
Gone fishing

James awoke. He remembered excruciating pain and a voice in his head talking about powers increased with a new power called mind sight.

'Mind sight, sounds like an area sight' he thought. Powers increased does that mean my telekinesis is stronger aswell.

He shook his head to clear these thoughts as he took stock of his situation. Looking around he saw natural rock formations and cave walls. The lighting was dim and sounds of rushing water could be heard.

'I guess this must lead to a river or something' James thought as he crept towards the sound. Turning a corner a waterfall came into view covering most of the cave entrance. Leaving the cave he looked around in the bright light of early morning.

"I guess I slept the night then" he said aloud, looking at a small lake and the trees that surrounded it.

James stomach rumbled as he realised he had not ate yesterday at all as he looked for shelter. Glancing at the lake he saw shadows of what he presumed to be fish. Feeling the acute pangs of hunger he focused his mind at the shadows and tried to gently pull a fish out of the water.

"BOOM." The fish shot out the water like a cannon ball hurtling up quickly before gravity caught it and the fish slammed into the floor water with a smack.

A minute later the fish floated at the top clearly dead with a huge dent in its side where it had hit the lake surface. James gaped at the sight. His jaw hanging open in the wind.

"Fucking hell" He said as he looked at the fish then looked at the gently pulsing lines on his arms.

Looking at the lake he realised most of the fish had scattered due to the death of their fellow fish. James started walking around the shore trying to glimpse the now elusive fish.

A few minutes later after he spotted a another group of shadows he attempted to very slowly reach his mind towards the group.

He gasped again when his mind saw the fish in extreme detail. He saw every scale on their silvery body and the gentle movements of their fins slowly moving in the water.

Thinking of his mind returning to his body he reached out thinking to gently grasp the fish with his telekinesis and slowly pull it out of the water.

The fish floated out of the water and James pushed it towards the cave entrance away from the water to prevent the fishes escape he turned his attention to the shore and gathered up twigs and branches for a fire.

Returning to the cave entrance he took two stones and tried to smack them together with telekinesis. Sparks flew as the stones smacked together again and again. Eventually the pile of wood caught alight into a blazing flame.

For those that read this I have a few ideas where to go with it but don't know how far I will get. I also have a plot idea about James' family but don't know yet how to write it up.

BrokenVoidcreators' thoughts