
Chapter 8: Pretending to Let Go to Capture?

Translator: 549690339


In the bathroom, Eve Thompson held water in her hands and splashed it on her face.

She raised her head to look at her reflection in the mirror.

On her fair skin, a mark painted with special pigment appeared very conspicuous.

Eve sighed; even now, her heart was still pounding.

That man was terrifying just now.

Although she was always brave, she wanted to slip away at this moment, fearing that if she stayed, she would not know how she might die.

They said it was easy for girls to pursue boys, so why was it so hard for her?

In the quiet night, the phone suddenly rang.

When her sister Iris ran away from home, she left everything behind as if to leave her past life behind. This did make it convenient for Eve.

Eve picked up her sister's phone and saw a message from Jonas Thompson:[Iris, no matter how you do it tonight, make Mr. Charlie sign the contract!]

A fierce light flashed in Eve's eyes.

She had seen the contract in the afternoon.

The new project was very perfunctory, and the text actually said one thing: How much for my daughter per night?

It was almost like blatantly asking for money from Anthony Charlie!

Eve made up her mind not to bring up the matter.

She put the phone beside her and lay down on the bed.

She decided not to go to the study, lest she touch anything forbidden again.

But if she didn't go, how could she please him?


In the study.

Anthony Charlie sat on the sofa, looking fixedly at the table in front of him, his heart full of annoyance.

He was really angry, but he couldn't tell if he was mad at others or himself, especially after getting drunk last night when he mistook that woman for her...

If he hadn't been worried about his grandmother's health, he would have chased that woman away long ago!

While pondering, the door was knocked on.

Anthony Charlie immediately raised his head and impatiently shouted, "Enter."

The butler carefully opened the door and walked in: "Sir, when I went to send Miss Thompson home today, I ran into her father. Mr. Thompson said he had a project he wanted to cooperate with Charlie Group, and Miss Thompson brought the contract."

He had seen Miss Thompson put the contract in her bag when he picked her up.

Anthony Charlie raised his cold eyes upon hearing this.


He sneered.

They really couldn't wait to ask for money; as expected, they were vain and greedy people! However, wasn't that woman trying so hard to please his grandmother just for this?

No wonder she wore makeup just now, constantly seducing him!

Anthony Charlie replied indifferently, "I see."

As soon as the butler left, Anthony Charlie leaned back on the sofa.

That woman would definitely come to him to sign the contract, so he was waiting here to see how she would ask and then... Anthony Charlie's eyes darkened, and a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his gaze.

He simply turned on his computer and dealt with some company matters.

Charlie Group's industries were developing in various fields, and although the company had many talented people, he still had countless files to deal with every day.

Unconsciously, it was 2 a.m., and Eve Thompson had not come.

Anthony Charlie rubbed his sore shoulders, wondering what this woman was up to.

He narrowed his phoenix-like eyes and pressed a few keys on his computer, bringing up the surveillance footage from the bedroom.

The lights were still on in the room, but there was no one around. Anthony Charlie finally saw the bedsheet bulging. He zoomed in on the screen and saw—

That woman was actually asleep!

His face instantly darkened.

What was this? Playing hard to get?