
Awakening of a Phoenix

The Beast clan has evolved from its primitive stance. In the Advanced Beast Era, the high-aptitude beasts and tamers were treated like royalty while the low-aptitude clan members were shunned, isolated, and looked down on. To the clan members, Arella Williams’ existence was an anomaly. Because born to high aptitude and wealthy parents, Arella was a mere D-rank, low-level Tamer. They could neither treat her well nor look down upon her. So, the society decided to avoid her. Her parents callously ignored her. The fiance heartlessly betrayed her, and the step-sister ruthlessly trampled upon her. Her life was going downhill and everybody blamed it on her low aptitude. Things could have remained the same for her, but during her lows, a man reached out to hold her firmly. He was none other than the high-level A-rank Beast, Adrian Scott, who was coincidently, her soul companion! With Adrian’s arrival, Arella’s life took a drastic turn, and multitudes of unanswered queries surrounded her. Why would an A-ranked Beast have a connection with her D-ranked soul? Why, despite all her efforts, was her aptitude so low? Why was Adrian’s beast form so familiar to her? What truths lay hidden? What mysteries remained shielded from her eyes? What realizations awaited her in the future? Dive into the land of Beast clan members to witness the life of Arella Williams, as she ties a Soul Knot with Adrian Scott, unearths forgotten memories, navigates her life from the lows, and unravels the mystery behind her true beast form. *** AI-generated cover. Please do not use it without permission! *** This work is participating in WSA 2024. If you like my work, please shower support in the form of reviews, votes, and comments! And don't forget to add it to your library! Happy reading!

Fallency · Fantasy
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107 Chs

Soul Knot

"Marry Me."

The words rang in Arella's mind. Was she hallucinating? Why would a stranger propose to a woman wearing bridal attire? 

She wanted to say no. Luke was all she wanted. She never desired anybody else. And now that Luke has rejected her, she decided to remain single. She did not want to be tied to anybody. Instead, she would train and become better. Now, her only objective was to rise to a higher rank and snub the arrogance of her ex under her feet!

Seeing the resolution of denial on her face, the man moved in her direction and caught hold of her wrist.

Arella fumed at his rudeness, but then a sudden brightness enveloped her, and a mark appeared on her wrist. She felt a power gushing out of her. Something snapped inside of her. She wanted to touch that brightness, but her arms felt too heavy. She tried to reach out to the man who kept holding her.

He kept her steady as she underwent turmoil. Her eyelids started feeling heavy, and then she lost consciousness.

The stranger embraced her and looked at her with a gentle gaze. When he felt that he had etched her face in his memory, he picked her up and let her rest on the nearby bed. 


When Arella opened her eyes, she heard a huge applause coming from the nearby hall. She was lying on the bed, and in the hall where she was supposed to get married today, her fiance was reciting his vows with her half-sister. How absurd!

Memories started flooding her. Despair ran amock, and a terrible pain crept up her gut. Her mouth felt dry. She wanted to have some water.

A glass soon appeared in front of her. Arella looked at the man who stood patiently with the glass of water at her bedside.

Sensing her gaze, he looked back at her with warm and gentle eyes.

"You said you wanted to marry me. Is it true?" Arella probed with an expressionless face.

"Yes." The man nodded firmly.

"What is your name?" Arella sat on the bed, took the glass of water, and started drinking it quietly.

"Adrian Scott." The man voiced his name.

"Adrian?" Arella liked the way his name rolled off her tongue.

"Yes." The man responded with one word.

Looks like the man does not like speaking much. Arella made a mental mark of not asking nonsense and keeping her sentences short.

"Do you know about my aptitude?" Arella wanted to double-check that there was no confusion about the crucial matters.

"Yes." Another one word made out of the man's mouth.

"You still want to marry me? Are you sure?" Arella was confused.

"Yes." Another affirmation.

Did this man not know any other word?

"Why do you want to marry me?" Arella asked straightforwardly. She looked good, but her aptitude was very poor. That is why people from the upper echelons avoided getting married to her.

On TOI 7000e, with the blessing of Beast Gods, people could develop an aptitude for either a Beast or a tamer when they turned eighteen. Their aptitude depended on a lot of factors like their diet, hard work, and parents. To give a starting edge to their children, people preferred to get married to higher-ranking individuals.

