
Awakened ascendancy:The rise of Alex Whitaker

In a world where every individual awakens to a unique talent with ranks ranging from G to SSS, Alex Whitaker finds himself with an unremarkable E-rank potential. Ridiculed and underestimated by his peers, particularly the arrogant Kael Astralwind, Alex struggles to find his place in the prestigious academy where talent determines one’s future. However, Alex's fate takes a dramatic turn when he discovers the mysterious Demon King System. This powerful system grants him unique abilities and the capacity to view others' stats, elements, and physical attributes. Even more astonishing is his encounter with the Limitless Seed, an artifact that unlocks boundless potential, enabling him to surpass his initial rank.

Idahosa · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 9: The Struggle for Supremacy

### Chapter 9: The Struggle for Supremacy

The academy grounds were bustling with activity as the day of the annual combat trials approached. The trials were a significant event, pitting students against each other to showcase their skills and rank progression. With my newfound power from the Limitless Seed, I was eager to test my abilities in a more formal setting.

I arrived early, hoping to get a good spot and gauge my competition. Kael Astralwind was already there, surrounded by his usual entourage. He was showing off his new S-rank abilities, clearly enjoying the attention.

"Look at this," Kael said with a smug grin, demonstrating his mastery over Temporal Manipulation. Time seemed to bend around him as he effortlessly dodged his followers' attempts to tag him.

I ignored him, focusing instead on my own preparations. Lyra joined me, her expression serious. "Are you ready for this?"

"I am," I replied, determined. "I've been training hard. This is my chance to show everyone what I can do."

The combat trials began, and students were called up in pairs. The arena was a large, open space with various obstacles and terrains to simulate real combat conditions. I watched as students showcased their abilities, some impressing the crowd with their skill, while others struggled.

When my turn came, I walked confidently to the center of the arena. The announcer called out my name, and a murmur of curiosity spread through the spectators. I faced my opponent, a third-year student named Drake with a solid B-rank.

Drake was known for his strong Earth Manipulation abilities, and I could see the determination in his eyes. "Ready to lose, newbie?" he taunted.

I activated my Demon King System to assess his stats.

**Drake Thornton:**

- **Current Rank:** B

- **Abilities:**

- **Earth Manipulation (Advanced)**

- **Rock Shield (Intermediate)**

- **Elements:**

- **Earth: 70%**

- **Fire: 30%**

- **Physical Stats:**

- **Strength: 24**

- **Agility: 18**

- **Endurance: 22**

- **Intelligence: 20**

- **Mana: 27**

I analyzed his strengths and weaknesses, noting his higher endurance and strength. The fight would be challenging, but I had a few surprises up my sleeve.

The match began, and Drake immediately took advantage of his Earth Manipulation, creating a large rock shield to defend against my initial attacks. I used my Elemental Fusion to combine fire and earth, attempting to breach his defense.

Drake's shield was formidable, but the Limitless Seed had enhanced my abilities beyond what was initially visible. I could feel the system's influence heightening my elemental control and strength.

As the fight progressed, I pushed through Drake's defenses with a series of strategic attacks. I used my Demon King's Authority to manipulate energy, creating a powerful burst that shattered his rock shield. Drake staggered, clearly caught off guard.

The crowd's excitement grew as they watched the intense battle. I took advantage of his momentary disorientation to launch a decisive attack. With a surge of energy, I combined fire and earth into a devastating strike that knocked Drake to the ground.

**System Update:**

- **Victory!**

- **Experience Gained: +150**

- **New Ability Unlocked: Demonic Barrier**

I stood over Drake, panting but victorious. The arena erupted in applause. I'd managed to secure a win against a higher-ranked opponent, proving my capabilities and the true potential granted by the Limitless Seed.

Drake struggled to his feet, his pride wounded but his respect earned. "Good fight," he grumbled. "You've got more to you than I thought."

I nodded, a small smile on my face. "Thanks. It was a good challenge."

As I left the arena, I noticed Kael watching me with a scowl. His usual arrogance was replaced with a begrudging respect. "You might be worth keeping an eye on after all," he said, his tone less condescending.

I shrugged, unfazed. "I'm just getting started."

Later that evening, I reflected on the day's events. The combat trials had been a significant step forward, showcasing my growth and the power of the Limitless Seed. With each victory, I was inching closer to surpassing the limits everyone had set for me. The road ahead was still long, but I was ready for whatever challenges came my way.

Imma sleep now yaawn peace see y'all tmr peace.

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