
Awakened: Rise of the Blood Necromancer

From the depths of torment rises a Necromancer destined to reshape the Infinite Realms. Raven, a human lab rat subjected to cruel experiments, awakens to find himself the master of death and blood in a savage multiverse known as the Infinite Realms. ====== 2/Chapters per day! === Join My Discord: https://discord.gg/RAfNjEGnEQ === A/N: Join me in Raven's journey toward the peak of power and the building of his necromantic army!

2Big2FitIn · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The First Trial

As the timer hit zero, a deafening horn blared across the arena. Raven's muscles tensed, adrenaline surging through his veins. He scanned the rocky terrain below, searching for any sign of movement.

"Master, to your right!" Havar's voice cut through the silence.

Raven whirled just in time to see a blur of motion. A creature, vaguely humanoid but with sickly green skin and razor-sharp claws, lunged at him. Without thinking, Raven ducked, feeling the rush of air as the beast sailed over his head.

Havar moved with inhuman speed, intercepting the creature in mid-air. His hands, once human, now resembled deadly talons. With a sickening crunch, Havar tore into the beast's flesh, ripping it apart.

[Goblin Scout defeated] [Experience gained: 10] [Current level: 1 (10/100)]

The blue text flashed before Raven's eyes, but he had no time to process it. More creatures—goblins, he assumed—were emerging from the rocks below.

"Havar, what are these things?" Raven shouted, backing away from the platform's edge.

"Fodder, Master," Havar replied, his voice eerily calm. "Weak creatures meant to test your basic combat abilities."

Raven grimaced. "Well, I don't have any combat abilities. I've been chained to a table most of my life!"

A goblin reached the platform, its beady eyes fixed on Raven. It charged, brandishing a crude club. Raven stumbled backward, narrowly avoiding the swing. He tripped over a loose stone, falling hard on his back.

The goblin loomed over him, raising its club for a killing blow. Raven clenched his teeth so hard that they cracked. 'I'm utterly worthless! I need to get stronger!'

But the blow never came. Raven watched with his eyes wide open, seeing Havar again move at the speed of a train and rip the head straight off the goblin's body.

The remains of the goblin dropped to the ground, and blood flowed like a river from the headless corpse. 

[Goblin Warrior defeated] [Experience gained: 15] [Current level: 1 (25/100)]

"Master, you must fight," Havar said, helping Raven to his feet. "I cannot defeat them all for you. The trial requires your participation in some form."

Raven nodded, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He looked around frantically, searching for anything he could use as a weapon. His eyes landed on a jagged rock near the platform's edge.

He dove for it just as another goblin crested the platform. Gripping the makeshift weapon tightly, Raven faced the creature. It was smaller than the others, and its movements were less coordinated.

"You can do this, Master," Havar encouraged from behind him. "Strike first, strike hard."

The goblin charged. Raven waited until the last second, then sidestepped, swinging his rock with all his might. It connected with a satisfying thud, and the goblin crumpled.

[Goblin Runt defeated] [Experience gained: 5] [Current level: 1 (30/100)]

A rush of exhilaration flooded through Raven. He'd done it. He'd killed something. The feeling was... intoxicating.

"Well done, Master," Havar said, a hint of pride in his voice. "But do not let your guard down. The waves will only grow stronger."

As if on cue, a new group of goblins appeared. These were larger, their muscles bulging beneath their leathery skin. They carried crude swords and shields, moving with more purpose than their predecessors.

As he saw the goblin horde and began to lose hope, he suddenly felt a calling deep within himself.

He staggered and almost lost his concentration, but the calling drove him, moving his body seemingly on its own.

Raven took the sharp part of the rock and pressed it against his finger until his finger was pierced, and blood started to flow. He let the blood drip into the corpse of the goblin runt and watched with fascination as the corpse began to glow.

The goblin corpse jerked, its eyes flickering open with an unnatural glow. Raven felt a connection form, similar to the one he shared with Havar but weaker. The reanimated goblin stumbled to its feet, awaiting command.

Raven's mind raced. He'd created another undead servant without even knowing how. "Attack the other goblins," he ordered, pointing at the approaching horde.

The zombie goblin lurched forward, its movements jerky but purposeful. It threw itself at the nearest enemy, tearing into its former kin with savage abandon.

[Skill Unlocked: Necromancy (Beginner)] [Undead Minion Created: Goblin Undead (Level 1)]

Havar's eyes gleamed with approval. "Well done, Master. You're tapping into your innate powers."

Raven nodded, a grim smile spreading across his face. He turned to the fallen goblin warrior, its headless corpse still leaking blood. Without hesitation, he pressed his bleeding finger to the body.

The headless goblin twitched, then rose, unthinkingly swinging its club.

[Undead Minion Created: Headless Goblin Warrior (Level 1)]

"Havar, lead the charge," Raven commanded, newfound confidence in his voice. "I'll support from behind with my... minions."

Havar grinned, his form blurring as he leaped into the fray. Raven's undead creations followed, their uncoordinated attacks causing chaos among the goblin ranks.

Raven hung back, scanning the battlefield. He spotted a goblin archer aiming Havar. Without thinking, he flung his blood-coated rock. It struck the archer's arm, throwing off its shot.

[Skill Unlocked: Blood Manipulation (Beginner)]

Coated in Raven's blood, the rock stuck to the archer's arm. Raven felt a connection form, similar to his undead minions but different. He focused, willing the blood to move.

To his amazement, tendrils of blood erupted from the wound, wrapping around the goblin's body. It screamed, dropping its bow as the blood constricted tighter.

Raven's head swam, the effort draining him rapidly. But the sight of the goblin collapsing, suffocated by his blood, filled him with a dark satisfaction.

[Goblin Archer defeated] [Experience gained: 20] [Current level: 1 (50/100)]

The battle raged on, Raven's growing army of undead bolstering Havar's ferocious attacks. With each fallen enemy, Raven felt his powers increasing, becoming easier to control.

As the last goblin fell, Raven stood amidst a field of corpses, his undead minions shuffling aimlessly around him. He felt exhausted but exhilarated.

[Wave complete] [Prepare for Boss encounter]

Raven's eyes widened as he read the floating text. "Boss? Havar, what does that mean?"

Havar's expression grew serious. "It means, Master, that we are about to face a true test of our abilities. Gather your strength and prepare your minions."

The ground trembled, and a massive gate materialized at the far end of the arena. It creaked open, and darkness spilled forth like a tangible thing.

Raven steeled himself, his undead army arraying behind him. Whatever emerged, he was ready to face it. He was no longer the helpless experiment. He was Raven, Earth's first Awakened, and master of the dead.

The Boss battle was about to begin.