Marriage on this planet was a sacred ritual. A beast and the tamer could tie the knot. If their alliance was accepted by their beast forms, they could become spiritual partners for life. 

Marriage could be performed in two ways: through alliance, that is, by accepting a partner, or through recognition. The soul had the ability to recognize the partner. In these cases, it was rumored that the couple was favored and would receive divine blessings from the Beast God. It was said that the couple was a pair of past lovers. The occurrence of such couples was rare, but examples could still be found in the pages of Beast history annals.

In cases of recognition, a knot would appear in the souls of the partners, and their souls would be tied together. This was the sacred soul knot. Such partners were forbidden to cheat, betray, or divorce. Only death could break them apart.

"My soul recognized you." Arella's reverie was broken by this deep voice.

Arella looked shocked for a moment but soon regained her composure. 

"Okay. Then let us perform the ceremony today." It was already a done deal. Arella too, felt the pull of her soul when he touched her. So, she did not doubt him at all. As for the presence of the soul knot, she did not care about it.

Her father was a soul partner of her biological mother. But after her mother's death, her father married someone else. So, though a soul knot was sacred, it could not guarantee the presence of a pristine love between the partners.

Arella never had any misgivings regarding this. The only form of attachment she felt was with Luke, who stayed with her after the demise of her mother. He took her out of the darkness when the stepmother neglected her. He protected her from the jealous acts of her half-sister. 

When did it all change? Why did Luke leave her? A helpless agitation and sadness surrounded her form. Why? Why did Luke betray her like this? 

"If you want to perform the ceremony, then we should be moving. The auspicious time is running out." The man's words brought the distracted woman back to the present.


"Hmm." She jumped down the bed and started walking towards the marriage hall. The man followed closely behind without any questions.

A jubilant atmosphere filled the hall. The marriage vows, happiness, songs, and merry chatter could be heard in every corner. Amidst the festivity, Arella moved towards the dais. 

Looking at another woman walking towards the podium in wedding attire, a sudden silence dawned on the attendants. Some gossipmongers' eyes were filled with the satisfaction of watching a huge drama. Some recognized the former bride and gave her sympathetic glances. 

The ex was here to snatch the place and tear the couple apart. But they were already married. People wanted to see the chaos and knew in their hearts the outcome. 

But against all odds, the abandoned bride did not cry or create a scene. The rejected woman calmly went up the stage and congratulated the couple. 

With the pin-drop silence, her melodious voice touched everybody's ears. "Congratulations to the newly married! I wish you an unbreakable bond and a future befitting your karma." Arella took a flower out from the decorations and gave it to the bride. 

She moved towards the audience and continued saying, "Dear esteemed guests, while you are gathered here, may I invite you to witness another marriage. I request the presiding temple head to perform the sacred ritual as I tie a soul knot with my soul partner."

Whispers started traveling among the guests, and only then did they notice the quiet man standing behind the speaker. 

Did she say soul knot? Are they really soul partners? With a D-rank aptitude, shouldn't her partner be C-level at best? Who is he? I have never seen him before. Though he looks good, he never appeared in public gatherings. Is his aptitude too low? Don't tell me he is an E rank! Well, that should not come as a surprise. Though he has a low aptitude, he makes a good match with the D-rank beauty.

The contrast of cascading red hair and her white bridal attire made her look more ethereal. But the solemn man standing behind her wasn't overpowered. Instead, his presence complimented hers. Both stood straight, in harmony, completing each other.

Some people were mesmerized by their appearances, some tried to guess his aptitude, and some wanted to see the drama.

While people were engaged in heated gossip, another commotion broke out. One after the other, famous B-ranking beasts and tamers moved near the dais and started saluting the man! 

Lines of soldiers wearing the uniform of the army came forward and kneeled in front of him. Then, another man with decorated medals shimmering on his chest walked ahead and shouted in a booming voice, "This Colonel, on behalf of the TOI elite army, congratulates the Major General on finding his match. May the life of the married couple be filled with happiness and prosperity."

After listening to the address, every member of the army knelt in front of him. Even Luke, the ex, bowed down in front of this man instinctively.

Arella was flabbergasted by the sudden changes. 

She looked bewildered, and her mind crashed. 

The man who came looking for her was the…the Major General?