
Awakening the intelligence panel, the liver becomes a fairy

Qin Wang transmigrated to the Qingniu Market in the Great Cang Nation, barely surviving with his sister. Just as they were on the brink of starvation, the Daily Intel System suddenly activated. Daily Intel Refresh: 1) Li Lao Cai: To eliminate all traces, Li Lao Cai is discussing with his steward about selling you to 'The Gentleman's Abode' under the guise of offering a job to make a profit. 2) Li Lao Cai's Hidden Silver: You saw Li Lao Cai yesterday and obtained intel that he has 850 taels of silver buried under his bed. 3) Great Cang Nation: You overheard discussions about the Great Cang Nation and obtained intel that the Empress Dowager, who governed from behind the curtain, has passed away, and the Yun Emperor now fully holds power. 4) Qingyun Immortal Sect: You visited the Qingyun Immortal Sect and obtained intel that the sect's Grand Elder has turned to demonic cultivation to extend his life, drastically changing his temperament. 5) Black River: You visited the Black River and obtained intel that the evil dragon worshipped as the River God is currently in a weakened state due to egg-laying. 6) Prime Minister of Great Cang: You heard about the Prime Minister of Great Cang and obtained intel that he is performing rituals for the continuation of his bloodline. 7) Fuyao Saintess: You saw the Fuyao Saintess yesterday and obtained intel that even the Saintess is human. 8) Tianji Mountain Range: You passed by the Tianji Mountain Range and obtained intel that the strongest rogue cultivator of 800 years ago perished there, and his cave mansion is in this mountain range. 9) Elder Lin Chaoshen of Yijian Sect: You saw Elder Lin Chaoshen of the Yijian Sect and obtained intel that he will receive a great fortune in three days! 10) Taixu Temple: You heard about the Taixu Temple and obtained intel that the temple's master's remnant soul is searching for a suitable body. Relying on the Daily Intel System, Qin Wang began to diligently grind skills and knowledge, ultimately becoming a true immortal with mastery over all methods!

THE_GUY · Eastern
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106 Chs

Chapter 10: Treasure Fish, Golden-Finned Red Carp! Skill Proficiency Greatly Increased!


Qin Wang and Bai Fenghuan were busy sorting and categorizing medicinal herbs, while Doctor Bai treated the patients who came in every few days. Yu Hai was responsible for dispensing the medicine.

Qin Wang could sense the hostility in Yu Hai's eyes, but he chose to ignore it.

At five in the afternoon, since there were no more patients, Bai Fenghuan had already prepared dinner early.

"Grandpa Bai, I'd like to borrow a medical book to read tonight. Is that alright with you?" Qin Wang asked, showing his eagerness to learn.

"The medical books are on the bookshelf in the back hall. They are all rare copies. Let Fenghuan take you to choose one. Just make sure not to lose it," Bai Mingliang said, looking at Qin Wang with approval.

"Thank you, Grandpa Bai!" Qin Wang thanked Bai Mingliang with a bow, and Bai Fenghuan said, "Brother Qin, come with me."

Bai Mingliang watched his granddaughter and Qin Wang head to the back hall, stroking his beard and nodding in satisfaction.

Qin Wang followed Bai Fenghuan to the back hall. The bookshelf was against the wall. Bai Fenghuan took out a small key to unlock it, revealing hundreds of books. Qin Wang quickly scanned the titles: "Medical Classics," "Acupuncture Classics," "Pulse Diagnosis Methods," "Tianhui Medical Guide," "Upper Book of Pulse," "Lower Book of Pulse," "Harmonious Decoction Methods," and others.

"This is the basic medical book. I read this one first. You should start with it," Bai Fenghuan said, handing Qin Wang the "Medical Classics."

"Alright," Qin Wang nodded. The "Medical Classics" was about an inch thick, with a yellowed cover and slightly worn pages, indicating frequent use.

On his way back from Baicaotang, Qin Wang passed by Li Yunhai's house and saw him coming out with a fish basket. "Brother Qin, I got lucky today and caught a precious red carp. Do you think it'll suit Doctor Bai's taste?" Li Yunhai asked.

