
Awakened in Danmachi

I awakened... yay? I never really wanted to awaken, I mean, why would I have wanted to. I had a pretty good life, I mean, there were a few problems that arose here and there. But that's just life isn't it? Now, if my awakening had been normal, I may have been fine with it. A month or so away from my family would have been hard, but it wasn't required that I dungeon delve. I could have just gone back to being a stay at home dad, and beloved father of 3. But nooo... I had to start in a weird starter tower on a different planet. System, what do you mean 'Anime' series starter tower? I would have preferred staying in the 'Earth' series one thank you very much. But I guess I'm stuck here. What did the locals call this tower again? Babel, was it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Things to expect: [Light romance] I'm not terribly experienced with writing this sort of thing so please bear with me. [No harem] I hate harem novels, don't ask me why, I just don't like em. [Strong MC] Not OP, he will have his flaws that can not and will not be fixed with plot armor. [Teamwork] Charley will work with other people, when he makes contact with other people. [No eggy powers] There will be no dark, blood, death, etc magic that charley can use. [No master of all powers] Charley will be human, and humans can't use all types of magic and learn all types of combat methods within a year. His skill set will also heavily focus on movement and flexibility skills. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Each chapter will be somewhere in between 1000 and 2000 words. It depends on how I'm feeling honestly.

MethodicalCompleti · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Awakened in Danmachi: Chapter 2

This is retarded, I've only been in this tower for a little over an hour, yet I'm already out of breath.

Although, if I compared my performance to my pre-awakened state. This is most certainly an improvement, but with the absolutely absurd monster spawn rate, and having to fight them each and every single time they appear, I'm starting to feel a little more than just exhausted.

It's kind of like doing a high intensity workout... that would result in my death if I stop for more than a few minutes.

But it's not all bad, I mean it's still pretty bad, but I've just spotted the other people. Since the system said I should refer to myself as an adventurer, I assume I should also refer to others as adventurers as well.

Although, I do wonder how adventurers greet each other in this tower.

Actually, it doesn't matter, I'm exhausted and they may be able to cover for me while I regain some energy. Otherwise I may just keel over dead from exhaustion, as constantly fighting has pushed my new and improved body to the limit.

Ah, they are getting closer, what should I do? Pretend to not notice them? Start a conversation? Save them when they are in danger?

This is a life and death scenario. They may not be the kind people I hope them to be, and if that's the case, this may end up being my final resting place.

Ah whatever, I'll start up a conversation with em. They are still about 10 meters (32 feet) away, and have definitely noticed me, so getting close to them shouldn't be too much of a problem.

When I reached a distance of about 3 meters (9 feet), between them and myself. I used one of my classic, tried and true, ice-breakers.

"Wouldn't you agree the sky is green?"

The good old confusion tactic, if I'm lucky they'll say something like, 'what' and or 'no' if that happens I'll be all set to get to know the group a little better. As I could use those responses to segway into another, more productive conversation.

Right on cue, the biggest member of the party responded. He looked like the typical warrior type, with big broad muscles, and a rather large sword. He was probably around 16-18 years old if I had to guess.

"The hell is that supposed to mean!?" The mystery man seemed to have been angered by what I had said. Maybe he thought I was insulting his intelligence? In this situation I believe it would be best to act fast and attempt to rectify the situation. After all, miscommunication is a fairly common way awakened individuals die.

"I meant it as nothing more than a joke, and I apologise if I had annoyed you in some way. My name is Charley, and I am completely and utterly exhausted. Fighting for an hour does that to you, ya know? Would you guy's mind if I just rested around you all for about half an hour? I just need some time to catch my breath before moving on."

I'm aware that telling a group of strangers I'm exhausted, in what is essentially a lawless murder tower may not be a good idea.

The thing is, I'm exhausted, not particularly good at acting, and pretty much betting on these guys as a last hope.

I know I'm not really acting like an exhausted person, you know with the lack of panting, and sweat. But as an awakened individual, things like sweat just don't happen, it's theorized that the system just keeps our bodies cool for us. The same concept applies to the breathing thing, as instead of needing to breathe, the system just supplies oxygen to our bodies. Although it is still a mystery as to why awakened individuals even need rest in the first place.

Anyway, the big man turned to look at his other party members.

One was a young woman holding a pair of daggers, and the other was a rather short young man holding a short bow, with a dagger strapped to his waist.

They made some hand motions back and forth to each other, before the big man finally seemed to have made a decision.

"As we were about to take a short break, you can rest with us as long as you give us 5 mana stones every 10 minutes you rest with us. We will protect you in the meantime, so no need to worry about fighting monsters. What do you say, do we have a deal?"

That was a pretty good offer, and considering the fact that I currently had 34 mana crystals, or as these adventurers called them, mana stones. I was more than willing to sacrifice a few. After all, what am I going to do with a potential source of valis, if I end up dead.

"You have a deal, so what are your names? I've already said mine, but in case you need a refresher, I'm Charley."

The big guy pointed to himself, then the girl, and finally pointed to the rather short boy.

"I'm Dane, she's Olivia, and that midget is James."

James seemed to have taken offense to being called a midget, as he immediately raised his bow, loaded an arrow, and was about to shoot Dane. Until he saw Olivia glaring at him, which seemed to have scared him, so he put his bow away.

"Dane, you know I hate it when you introduce me as a midget. Please stop doing that, I'm not even that short, I'm 5"4'."

Dane started laughing rather loudly. It seemed as if he couldn't hold in his amusement and had to share it with the world.

"Sorry, sorry, but… You even have the anger issues typically associated with midgets. Is that not something worthy of poking fun at?"

I like these guys, I mean sure, the short man may have been moments away from killing his 'leader' but it seemed like he never really intended on firing that arrow.


"Who's gonna take the first shift?" Dane asked with a relaxed voice.

"I'll do it, need to blow off some steam after you introduced me as a FUCKING midget." Just like that James loaded his bow, and shot the newly spawned goblin before it could even recognise him as an enemy.

"Wow, good shot." That was all I could say, I mean, what else could I have said?

"Ha, well, it's nothing." James seems to have liked my compliment. I suppose that's good.

After successfully ending the poor goblin's life, he walked over, picked up the manna crystal, and tossed it over to Olivia, who promptly shoved it into her bag.

Which reminds me.

"I forgot to pay earlier, here. You are the one who handles the party's money right? " I fished 5 stones out of my inventory, and handed them over to Olivia.

"Yep, thanks for the money." She quickly snatched the crystals out of my hand, put them in her pouch, and went back to… Standing around? Actually, it seems like Olivia, and Dane both rest by just standing around. No idle conversations, nothing, it's kinda weird actually.

End of chapter status:

[Name: Charley]

[Class: Escapist][Status points gained per level up: +2 Dex, +2 Agi, +1 Int, +1 Wis]

[Level: 1][Exp 45/100]


[Endurance: 10]

[Strength: 10]

[Agility: 12]

[Dexterity: 12]

[Intelligence: 11]

[Wisdom: 11]


[Lockpick: 0/100][ Rank F][Passive]

[Escape: 0/100][Rank F][Passive]

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