
Awakening the intelligence panel, the liver becomes a fairy

Qin Wang transmigrated to the Qingniu Market in the Great Cang Nation, barely surviving with his sister. Just as they were on the brink of starvation, the Daily Intel System suddenly activated. Daily Intel Refresh: 1) Li Lao Cai: To eliminate all traces, Li Lao Cai is discussing with his steward about selling you to 'The Gentleman's Abode' under the guise of offering a job to make a profit. 2) Li Lao Cai's Hidden Silver: You saw Li Lao Cai yesterday and obtained intel that he has 850 taels of silver buried under his bed. 3) Great Cang Nation: You overheard discussions about the Great Cang Nation and obtained intel that the Empress Dowager, who governed from behind the curtain, has passed away, and the Yun Emperor now fully holds power. 4) Qingyun Immortal Sect: You visited the Qingyun Immortal Sect and obtained intel that the sect's Grand Elder has turned to demonic cultivation to extend his life, drastically changing his temperament. 5) Black River: You visited the Black River and obtained intel that the evil dragon worshipped as the River God is currently in a weakened state due to egg-laying. 6) Prime Minister of Great Cang: You heard about the Prime Minister of Great Cang and obtained intel that he is performing rituals for the continuation of his bloodline. 7) Fuyao Saintess: You saw the Fuyao Saintess yesterday and obtained intel that even the Saintess is human. 8) Tianji Mountain Range: You passed by the Tianji Mountain Range and obtained intel that the strongest rogue cultivator of 800 years ago perished there, and his cave mansion is in this mountain range. 9) Elder Lin Chaoshen of Yijian Sect: You saw Elder Lin Chaoshen of the Yijian Sect and obtained intel that he will receive a great fortune in three days! 10) Taixu Temple: You heard about the Taixu Temple and obtained intel that the temple's master's remnant soul is searching for a suitable body. Relying on the Daily Intel System, Qin Wang began to diligently grind skills and knowledge, ultimately becoming a true immortal with mastery over all methods!

THE_GUY · Eastern
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106 Chs

Chapter 28: Advancement to Third-Class Warrior, The Spirit Gathering Bowl!

"These purified Blood Vitality Pills are remarkable!"

"The absorption rate is four to five times faster than before!"

Qin Wang could feel the newly broadened internal energy coursing through his body, eyes filled with hope. The capabilities of the broken bowl were truly astonishing. With this treasure, the conversion of medicinal power into internal energy was significantly accelerated, allowing his cultivation to progress five times faster.

Qin Wang then proceeded to consume the remaining two purified Blood Vitality Pills.

[Advancement to Third-Class Warrior]

Upon absorbing the last of the pills, a notification popped up on his information panel.

"Advancement to third-class warrior already?"

Qin Wang's eyes sparkled as he saw the notification on the panel. The purified pills had expedited his progress by two days—initially, it was estimated to take three days according to the information panel.

Qin Wang checked his status on the panel.

[Qin Wang]

[Lifespan: 17/67]

[Realm: Third-Class (1/1000)]

[Cultivation Technique: Minor Crimson Sun Technique (Beginner)]

[Progress: 38/800]

[Effect: Internal energy gathered in the dantian, nourishing tendons and bones, smooth qi channels, can achieve minor success in two years.]

[Martial Arts: Grand Ancestor Long Fist (Beginner)]

[Progress: 576/800]

[Effect: Flexible footwork, strong in both long-range and close combat, excels in explosive power, can achieve minor success in two years.]

[Martial Arts: Flying Eagle Movement Technique - Fragment (Beginner)]

[Progress: 45/800]

[Effect: Agile movement, nimble dodging, light steps, can achieve minor success in one year.]

"With this panel, as long as I continue consuming Blood Vitality Pills and grinding for experience, my cultivation will advance rapidly!"

"Perhaps I should consider finding a job at a pharmacy as an apprentice."

Qin Wang pondered his next steps. Rapid cultivation advancement necessitated a steady supply of Blood Vitality Pills. However, buying too many pills would inevitably attract unwanted attention. If he could produce his own pills, it would save a significant amount of money.

He recalled some recent intelligence. An alchemist named Li Hongfei at Tongren Pharmacy was looking for an apprentice, which seemed like a promising opportunity.

"It's already 1 PM, time to head back to Qingniu Village."

Qin Wang planned his next move. He had to retrieve the 850 taels of silver hidden under Li Laocai's bed. Delaying further would only invite more complications.

The county was about 50 miles away from Qingniu Village, a journey that would take about two and a half to three hours on foot.

After burying his silver in the kitchen and carrying only some loose change, his bowl, and travel documents, Qin Wang bought some meat and flatbread for the journey before heading towards Qingniu Village.

