
Awakened ascendancy:The rise of Alex Whitaker

In a world where every individual awakens to a unique talent with ranks ranging from G to SSS, Alex Whitaker finds himself with an unremarkable E-rank potential. Ridiculed and underestimated by his peers, particularly the arrogant Kael Astralwind, Alex struggles to find his place in the prestigious academy where talent determines one’s future. However, Alex's fate takes a dramatic turn when he discovers the mysterious Demon King System. This powerful system grants him unique abilities and the capacity to view others' stats, elements, and physical attributes. Even more astonishing is his encounter with the Limitless Seed, an artifact that unlocks boundless potential, enabling him to surpass his initial rank.

Idahosa · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 16: The Legendary Artifact

### Chapter 16: The Legendary Artifact

The days following the mid-term evaluations were a whirlwind of activity. Despite my loss to Lana, I was more determined than ever to enhance my abilities. With the insights gained from the evaluations and the hidden quest rewards, I was ready to push my limits further.

I decided to venture into the nearby forests, a place rumored to be filled with dangerous beasts and hidden secrets. The forest was known for its harsh conditions and treacherous terrain, making it a challenging environment for training and exploration. I hoped that facing these dangers would help me grow stronger and uncover something valuable.

I packed my essentials—potions, food, and a few survival tools—and set off into the woods early in the morning. The dense canopy of trees quickly enveloped me, casting deep shadows and creating an eerie silence.

**Into the Wild**

As I ventured deeper into the forest, the landscape became increasingly rugged. The terrain was rough, with steep slopes and tangled underbrush making progress slow and arduous. I used my Demon King System to assess the environment and ensure I was prepared for any potential threats.

The forest was alive with activity. The sounds of creatures moving in the underbrush and the distant calls of beasts filled the air. My senses were heightened, and I remained alert for any signs of danger.

Hours into my journey, I stumbled upon a clearing with an ancient stone altar in its center. The altar was covered in moss and ivy, and an aura of ancient magic seemed to emanate from it. Intrigued, I approached cautiously.

Suddenly, a massive, ferocious creature emerged from the shadows—a Dire Bear, its fur dark and matted, with eyes that glowed with a fierce, predatory light. The bear roared, shaking the ground with its immense power. I accessed its stats through my Demon King System:

**Dire Bear:**

- **Current Rank:** A

- **Abilities:**

- **Earthquake Roar (Advanced)**

- **Razor Claws (Intermediate)**

- **Elements:**

- **Earth: 60%**

- **Fire: 40%**

- **Physical Stats:**

- **Strength: 40**

- **Agility: 30**

- **Endurance: 35**

- **Intelligence: 15**

- **Mana: 20**

The Dire Bear's stats were formidable, and I knew that this would be a fierce battle. I quickly formulated a plan, using my Elemental Fusion to combine fire and earth to create a series of attacks designed to weaken the beast.

**The Battle**

The Dire Bear charged at me with a roar, its powerful claws slashing through the air. I dodged its initial attack, rolling to the side and launching a series of fire-based spells to create a barrier of flames. The bear roared in frustration as it tried to push through the barrier.

I used my Demon King's Authority to manipulate the energy around me, creating a series of powerful bursts that struck the bear from different angles. Despite my efforts, the bear's endurance and strength made it a tough opponent. It managed to break through my fire barrier and land a powerful swipe that sent me crashing into a tree.

I struggled to my feet, my body aching from the impact. The Dire Bear advanced, its eyes fixed on me with deadly intent. I was running low on mana and energy, and it seemed like defeat was imminent.

Desperate, I remembered the Limitless Seed's influence and drew on every last ounce of power I had. I combined my remaining fire and earth abilities into a final, desperate attack. With a roar, I unleashed a massive wave of elemental energy that struck the bear with all my remaining strength.

The Dire Bear roared in agony as the attack overwhelmed it, its massive body collapsing to the ground. I collapsed beside it, exhausted and barely conscious. My vision blurred, and I struggled to stay awake.

**The Artifact**

As I lay there, I noticed something glimmering among the ruins of the stone altar. I crawled over with great effort, my body protesting with every movement. The glimmering object was an ornate, ancient artifact embedded with powerful runes.

**Artifact Unlocked:**

- **Name:** Celestial Relic

- **Description:** A legendary artifact said to possess immense power. Grants the wielder enhanced elemental control and increased mana regeneration.

- **Effects:**

- **Elemental Mastery Boost (S+ Rank)**

- **Mana Regeneration +50%**

With a final surge of effort, I reached out and grasped the Celestial Relic. As I held it, I felt a rush of energy and a profound sense of power. My wounds began to heal, and my fatigue lifted. The artifact's power had an immediate and profound effect, boosting my elemental control and mana regeneration.

**System Update:**

- **New Artifact Obtained: Celestial Relic**

- **Abilities Enhanced: Elemental Mastery Boost (S+ Rank), Mana Regeneration +50%**

The battle with the Dire Bear had been grueling, but the acquisition of the Celestial Relic made it worthwhile. I made my way back to the academy, my spirit renewed by the artifact's power and my determination strengthened by the challenges I had overcome.

As I approached the academy, I was eager to see how the new artifact would impact my abilities and how I could use it to further my growth. The road ahead was filled with challenges, but with the Celestial Relic in hand, I felt more prepared than ever to face whatever came next.

Artifacts become one with user's body

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