
Awakened ascendancy:The rise of Alex Whitaker

In a world where every individual awakens to a unique talent with ranks ranging from G to SSS, Alex Whitaker finds himself with an unremarkable E-rank potential. Ridiculed and underestimated by his peers, particularly the arrogant Kael Astralwind, Alex struggles to find his place in the prestigious academy where talent determines one’s future. However, Alex's fate takes a dramatic turn when he discovers the mysterious Demon King System. This powerful system grants him unique abilities and the capacity to view others' stats, elements, and physical attributes. Even more astonishing is his encounter with the Limitless Seed, an artifact that unlocks boundless potential, enabling him to surpass his initial rank.

Idahosa · Fantasy
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Chapter 11: The Awakening of Hidden Powers

### Chapter 11: The Awakening of Hidden Powers

The academy grounds were alive with anticipation as the special assessment day arrived. The trials were designed to test our abilities in elemental control, combat prowess, and physical endurance. I was eager to see how my progress would measure up, especially with the enhancements granted by the Limitless Seed.

**The Announcement**

Professor Arden's voice boomed across the courtyard. "Today, we will conduct a thorough assessment of your abilities. You'll face challenges that test your elemental control, combat skills, and physical strength. Perform well, and you'll gain valuable insights into your progress."

Lyra approached me, her expression focused. "This is a big day for us. Let's make sure we give it our best."

"I'm ready," I assured her. "Let's see how far we've come."

**The Assessment Challenges**

The assessment was divided into three main parts:

1. **Elemental Control Test:** Demonstrate your ability to manipulate your primary and secondary elements.

2. **Combat Simulation:** Engage in a combat scenario to test your strategic and fighting skills.

3. **Endurance and Strength Test:** A rigorous physical challenge to assess your stamina and strength.

**Elemental Control Test**

For the Elemental Control Test, we faced a series of obstacles designed to challenge our manipulation skills. I activated my Demon King System to check my stats before starting:

**Alex Whitaker**

- **Rank:** E+

- **Abilities:**

- **Elemental Fusion (Advanced)**

- **Fire Manipulation (Intermediate)**

- **Earth Manipulation (Intermediate)**

- **Demonic Barrier (New)**

- **Aetherial Manipulation (Novice)**

- **Elements:**

- **Fire: 60%**

- **Earth: 40%**

- **Aetherial: 20%**

- **Water: 10%**

- **Wind: 10%**

- **Physical Stats:**

- **Strength: 26**

- **Agility: 22**

- **Endurance: 24**

- **Intelligence: 25**

- **Mana: 30**

With the Limitless Seed's enhancements, I navigated the obstacles with relative ease. I combined fire and earth to break through barriers and used Aetherial Manipulation to adapt to unpredictable elements. My enhanced control allowed me to handle each challenge effectively.

**Combat Simulation**

In the Combat Simulation, I was matched against Drake Thornton, a formidable third-year student. I checked his stats via my system:

**Drake Thornton**

- **Current Rank:** B

- **Abilities:**

- **Earth Manipulation (Advanced)**

- **Rock Shield (Intermediate)**

- **Elements:**

- **Earth: 70%**

- **Fire: 30%**

- **Physical Stats:**

- **Strength: 24**

- **Agility: 18**

- **Endurance: 22**

- **Intelligence: 20**

- **Mana: 27**

Drake's Earth Manipulation was impressive, but my enhanced abilities provided me with a significant advantage. I used Demonic Barrier to protect against his attacks and employed strategic elemental strikes to exploit his weaknesses.

**System Update:**

- **Victory!**

- **Experience Gained: +300**

- **New Ability Unlocked: Elemental Mastery**

**Endurance and Strength Test**

The final part of the assessment was a demanding physical challenge. It involved a series of rigorous tasks to test my strength and endurance. Thanks to the Limitless Seed's enhancements, I performed exceptionally well, showcasing my stamina and power.

**Assessment Results**

After completing the tests, Professor Arden reviewed the results and approached me with a nod of approval. "Alex, your performance today has been outstanding. Your new ability, Elemental Mastery, is a significant achievement."

"Thank you, Professor," I responded, feeling a mix of relief and pride.

**System Update:**

- **Experience Gained: +300**

- **Special Item: Unknown (Pending Analysis)**

**An Unexpected Encounter**

As the day concluded, I noticed the cloaked figure observing from a distance. Their presence remained as enigmatic as ever.

"The trials are just the beginning," the figure said in a low voice. "Prepare for the real challenges that lie ahead."

Their cryptic message added a layer of intrigue to the day's events, hinting at future trials yet to come.

**Reflections and Preparations**

Back in my room, I reviewed the day's results and updates from my Demon King System. The Limitless Seed had granted me substantial advantages, and the new ability, Elemental Mastery, was a powerful addition to my skill set.


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