
Awakened ascendancy:The rise of Alex Whitaker

In a world where every individual awakens to a unique talent with ranks ranging from G to SSS, Alex Whitaker finds himself with an unremarkable E-rank potential. Ridiculed and underestimated by his peers, particularly the arrogant Kael Astralwind, Alex struggles to find his place in the prestigious academy where talent determines one’s future. However, Alex's fate takes a dramatic turn when he discovers the mysterious Demon King System. This powerful system grants him unique abilities and the capacity to view others' stats, elements, and physical attributes. Even more astonishing is his encounter with the Limitless Seed, an artifact that unlocks boundless potential, enabling him to surpass his initial rank.

Idahosa · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 6: Unveiling Hidden Potential

### Chapter 6: Unveiling Hidden Potential

The following morning, I awoke with a newfound sense of purpose. The Demon King System's abilities were powerful, and I intended to use them to their fullest potential. As I got ready for the day, I noticed a new option in my system interface: "View Status."

Curiosity piqued, I selected the option, and a detailed status screen appeared before me.

**Alex Whitaker:**

- **Current Rank:** F

- **Abilities:**

- **Elemental Fusion (Intermediate)**

- **Energy Manipulation (Basic)**

- **Demon King's Authority (Level 1)**

- **Dark Regeneration**

- **Elements:**

- **Fire: 30%**

- **Water: 20%**

- **Earth: 25%**

- **Air: 25%**

I marveled at the detailed breakdown of my abilities and elemental affinities. This would give me an edge in training and combat, allowing me to focus on my strengths and improve my weaknesses.

As I made my way to the training grounds, I couldn't help but notice the other students around me. The Demon King System now allowed me to view their stats and elements as well, providing valuable insight into their strengths and potential.

In the training grounds, I found Lyra practicing her spells. I approached her, activating the system's ability to view her stats.

**Lyra Starfire:**

- **Current Rank:** D

- **Abilities:**

- **Light Manipulation (Advanced)**

- **Healing Touch (Intermediate)**

- **Elements:**

- **Light: 50%**

- **Water: 50%**

I smiled, impressed by her abilities. Lyra noticed me and waved. "Good morning, Alex! Ready for another day of training?"

"Always," I replied, joining her in the training session. We sparred together, honing our skills and pushing each other to improve. The Demon King System's insights allowed me to anticipate her moves and adapt my strategy accordingly.

As the day progressed, we moved to the lecture hall for a class on magical theory. The instructor, a stern-looking mage named Professor Thorn, lectured on the intricacies of elemental magic. I paid close attention, absorbing the knowledge that would help me enhance my abilities.

During the break, I observed Kael Astralwind and his group of noble friends. His arrogant demeanor was as grating as ever, but now I could see beyond his facade. Activating the system, I viewed his stats and elements.

**Kael Astralwind:**

- **Current Rank:** S

- **Abilities:**

- **Temporal Manipulation (Advanced)**

- **Enhanced Reflexes (Advanced)**

- **Elements:**

- **Time: 70%**

- **Air: 30%**

His stats were impressive, but knowing his strengths and weaknesses gave me a strategic advantage. I would need to be cautious around him, but I was determined to surpass him one day.

After the lectures, I returned to the training grounds for solo practice. As I focused on my Elemental Fusion, I felt the Demon King's Authority augmenting my power, enhancing my control over the elements. I practiced combining fire and earth, creating molten streams of lava that I directed with precision.

The system chimed, alerting me to a new quest.

**Quest: Master Elemental Fusion**

- **Objective: Achieve advanced mastery in Elemental Fusion by combining three elements.**

- **Reward: New Ability – Elemental Overdrive**

Excitement coursed through me. This quest was challenging, but the reward was enticing. I dedicated the rest of the day to practicing the combination of fire, water, and earth, striving to achieve the advanced mastery required.

By nightfall, I had made significant progress, but I knew there was still much to learn. As I headed back to my dormitory, I felt a sense of accomplishment and determination. The Demon King System was proving to be an invaluable asset, and I was eager to see where this path would lead me.

Lying in bed, I reflected on the day's events and the newfound power I wielded. The journey ahead would be filled with challenges, but with the Demon King System and the support of my friends, I was confident in my ability to overcome any obstacle.

The academy was a place of opportunity, and I intended to seize every chance to grow stronger. With each passing day, I would push myself to new heights, unlocking the full potential of the Demon King System and achieving the greatness I knew I was capable of.

Did Kael peak in Academy, S rank already?? Lol note that Stats can still increase Rank just determines the cap.

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