
Awakening the Dragon

Li Wei, a young boy with no apparent martial arts talent, endures constant ridicule and hardship. One night, after being thrown out of his Clan, he stumbles upon a mysterious scroll. The scroll contains a martial arts system that allows him to instantly master any technique he sees. With this newfound power, Li Wei sets out to prove his worth and claim the title of the number one martial arts genius. But his newfound power came with a price, and he would soon discover that the path to becoming a martial arts genius was filled with danger and challenges.

Kelvin_David_7753 · Urban
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10 Chs

The search for the Artifact

Chapter 7: The Search for the Artifact

The group of cultivators left the village behind, heading toward the forest where the ancient artifact was rumored to be hidden. The forest was dense and full of mystery, with towering trees that blocked out much of the sunlight. Li Wei stayed close to the group, his senses heightened, knowing that their journey would be filled with danger.

Jian, the group's leader, carried a map that supposedly showed the artifact's location, though it was vague and incomplete. He studied it carefully, guiding the group through the forest while keeping an eye out for hidden traps or hostile creatures. The artifact was said to be in a remote cave, protected by ancient guardians and powerful seals.

As they walked, Li Wei noticed Lin, the archer, glancing at him from time to time. Her gaze was soft, and she seemed to find reasons to walk alongside him. She asked him questions about his life in the Li Clan, his father, and his aspirations. Li Wei appreciated her interest, but he was cautious, unsure of how to interpret her behavior.

"Are you sure you want to come with us?" Lin asked during a brief rest stop. "This mission could be dangerous. You don't have to do this if you don't want to."

Li Wei nodded, his expression determined. "I know it's risky, but I have to find my father. If this artifact is connected to him in any way, I need to be there."

Lin smiled, her eyes showing a hint of warmth. "You're brave, Li Wei. Most people wouldn't risk their lives like this. I think you're stronger than you realize."

Li Wei felt a rush of warmth at her words, but he quickly refocused on the journey ahead. The forest was filled with challenges, and he needed to stay alert. The Immortal Cultivation System within his dantian pulsed with energy, reminding him of the tasks he needed to complete to level up his skills. He had started working on them, but there was still a long way to go.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, the group encountered a series of obstacles. The first was a steep cliff that required careful climbing. Jian went first, using ropes and anchors to secure the path for the others. Li Wei used his agility to climb with ease, impressing the other cultivators with his speed and grace.

Next, they faced a river with a strong current. The river had no visible bridge, so the group had to find a way to cross. Bo, the staff-wielding cultivator, suggested using a fallen tree as a makeshift bridge. The crossing was risky, but Li Wei used his newfound agility to help the others maintain their balance as they crossed the river.

As they approached the location marked on the map, the forest grew darker, and the air felt heavy with tension. The trees seemed to close in around them, and the sounds of wildlife faded into an eerie silence. Jian instructed everyone to stay close and keep their weapons ready, warning that they could encounter ancient guardians or hidden traps.

Li Wei stayed alert, his hand on the hilt of his sword. The system's energy provided him with a sense of confidence, but he knew that the challenges ahead could be unlike anything he had faced before. The search for the artifact was entering its most dangerous phase, and they needed to be prepared for anything.

As they continued through the darkening forest, Lin walked beside Li Wei, her expression more serious than before. She leaned in and whispered, "Stay close to me, okay? I don't want you getting hurt out here."

Li Wei nodded, appreciating her concern. "I will. Thanks for looking out for me."

Lin smiled, her gaze lingering on him for a moment before she turned back to the path ahead. Despite the danger, Li Wei felt a sense of connection with her, as if they shared a common bond. He knew that the journey would test their strength and resilience, but with the support of his new companions, he felt more prepared to face the unknown.

The group continued through the forest, each step bringing them closer to the location where the ancient artifact was said to be hidden. The air grew colder, and the trees seemed to close in around them, creating an atmosphere of foreboding. Li Wei tightened his grip on his sword, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The forest grew darker as Li Wei and the group of cultivators ventured deeper into the wilderness. The trees towered above them, their branches forming a dense canopy that blocked out the sunlight. The air was thick with a sense of foreboding, and the sounds of wildlife had faded into an eerie silence. The group was on a mission to retrieve an ancient artifact, but the journey ahead was filled with unknown dangers.

As they walked, Jian, the group's leader, kept a close watch on their surroundings. The forest was notorious for harboring bandits, and the closer they got to the artifact's location, the more perilous it became. Li Wei stayed alert, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword, ready to draw it at a moment's notice.

The group was approaching a narrow pass between two cliffs when they were ambushed. A group of bandits emerged from the shadows, their faces hidden beneath hoods, and their weapons drawn. There were at least a dozen of them, each radiating an aura of power that indicated they were in a higher cultivation realm than Qi Condensation.

The leader of the bandits, a tall man with a scar across his face, stepped forward, his eyes locked on Lin, the archer. "Well, what do we have here?" he sneered, his voice laced with malice. "A group of cultivators out for a stroll? And such a lovely lady among you."

