
Awakening the Ancestors

Ancestral spirits drenched the world in blood 1000 years ago, forcing people to choose between death and turning to ancestral spirits. Saido Kado, on the other hand, was the only swordsman in the world who could match up with the ancestral spirits and seal them away. However, after 1000 years, people became dissatisfied with the current world and desired the return of the ancestral spirits. Tahara Kado, a young swordsman and the last Kado of his generation, aspires to be the best swordsman in the world, but his peers mock him because he is an F-Rank. His wish was granted, and he was killed, but an awakening system reawakened him, allowing him to level up and unlock new abilities, power, and sword skills. His first inquiry is to find out who has the ability to seal and unseal ancestral spirits. Will he be able to stop the people from unsealing the ancestral spirits? If they are unsealed, can he stop the ancestral spirits? Will he be able to awaken his ancestors? Join Tahara and his friends on a journey full of challenges that will put his swordsmanship and determination to succeed to the test. ....... Volumes........ -Volume 1: Awakening (1-44) -Volume 2: First-Year (45–57) -Volume 3: Samon Kenji (58–78) -Volume 4: The Lost Maniac (79–114) -Volume 5: The Gray Soul and The Tombstone Teacher (115–138) -Volume 6: The Twelve (139–157) -Volume 7: Chandganuur Arc (158–187) -Volume 8: Unveiling the Nexus of Blades and Sorcery (188-212) -Volume 9: The Graveyard Devil (213-224) -Volume 10: Chadli Guelimja (225-

LegalWolf · Fantasy
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247 Chs

Secret Techniques


Here is the information on the secret techniques in the chronological order they will appear in the novel.


Secret Technique: Manic Exaggeration

User: The Lost Maniac

Ability: It allows him to bring his victim or opponent into their mind and acts as controls the opponent inside his mind. He can also create illusions in his mind.


Secret Technique: Soul Twister

User: The Gray Soul

Ability: It allows him to subjugate the mind of his opponents, allowing him to create the same opponent with the same abilities he/she has.


Secret Technique: Tomb Vortex

User: The Tombstone Teacher

Ability: The secret technique Tomb Vortex does not only raise people from the dead, but it can also raise high and low undead armies, knights, and lich.


Secret Technique: Dispersion of Hell

User: Miyaguchi Mikazuki

Ability: Dispersion of Hell sends the user and his/her opponents to hell, where necromancy nor ability nor magic works, which ends up consuming more of the mana and magic power from the opponent.


Secret Technique: Sword Birth

User: The Lost Guardian

Ability: It allows him to unleash multiple/different varieties of swords.


Secret Technique: Charm of Magic Disruption

User: Murray

Ability: All forms of magic is cancelled out if it is within a certain range of distance. It can destroy buildings and also eliminate human lives if they are within that range.


Secret Technique: Beam of Ancestral Fury

User: The Escaped Servant

Ability: This secret technique requires a lot of magic and power and also drains life force. Beam of Ancestral Fury is used when the user is either in danger or is angry about a particular incident. The Beam of Ancestral Fury spreads as far as 2 km after making an impact.


Secret Technique: Moonlight Frenzy

User: The Midnight Guardian

Ability: It makes the user go in a state of uncontrolled wild dementedness turning himself into an ancient beast that looks like a wolf. The secret technique can only be used on a full moon and increases the ancestral spirit strength.