
Awakening the Dragon

Li Wei, a young boy with no apparent martial arts talent, endures constant ridicule and hardship. One night, after being thrown out of his Clan, he stumbles upon a mysterious scroll. The scroll contains a martial arts system that allows him to instantly master any technique he sees. With this newfound power, Li Wei sets out to prove his worth and claim the title of the number one martial arts genius. But his newfound power came with a price, and he would soon discover that the path to becoming a martial arts genius was filled with danger and challenges.

Kelvin_David_7753 · Urban
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10 Chs

The Scroll in the cave

Chapter 2: The Scroll in the Cave

Li Wei's legs felt heavy as he trudged through the dense forest that surrounded Li Shan, the mountain where the Li Clan's compound stood like a fortress against the night. The darkness was oppressive, with only faint moonlight filtering through the thick canopy of trees. The ground beneath his feet was uneven, covered with fallen branches and tangled roots, making each step a potential hazard.

He carried a small bundle, a collection of his meager belongings, tied together with a tattered piece of cloth. His expulsion from the Li Clan had been swift and humiliating. Master Wu's words were still fresh in his mind: "You are no longer welcome here. Leave by morning." The scornful gazes of his former peers, their snickers and whispers, echoed in his ears.

Li Wei stumbled over a rock, falling to his knees. The impact sent a jolt of pain through his body, and he grimaced as he picked himself up. His clothes were torn and dirt-stained, a stark contrast to the elegant robes worn by the elite disciples of the Li Clan. He wiped his hands on his pants, feeling the sting of small cuts and bruises.

As he stood, a gust of wind rustled through the trees, causing the branches to sway ominously. It felt as if the forest itself was alive, watching him, waiting for him to falter. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was being followed, but each time he turned, he saw nothing but shadows.

The trail he was following was barely visible, a narrow path winding through the trees. It wasn't an official path, but more of a game trail, used by the forest's creatures to navigate their territory. Li Wei had no idea where it led; he only knew he couldn't return to the Li Clan. Not after what had happened.

The whispers of the clan members still haunted him, their cruel words branding him as "trash" and "useless." His father, Li Feng, had been a legendary warrior, one of the finest in the Li Clan's history. But he had vanished years ago, leaving behind a legacy that Li Wei could never live up to. His mother, Li Mei, was locked away, accused of knowing too much about his father's disappearance. Li Wei was alone, with no family to support him and no one to guide him.

As he walked deeper into the forest, the sounds of nocturnal creatures grew louder. Owls hooted in the distance, and the occasional distant howl sent shivers down his spine. He heard the rustling of leaves and the faint crunch of twigs, but whether it was the forest's natural sounds or something else, he couldn't tell.

The trail led him to a small clearing, where an ancient stone stood, partially covered with moss and vines. A faint blue glow emanated from beneath the stone, casting an eerie light across the clearing. Li Wei hesitated, unsure if it was safe to approach, but his curiosity overcame his fear. He stepped forward and carefully lifted the stone, revealing a hidden opening.

The opening led to a narrow tunnel, dark and damp, with walls covered in strange symbols and markings. Li Wei felt a surge of apprehension as he crawled through the tight passage. The air was musty, and the tunnel twisted and turned, making it easy to get lost. He moved slowly, his hands guiding him along the rough stone walls.

The tunnel seemed to go on forever, with occasional flickers of blue light providing minimal illumination. At one point, he heard a low growl echoing through the tunnel, a reminder that the forest was home to more than just trees. He pressed on, his heart racing, knowing that he had no other option but to move forward.

The tunnel eventually opened into a larger chamber, dimly lit by the same pale blue light. The chamber was circular, with walls that seemed to pulse with energy. In the center of the chamber lay an ancient scroll, its edges glowing faintly. The scroll seemed out of place, an artifact from a forgotten time, and Li Wei couldn't help but feel drawn to it.

As he approached the scroll, the air grew warmer, and the symbols on the walls shifted and swirled as if they were alive. He reached out and touched the scroll, feeling a surge of warmth flow through him. The energy was unlike anything he had ever experienced, a mix of fear and exhilaration.

He unrolled the scroll, revealing diagrams and symbols depicting complex martial arts techniques—movements, stances, and strikes that were both graceful and deadly. The knowledge flowed into his mind, as if he had spent years studying these techniques. The scroll contained the secrets of a powerful martial arts system, one that could transform him from a useless outcast into a true warrior.