In the afternoon, at around 6 PM, Qin Wang arrived at Baicao Hall in Qingniu Village.

Over the past few days, due to better food and enough rest, Qin Wang felt noticeably stronger and more agile. Even after walking nearly fifty miles, he wasn't tired, especially now that he had advanced to a third-class warrior.

He had brought some delicacies from the county for Bai Fenghuan. She was delighted to see him and insisted he stay for dinner at Baicao Hall.

Unable to refuse, Qin Wang accepted the invitation.

During dinner, Bai Mingliang was very hospitable towards Qin Wang, though inwardly he felt a pang of regret. To him, Qin Wang was a bright young man with a promising future in medicine. He had even considered passing on his legacy to him. His granddaughter frequently asked about her elder brother's return.

Qin Wang understood Bai Mingliang's intentions. However, his goal was to rescue his sister, Qin Xuemei, and with the information panel, his ambition reached beyond being a doctor—he aimed for the pinnacle of martial arts, perhaps even immortality! Qingniu Village was merely the starting point of his journey.

After dinner, Qin Wang expressed his gratitude repeatedly, assuring Bai Mingliang that he would visit again in the future.

Bai Mingliang was a kind man. Without him, Qin Wang would still be imprisoned. He knew that other tenant farmers wrongfully accused by Zheng Kecheng were still detained.

That night, the streets of Qingniu Village were dark and almost deserted.

At around 11 PM, Qin Wang, armed with a spade and a cloth bag, made his way to Li Family Manor by moonlight.

The manor remained in ruins, eerily silent.

Qin Wang reached Li Laocai's bedroom. His bed had been reduced to ashes, and the floor was charred. Using the spade, he sifted through the debris, digging about a foot into the ground until he uncovered a large pottery jar sealed with mud.

With a single strike of the spade, Qin Wang cracked the jar open, revealing a trove of white silver ingots glittering in the moonlight.

"Li Laocai's miserly ways have finally paid off for me! This is fantastic!"

"Would that old miser rise from his grave if he knew I took his treasure?"

Qin Wang was thrilled by the sight of the silver ingots.

"Hmm? There's a black bowl here as well. Could this be the Spirit Gathering Bowl mentioned in the intelligence?"

Qin Wang spotted a half-foot-wide, grimy black bowl in the jar. He picked it up, feeling its icy cold, heavy weight, and shivered involuntarily.

He remembered that Li Laocai and his family's souls were trapped by a Spirit Gathering Bowl beneath the manor, turning it into a haunted place.

"According to the intelligence, Li Laocai's soul is trapped in this Spirit Gathering Bowl?"

Qin Wang examined the bowl closely, murmuring to himself.

Wasting no time to avoid any unforeseen incidents, he packed all the silver, roughly estimated to be 850 taels weighing about 70 pounds.

His recent consumption of Blood Vitality Pills, practice of the Grand Ancestor Long Fist, and cultivation of the Minor Crimson Sun Technique had significantly increased his strength. Carrying the silver was not an issue. After covering the pit, he slung the bag of silver over his shoulder and headed towards his house.

An hour later, Qin Wang was back at his home.

"Time to eat something and then train!"

He sat on his bed, took out some flatbread and a roast chicken from the county, and began eating. Afterward, he practiced the Grand Ancestor Long Fist and Flying Eagle Movement Technique before finally cultivating the Minor Crimson Sun Technique.

[Daily Intelligence Refresh!]

[Today's Intelligence]

[1: After exposing the Chen family patriarch Chen Kun's weakness yesterday, intelligence shows that Chen Kun is searching the entire city for the person who exposed him. The Chen family has increased security, and the Lin, Su, Zhang families, as well as the Tianhe Association, are each plotting after learning of the Chen family's weakness.]

[2: After exposing the Black River Gang leader Ji Zhang's practice of demonic arts, intelligence shows that Ji Zhang is furious and searching the entire city for the exposer, wary of the Divine Capture Department's investigation. To alleviate his demonic arts' suffering, he drained a Black River Gang member's blood an hour ago.]

[3: After exposing Lin Yunfeng's betrayal and attack on his fellow disciples, intelligence shows that Lin Yunfeng feels estranged from the Electric Sword Dojo members, harbors deep hatred for you, and plans to capture and torture you to death.]

[4: After uncovering the Spirit Gathering Bowl in Li Family Manor, intelligence reveals that the bowl has a soul-gathering space capable of actively absorbing the souls of the dead. Li Laocai and his family's souls are trapped inside, their consciousness can be refined and controlled.]

[5: After monitoring the four major families, intelligence reveals that Zhang family patriarch Zhang Aofeng plans to probe Chen Kun's situation tonight at midnight.]