
Awakening of the Forgotten Sovereign

In the tumultuous world of Veridia, Elias, a man from Earth, awakens in the body of a forgotten prince. Amidst a landscape teetering on the brink of war, he must reclaim his families land from the clutches of power-hungry nobles. As alliances shift and ancient magic resurfaces, Elias finds himself at the heart of a conflict that threatens to engulf the entire continent. With his unique blend of modern knowledge and newfound magical prowess, he must navigate this treacherous world, where every decision could tip the balance towards peace or plunge it further into chaos. "Awakening of the Forgotten Sovereign" is a tale of power, betrayal, and survival in a world on the edge of destruction. *** Please give feedback and ideas for the direction of the story, this is my first time writing and I would like as much feedback as possible.

Kahmie · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 5: Discovery

Elias discovered several key facts about mana and the world they were living in right now. Firstly, mana appeared to be some sort of energy that existed in the world. It allowed people to create fires, run faster, and more. Mages were people who focused on using this energy to affect the elements around them while knights were people who used it to affect objects around them. Mages could cast fire balls that were the size of cities while knights would use their sword to cut through mountains.

Furthermore, the mana crystals around him were actually condensed forms of the mana. Elias also learned more about the world that he should have known, but since the previous owner didn't pay attention to the tutors' teachings, there were a lot of gaps in the knowledge that Elias had. The Kael family were actually one of the oldest dukes in the Solstice Empire, the largest empire on the continent. Next to it was the Kingdom of Luminara in the west, the Elden federation, comprised of non-human creatures in the east, and a large trade union in the south. The north was a baren tundra were various small barbarian tribes lived.

The Kingdom of Luminara was the largest producer of mana crystals, letting them have the highest quality equipment.

The Elden federation was comprised of various tribes and groups of demi-humans, creatures like elves, dwarves, and beast people.

The Union of Delmar in the south comprised of hundreds of small duchies, principalities, and nations that had formed during the empire's conquest many years ago in response to its threat.

Not much is known about the north as there is little interaction between the people from the continent, who are referred to as Valeri, and the northerners, referred to as Thules. The people are known for their large stature and strength from living in such freezing conditions.

The current emperor was Emperor Lucius Solstice II. At around 70 years old there was a lot of competition between the five sons of the emperor for the throne.

Not much else was in the books that Elias read. There were some mentions of monsters and beast that co-existed in the world like goblins, trolls, and necrophages but the book went into very little detail about them.

Elias left his seat to go and finally get something to eat in the kitchen.

The manor was large but rugged. The lack of attention and care for the manor could easily be seen with a quick glance. Peeling paint and creaky floorboards were commonly seen as Elias walked through the halls.

Upon reaching the kitchen, Elias asked the chef to cook him up something quick. Elias watched over the chef as he made him his food, ensuring that there was nothing extra added.


After eating his meal, Elias went back to the study to read more books.


Elias turned and looked towards the man shouting. The few guards that were in the halls quickly began to run towards the window to look outside.

In the snow, tens of warships could be seen docked at the port. Large burly men in fur coats were streaming out of them as they entered the small town.

Elias was shocked.

'So soon? Why are they attacking now?'

The shock soon dissipated as Elias's military training started to come through and he began to act.

By now the whole town and manor were running away in a frenzy. Despite the freezing temperatures and the knee-deep snow, people ran away from the barbarians at the port who had begun to attack the town.

Knowing that he stood no chance defending the town against the barbarians, Elias ran to his room to get supplies for when he ran away. The barbarians were still far away and busy with other homes so Elias knew that he had time.

Quickly assembling a backpack of warm clothes, notebook, his small sword, and other essentials. Elias bolted out through the door. Nobody paid any attention to him as everyone was trying to run away themselves.

Outside was freezing. The cold wind slapped his face as soon as he left. The others were less prepared than Elias, they used the little clothing they had to try and cover their face. Elias had brought a scarf which he used to cover his face. In the distance he saw a tree line, Elias headed straight for that as it would provide cover from the wind.

The sound of the screams people were getting louder. Elias knew that the barbarians were getting closer and so he doubled his effort to reach the trees.

'Once I get there I can try to climb the trees to lose them too.'


A figure flew into the snow in front of Elias.

"Help me... Young master..."

Elias saw that it was Bas, he had been thrown by the barbarians. Bas grabbed a hold of Elias's legs; he bloodied legs were not functional and the deep cut in his abdomen signaled that he was a goner.

Elias wouldn't have helped him even if he wasn't like this. Seeing his chance to get revenge on him for what he did the previous Elias, Elias held out his hand.

"Grab on!"

Bas's eyes lit up; he began to plead.

"Please! I don't want to die! Drag me with you young master into the trees."

Elias coldly looked at him but still held out his hand. Bas grabbed his hand but then Bas suddenly fell back down again.


Elias had quickly cut off Bas's hand when they touched. Bas was shrieking in pain but Elias didn't care, he just continued to run towards the tree line, ignoring the pleads and cursing of Bas until it couldn't be heard anymore.

Elias reached the tree line and began to climb up the trees, he didn't know if the barbarians would follow him into the forest, but he didn't want to risk it.

At the top of the tree Elias looked back. The field between the manor and the treelined was littered with bodies. Some barbarians could be seen walking through the field stabbing the fallen to ensure that they were dead. The cold had probably killed most of them as they didn't have time to put on proper clothes for this weather. The town looked to be on fire as smoke could be seen rising over the manor.

Elias took one last glance before he began to move through the trees into the forest.