
Lecture room

Clatter! I glance at the time and see there's still seven minutes left until the beginning of the lecture. I reluctantly turn my head to the left to acknowledge the person who has sat down.

"!!!" startled, I fumble and knock my notebook to the ground.

"A little clumsy are we, Miss Arabella?" Beau asks playfully as he picks up my fallen notebook.

"T-thank you ... again," I can't believe we are in the same lecture, why does he have to sit right next to me? I think I will actually die of embarrassment now!

"No worries. I didn't know that you also had MKT1100, we could've come here together."

"Mm," I reply quietly. There was no way I was standing around to make conversation with him after that incident earlier. Besides, I didn't want to be late for any of my lectures on the first day.

"Good afternoon everyone, my name is Mr Jefferson!" Thankfully the lecturer arrived and that meant I wouldn't have to make small talk with Beau. Everyone else also quietened down while Mr Jefferson began to prepare for the class.

I tried to focus on the two hour lecture, but every now and then I'd turn my head and see Beau smiling at me, making my cheeks flush slightly red. Is he doing this on purpose to mess with me?

Mr Jefferson's lecture finally ended and I began to pack up my belongings.

"What class do you have next?" I hear Beau question me while he's also packing up.

"Um, MKT1200 at 3pm ..."

"Me too! Let's get something to drink while we wait?"

Do I say yes? There's a whole hour until our next lecture, and I don't want to be rude and refuse. Beau doesn't seem like a bad guy either, he's actually been quite friendly. If only Elise wasn't still in her lecture, I could go find her.

"... sure," I reply not so confidently to Beau's expectant face.

"Great!" he flashed an award winning smile and stood up to lead me out the door. I sat there a second longer admiring his smile, before I realised I may have been staring too long. Beau tilts his head slightly and lets out a small laugh. Oh no, I've embarrassed myself again. I lower my eyes and avoid eye contact while I stand up to follow him out.