

Description Trent a teenager woke up and found himself being used a test subject for a drug. He managed to escape but his sister was kidnapping by the same people. Trent discovered the world in a new light and many secrets about the awakeneds underworld. What are the government hiding?, where is his sister?. Well read and find out.

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Author: Action‼️ Action ‼️ Action ‼️

10:10am, 30|11|3030. Sabali island

>Character introduction> YUKI KE WALKER. She is one of the influencal characters that affected trent. She is his younger sister although there is only a year difference. Trent cares for her well. She was kidnapped by professor mark hawkins to use as a ground for trent capture but turns her to his experimental object.

Yuki: what going on here😨.( Tries to move but can't). Awww, am tied here.

Light turned on.

Mark: Hello, my dearie. I was wondering when you were going to wake up.

Yuki: who are you? I want to go home (starts crying). Lleett meee goo!!.

Mark: am sorry, I can't do that dearie. You see I need you because of your brother.

Yuki: what trent??, What does he have to do in all this. Don't touch him!!. Leave my family alone.

Mark: awww, so caring. Your brother was like this too but you see he took something that belongs to me and I need you so that he can return it.

Yuki: my brother isn't like that, you are lying.

Mark: SHUTUP!!💢. Am in control here, so you listen to me.(Turns Around to another person). Go get me overload.

Person: Yes sir( leaves).

Metal overload walks in..

Overload: professor, you wanted to see me?

Mark: yes, of course. How is our investigation going, do you have any information.

Overload: No sir(bows his head in disappointment).

Mark: Hmm. I see, then I guess I have to send someone better. Get me the shadow squad.

Overload: SIR!(Suprised)😨.

Mark: do you want to question me!. Do it now, at least I will get results.

Overload: Yes sir (he leaves).

12:00pm,30|11|3030. Rising city.

Trent was lying shirtless on a machine with plugs connected to his body.Buzzing sounds could be heard around the room. Wendy and James sit at the edge of the room watching, the old man walked to trent.

Oldman: Are you sure about this 🤨.

Trent: For Yuki, I will do anything (He winked😉).

Wendy walks to them.

Wendy:You are one dumb kid,Let get started.

Oldman: remember you are to enter an hyper speed because this machine is going to run a hell of frequencies down your head. It will be very painful okay, so get ready.

Trent: Hmmm, get it going then.(He squeeze his fist👊🏿).

The old man turn on the machine. Bzzz Bzzz. The machine starts to vibrate, trent starts to move violently.

Trent: AHHH,(blood runs down his nose).

Wendy: turn it off! Now!!

Old man: No, it will shut his brain down(walks to stop her).

Trent: YUKI‼️(**HE FAINTS).

Oldman: even in pain he thought of his sister. What a guy🤦🏿‍♂️.

Walks to check the analysis of the result. SUDDENLY‼️, the machine begins to produce electric shock. Trent starts to scream. Wendy, James and oldman runs toward Him.

James: what going on!. I don't like it.

Wendy: Hey, what going on.

The old man hands her a system pad

Oldman: look at this.

On the pad the colors continue to change from green to blue to red to black and back.

Oldman: I have to turn it off, or it will kill him.

Runs and turns it off but the machine continues. BUZZZZZ‼️, the sound becomes louder.

Wendy: damn it, james kill him out of that space with your powers now.

James:(Places his hand on trent head and one on his head). {COME BACK‼️}.

James starts to scream.

James: MONSTER‼️ MONSTER ‼️.(He falls down. Dragging himself away from trent with blood running down his nose).

Wendy: what wrong?


Wendy: Damn.

Walks to trent,red energy begins to glow around her hands. Slaps his chest

Wendy: wake up fool!!. Who is going to save your sister if you die.


The machine sounds die down.

Oldman:(panting), you don't see this everyday.

Wendy: what just happened (panting).

3:00pm,30|11|3030. Sabali island.

In a room full of armed people, mark sits in the end of room and metal overload stands besides him. Three individuals are dragged in with chains.

Mark: If it is not the shadow squad.

>Characters introduction> Shadow squad.

Three dangerous awakeneds, where ruthless, mercyless. They were the best at assassination and give mark a hard time. Thread- the leader was know for this abilities of aerokensis and space. He could use air to make wide or straight slashes at any object and he could teleport to any location, As long as he knows the place. He loved to use air to create thread lines on his victims making it look like he actually sewn them. Vonican: she control volcano and can use a force field to create a shield around her and others. Quake: can manipulate earth vibrations to create barriers, earth quakes works well with vonican as he opens the earth surface for her to be able to access larva.

Thread: oh professor, I never know I will see you again.

Mark: Let cut the chase, I lost something and I need three of you to retrieve it for me.

Thread: We don't work for people.

Mark: I knew you will say that but what if I let you go, if you succeed in bringing what I want.

Thread: What makes you think We won't come to kill you if you let me go.

Mark: you are welcomed to try 🤷🏿‍♂️.

Thread looks at his other associates.they talk among themselves.

Thread: what do you want to retrieve‼️

Mark: I knew you were smart.

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