
First day


"Elise, you're late!" I pouted to my long time friend, "I've been standing here awkwardly for twenty minutes already"

"I know, I know, I'm sorry, but I had to stop by and get you a present," Elise said as she laughed, reaching into her tote bag to pull out a box of four vanilla cupcakes

"A present? Why?" I questioned

"To celebrate you moving to Country A and us being able to see each other again!"

Elise and I have known each other ever since we were toddlers living in Country P, however Elise and her family moved away at the beginning of high school. Now that I'm eighteen I decided I would move to where Elise was and attend university as I wanted to challenge myself to get out of my comfort zone. I'm so glad Elise and I are still close after all those years as we didn't have time to catch up with her living across the world in a different time zone. She was still the same as I remembered her, wavy blonde hair past her shoulders, green eyes, average height, slim, pretty, and most of all, friendly and outgoing. I on the other hand, have straight black hair past my shoulders, dark brown eyes, average looking, shy, and petite.

I thanked Elise for the cupcakes as we made our way to the university building. This is my first day at university in a new country and I am incredibly nervous. The whole campus is also busy with students and staff as it is the first day of the new semester. We stopped here and there along the way as Elise said hi to a few of her high school friends and introduced us to each other.

Elise and I had a lecture together in the morning, and that went by uneventfully, but then I'll be alone for the remaining two in the afternoon. I bid goodbye to my friend after our early lunch as she went off to her next lecture.

Checking my map again, I made my way towards the lecture room. This campus was the biggest in this city and I had to walk from one end to the other. As I neared the building I looked back down at my phone to check the lecture room number.

"Ah!" I let out a cry as I've bumped into someone and almost fell backwards. Fortunately an arm circled around my waist to catch me ...

Hello to whoever might read this. I got bored and decided to write something for fun!

ikveecreators' thoughts