Lin's expression turned cold, her bow at the ready. "Back off," she warned. "We're not here to cause trouble."

The bandit leader laughed, his eyes roving over Lin's form. "Oh, but you're in our territory now. And we don't take kindly to trespassers." He gestured to his men, who surrounded the group, their weapons glinting in the dim light.

Jian drew his sword, his stance firm. "We don't want any trouble, but if you force our hand, we won't hesitate to defend ourselves."

The bandits laughed, their eyes filled with a sinister gleam. "Defend yourselves? Against us?" the leader taunted. "You're outnumbered and outmatched. We might be in the Foundation Establishment realm, but you're still stuck in Qi Condensation. Do you really think you can win?"

The Foundation Establishment realm was the next level above Qi Condensation, a significant step in cultivation that granted greater power and strength. The bandits were clearly at an advantage, and they knew it. Jian and the other cultivators exchanged worried glances, aware that they were in a precarious situation.

Without warning, the bandits attacked. The fight was intense, the cultivators doing their best to defend themselves against the overwhelming force of the bandits. Jian's swordsmanship was skilled, but he was quickly overpowered by the bandit's brute strength. Mei, the spear-wielding cultivator, fought valiantly but was disarmed and forced to the ground. Lin's arrows flew with precision, but the bandits closed in too quickly for her to maintain distance. Bo, the staff-wielding cultivator, was struck down by a powerful blow, his staff shattering on impact.

Li Wei watched in horror as his companions fell one by one. The bandits' cultivation level was too high, their attacks too strong. The bandit leader approached Lin, his eyes gleaming with lust. "Looks like we've got ourselves a prize," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "What do you say we take her with us, boys?"

Li Wei saw his companions struggling and knew he had to act. The Immortal Cultivation System pulsed with energy, reminding him of the Gale Step movement technique. He burst forward with a surge of qi, his body moving with incredible speed and agility. The bandits were taken aback by his sudden burst of power, their attacks missing him as he darted between them.

"Jian! Throw me your sword!" Li Wei shouted as he maneuvered through the chaos.

Jian, caught off guard by Li Wei's agility, tossed his sword toward him. Li Wei caught it in mid-air and immediately engaged the nearest bandit, his movements fluid and precise. He used Gale Step to evade attacks, moving like a blur through the dense forest. The bandits were unable to keep up with his speed, their strikes missing as he danced around them.

The unusual phenomenon occurred as Li Wei fought—an ethereal wind swirled around him, lifting leaves and dust into the air. The wind seemed to respond to his movements, growing stronger as he moved with greater agility. The bandits struggled to maintain their balance, their weapons swinging wildly in the gusts of wind.

Li Wei used this advantage to strike at the bandits, his borrowed sword slashing through their defenses. The bandits' attacks grew increasingly desperate, their cohesion breaking down as they failed to keep up with his rapid movements. Li Wei's Gale Step allowed him to create openings, delivering swift and decisive strikes that left the bandits reeling.

The battle raged on, the ethereal wind intensifying as Li Wei fought with a combination of grace and ferocity. The bandits, once confident in their strength, began to retreat, realizing they were no match for the speed and precision of Li Wei's attacks. The unusual wind phenomenon disoriented them, scattering them across the forest floor.

The bandit leader, seeing his men fall one by one, growled in frustration. He charged at Li Wei, his spiked club swinging with tremendous force. Li Wei used Gale Step to dodge the attack, the wind swirling around him, creating a protective barrier. He struck back with a swift slash, his borrowed sword cutting deep into the bandit leader's armor.

The bandit leader stumbled, his club falling from his hand. The wind around Li Wei grew stronger, sending a shockwave that knocked the leader to the ground. The remaining bandits, seeing their leader defeated, turned and fled into the forest, their confidence shattered.

Li Wei stood in the clearing, the ethereal wind slowly dissipating as the battle came to an end. His companions, though battered and bruised, managed to get back on their feet. Jian approached him, a mix of awe and gratitude in his eyes.

"Li Wei," he said, his voice filled with respect, "you saved us. I don't know how you did it, but that was incredible."

Mei, Lin, and Bo nodded in agreement, each expressing their thanks to Li Wei for his bravery and quick thinking. Lin's gaze lingered on him, her eyes showing a hint of admiration. "You were amazing," she said, her voice soft. "Thank you for helping us."

Li Wei nodded, feeling a mix of relief and exhaustion. The fight had been intense, but the Immortal Cultivation System had given him the agility and skill to turn the tide. He knew the journey ahead would be filled with more challenges, but he felt more prepared than ever to face them.

The group gathered their belongings and continued toward the artifact's location, knowing that the forest was still full of danger. The ethereal wind that had surrounded Li Wei during the battle was a reminder of the mysterious power he possessed, and he was determined to harness it to achieve his goals.