"A precious red carp? Great, how much does it cost? I'll take it to Doctor Bai right away," Qin Wang replied, approaching Li Yunhai and looking into the fish basket. Inside was a foot-long carp with red scales and faint golden fins. The basket had a water pouch to keep the fish alive.

"This is called a golden-finned red carp. It's a treasure fish. I knew a fisherman who caught one before and sold it to a martial artist in the county for over two taels of silver. Doctor Bai can have it for two taels," Li Yunhai said, handing the basket to Qin Wang.

"Golden-finned red carp, two taels of silver, alright. I'll take it to Baicaotang now and bring the money back to you," Qin Wang said, accepting the fish.

He remembered that the intelligence information called this fish a 'golden-finned red carp,' not just a red carp, but he didn't point this out. It seemed he was getting a good deal from Uncle Yunhai. He decided to repay the favor later.

Qin Wang went home, packed the fish in a cloth bag, and returned the basket to Li Yunhai, then headed to Baicaotang. Since the fish was actually for himself, he made a round trip through Qingniu Village and came back home, putting the fish away and taking out two taels of silver to Li Yunhai's house.

"Brother Qin, was Doctor Bai satisfied?" Li Yunhai asked expectantly when he opened the door.

"Uncle Yunhai, Doctor Bai was very satisfied. Here's two taels and six coins of silver," Qin Wang said, handing over the prepared silver.

"He only needs to pay two taels. When my child had a cough and fever, Doctor Bai charged only half the medicine fee because I didn't have enough money," Li Yunhai said, taking only two taels and refusing the extra six coins.

"Alright then," Qin Wang said, accepting the six coins back, grateful for the favor on behalf of Doctor Bai.

After exchanging pleasantries, they both went back to their own affairs.

"Dear, our child's tuition is covered!" Li Yunhai said to his wife, Xiao Yan, handing her the silver.

Today is a good day, we should celebrate. Tonight, we won't have porridge, we'll have brown rice! Each of us gets a bowl!" Xiao Yan said excitedly, putting the silver away carefully and heading to the kitchen.

Li Yunhai followed her with their two children, and the kitchen soon filled with laughter.

Back at home, Qin Wang bolted the door and took out the golden-finned red carp. He scaled, gutted, and cleaned it, discarding the gallbladder but keeping all the other parts for soup. This treasure fish was rich in nutrients and could replenish his energy and blood.

He heated a pot, added coarse salt and a piece of ginger to remove the fishy smell, then fried the fish until slightly yellow on both sides. Adding some well water, he let it simmer into a thick, white broth.

The aroma soon filled the kitchen.

"This fish is... incredibly delicious!" Qin Wang said, tasting a spoonful of the soup. It was rich and smooth, opening his taste buds with a delightful, natural flavor.

He tried a piece of the tender, red-tinged fish meat. It was incredibly smooth and only had one bone, making him eager for more.

Soon, he had finished half the fish and half the soup but felt a full and warm sensation. "This treasure fish is really something, just half a fish, and I'm full!" he thought, touching his stomach.

Feeling a sudden surge of heat and energy, Qin Wang decided to practice his Taizu Long Fist to dissipate the heat.

He started with the thirty-two moves of 'Double Chop to Seal the Heavens' and 'Charge Step Double Palm.' After getting the hang of the basics, he no longer needed the manual as the moves were ingrained in his memory.

Qin Wang checked his progress on the panel in his mind:

Qin Wang

Lifespan: 17/67

Skills: Cooking (Beginner)

Progress: (799/800)

Effect: Proficient in steaming, boiling, frying, grilling, marinating, and mixing. Practice makes perfect; proficiency can be achieved in two to three months.

Martial Arts: Taizu Long Fist (Beginner)

Progress: (9/800)

Effect: Agile footwork, long strikes, short blows, strong bursts of power, excellent in close combat. Can be mastered in two years.

"Wow, eating the golden-finned red carp has really increased my strength! Let's go again!" Qin Wang noticed that his strength had significantly increased after eating the fish and practicing his Taizu Long Fist.