As the energy from the scroll subsided, Li Wei stood in awe of what he had discovered. This was no ordinary scroll; it was a second chance, a way to prove himself. But he also knew that this power came with responsibility. He couldn't use it recklessly or for revenge. He had to use it to find his father, free his mother, and uncover the truth behind the Li Clan's secrets.

Li Wei rolled up the scroll and tucked it into his bundle. As he made his way back through the tunnel, the sounds of the forest seemed less threatening. The night air was still cold, but the warmth of the scroll gave him a sense of hope.

As he stepped out of the tunnel and into the forest, he knew his journey would be dangerous. The Li Clan had cast him out, but they had no idea what he would become. He would become the martial arts genius they never expected, and he would make them see the truth. But first, he had to learn to harness the power of the scroll, and that journey was just beginning. He continued his journey deep into the forest, the trail he followed was barely visible, a narrow path winding through the trees. It became steeper as it led him deeper into the forest, and Li Wei struggled to keep his balance. The heat in his chest intensified, spreading through his body, until it felt as though his blood was boiling. He stumbled over a root and fell, but the sensation urged him to keep moving, as if something was calling him forward.

He reached a small clearing where an ancient stone stood, partially covered with moss and vines. A faint blue glow emanated from beneath the stone, casting an eerie light across the clearing. Li Wei hesitated, unsure if it was safe to approach, but the heat in his chest compelled him to move closer.

As he lifted the stone, revealing a hidden opening, words rang in his mind, clear and resonant: "Awakening the Dragon, Immortal Cultivation System." The words echoed like a distant chant, filling him with a sense of awe and wonder. It was as if the forest itself was guiding him to this hidden place.

The opening led to a narrow tunnel, dark and damp, with walls covered in ancient symbols. Li Wei crawled through the tight passage, his heart racing with a mix of fear and excitement. The tunnel twisted and turned, and at one point, he felt a sharp pain in his side as he scraped against a jagged rock. He heard distant growls and eerie echoes, reminders that the forest was home to more than just trees.

The tunnel opened into a larger chamber, dimly lit by the same pale blue glow. In the center of the chamber lay a mysterious object. the word domineering, perfect, immortal cannot describe it. it looks so ethereal giving the feeling of being above everything in the world. Its edges glowing faintly. The object seemed to pulse with energy, as if it were alive. Li Wei approached cautiously, the heat in his chest intensifying as he neared the object. It was like an invisible force pulling him forward.

As he reached out to touch it, a sharp pain shot through his finger. The object had cut his skin, drawing a single drop of blood. The drop merged with the it, and the blue glow grew brighter, illuminating the entire chamber. Li Wei felt a surge of energy flow through him, his senses heightened, and his mind filled with a rush of knowledge.

The object floated into the air, hovering before him, and then it shot forward, straight into his dantian, the energy centered within his body. The force knocked him backward, and he landed on the cold stone floor, his breath stolen by the impact. The object rested in his dantian, its energy merging with his own, a sense of profound power filling him from within. Then he heard a series of whispering "The immortal Core, wandering around the universe, whoever merges, becomes immortal". Immediately, the scroll, he previously got, glowed brightly and displayed some word "Scroll of Nirvanic Rebirth" he was confused, as he could not understand what was happening.

Li Wei sat up, his body trembling with the intensity of what had just happened. He knew this was no ordinary scroll and the immortal core was not any ordinary item—it was an ancient artifact with the power to change his destiny. The words "Awakening the Dragon, Immortal Cultivation System" continued to resonate in his mind, a reminder of the journey that lay ahead.

He stood, his legs still shaky, and rolled his shoulders, feeling the energy coursing through his veins. The Li Clan had cast him out, but they had no idea what he would become. He was no longer just an outcast—he was something more.

As he made his way back through the tunnel, the sounds of the forest no longer felt threatening. The night air was still cold, but the warmth of the scroll gave him a sense of hope. He knew his journey would be dangerous, filled with challenges and unknown dangers. But he was ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Li Wei stepped out of the tunnel and into the forest, his steps more confident, his heart filled with determination. He would find his father, free his mother, and prove to the Li Clan that he was not the worthless outcast they believed him to be. The journey had just begun, and with the power of the core and scroll, he was ready to take on whatever awaited him.