully, boars can't climb."

"Oh, that reminds me of something! I'll be right back! How long until breakfast is ready, Addy?" Ralf grinned.

"At least 15 minutes," she said without turning around.

"Alright! I'll be right back!" Ralf 'limped' over to the couch and moved it. "I won't be long!"

He opened the door and went out. The sky was blue and the air was clean and refreshing. Birds chirped in the nearby trees. Ralf hadn't gone outside for the fresh air though. He wandered off the direction he figured he must have come from and rounded the side of a small woodshed. Once he was out of sight of the house, he stopped. It was time for a bow! He grinned.

He summoned the shop menu and immediately selected and confirmed the bow and arrow set. To his surprise, there was a small popping noise. The gear appeared in the air in front of him and fell into the snow! It was a recurve bow that was about five feet long and a small quiver with six arrows. He picked them up and brushed off the snow. Ralf wasn't proficient with magic, so the enchantments weren't immediately obvious to him. He shrugged. 'I'll just test it, I guess?'

He drew an arrow, knocked it on the string, drew it back, and let fly at a nearby tree. He apparently needed practice, as the shot went wide despite the supposed accuracy boost. The arrow vanished into the woods. Ralf counted to five and checked his quiver. Sure enough, the arrow was back! Ralf grinned. With that confirmed, he turned to go back inside.

As he opened the door and stepped in, he gave Declan a look, "Hey! Look what I found!"

Declan saw the bow and jumped up, "What!? Where did you get that?"

Ralf smirked, "It's my bow, you must have just missed it when you brought me in last night. I had to dig it out of the snow, but it doesn't look any worse for wear."

Declan eyed the bow, "I'll say! It looks like new!"

Ralf thought quickly, "Yeah. It is, I managed to buy it just before I went out to hunt that monster. It's a shame I never got a chance to use it!"

Addy glanced over at the bow and her eyes widened a little, but she turned around and immediately started serving the oats. "Breakfast is ready! Dec, can you get Milly please?"

Declan grinned, "Sure!" Then his smile turned mischievous. He reached over and grabbed a leather moccasin from the floor near the wall. "Milly! It's time to eat!" There was no response. He smirked.

Without looking, he casually threw the leather moccasin in a great arch up into the loft!


"Ow! I'm up, you big bully! Sheesh!" A small shrill voice yelled down.

Declan burst out laughing! Ralf grinned. Addy turned around, rolled her eyes, and went back to serving the food. "Boys!" She scoffed.

This just made Declan and Ralf laugh even harder until tears streamed from their eyes.