
Avatar: Third Son of The Fire Lord

Ozai already after succeeding to the throne of Azulon, his ascension as Fire Lord was more than perfect in his eyes, satisfied with himself and anxious for the arrival of the Sozin meteor, the victory of the fire nation in the 100 year war was a matter of time . While in a meeting with his generals to overthrow Ba sing se, a messenger shamefully enters the meeting, desperate to deliver a message. With nothing to waste time on, Ozai ordered the shameful messenger to be removed from his path. - Fire Lord Ozai. – The soldier knelt, using his strength to prevent him from being dragged. – I deliver an urgent message from Katsu. For a split second, Ozai's angry face calmed down, but he quickly regained his composure, extending his hand to receive the scroll from someone special to him. As he read, his serious expression softened. A small part of his humanity was stronger than the acting, lies and conspiracies. Katsu, a woman who managed to catch his attention at a military party, where several political and military figures from the Fire Nation gathered, was seriously ill, to the point that possibly by the time this message arrived in her hands she would already be with the spirits. However, what overshadowed the news of Katsu's death was the revelation that he had a son, more specifically a first-born son, a little older than his son Zuko. This news impacted his heart, under normal conditions he wouldn't have minded, but the meeting he was in was already lasting hours and his mind was already starting to lose focus. A bomb like that thrown in itself would inevitably affect him and now an anomaly existed in this world.

PRIME_PRIMUS · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

My dragon taming + 18

Pov Azula:


Weeks had passed since Kai and I had begun our private session, days since I had made it my personal mission to satisfy my fiancé's lustful and insatiable desires.


In our previous encounters, we had had a sex marathon, hours of pure naughtiness, and now this had noticeably extended to me.


My stamina had changed for the better, I just couldn't keep up with Kai's pace, but I had also gained some advantages. For one thing, my erogenous zones had become more enticing. My breasts had grown, along with my ass and thighs, which easily aroused me.


In the last few days, my routine was completely focused on my sex life, sometimes having sex for a day or two without a break, fortunately when I rested I could sleep for a few hours before returning to my sexual paradise.


I won't deny it, being totally loved and fucked turned me into an active hypersexual, my body was so sensitive that I could cum with a simple touch on my skin. I'm just worried in that sense, because my sexual sensitivity could have a big problem in my coming years.


It reminded me of the first time I slept with Kai and our conversation about the future. My heart was pounding because I was looking forward to having five more children with my fiancé.


At that moment, I was using my body to masturbate my dragon's hard, monstrous cock. I used my breasts, my legs and my mouth to stimulate that piece of flesh, the very smell of which made me tremble with anticipation.


- Then Kai, do you like my body? - I asked provocatively and watched as Kai purred at me. - You're a good boy, if you keep this up I could milk your thick cock.


My tongue trailed down the sticky skin to the pink head with anticipation, my teasing touch was enough to make his groin twitch. I got on my knees under Kai and turned my horny ass towards his scarlet eyes. My eyes admire the pink head that begs me to massage it. I move my mouth closer and give him a simple kiss, nothing special, but provocative enough to make pre-cum ooze from the tip.


My tongue passes through my lips in anticipation and I hold on tight with my hands, feeling the veins stand out, giving me a sign that my fiancé is about to explode like a volcano. I swallow the cock gently and without haste, needing to open my mouth as much as possible to taste it.


I use my tongue to stimulate him, sometimes sticking it into his cock, which speeds up his stimulation incredibly, sometimes makes him come, but also makes him grow even more for me. Kai's hands reach for me, grab my ass and my breasts, squeezing them pleasurably.


- Be patient... Hmmmm... - I teased and showed him my tongue with a sensual smile. The massage I received from his skillful hands had slowed down, but they still squeezed my skin involuntarily. - Good boy, keep it up and I'll give you a good reward.


The days of sex didn't just give me my best sexual experience, it also allowed me to slowly get Kai to understand my words. He's like a wild animal, acting entirely on his primitive instincts, so I slowly tried to play games with him in the form of gradually stimulating his rational thinking.


My attempt to tame or contain my fiancé's instincts is only possible when I discover a very interesting and delicious point to explore. My games of sucking his penis allowed me to find a stimulus strong enough to match when he fucked my anus, or even more pleasurable because of his reactions.


I thrust my tongue deeper into his groin, making him shudder from the stimulation and I can't help but smile in superiority, it's quite amusing to see him at the mercy of my hands. I feel his penis getting more and more tense and I open my mouth wide to receive my reward. My mouth and throat are filled with sweet, warm sperm. It tastes delicious, maybe because I've been feeding on it for days. Perhaps my taste buds have been affected, but I couldn't deny that it tasted like honey.


Azula swallowed as much of her fiancé's cum as she could, as if she was afraid to leave a drop behind, her cheeks flushed from the intense emotions, her eyes showing the pleasure of milking that cock, her golden eyes turned red for a moment of her ecstasy.


It took him two or three minutes to swallow the sperm that had been released, thoroughly cleaning his fiancé's member. Azula turned around to show her lewd and pleading expression, as she was the one now allowing herself to be controlled by her instincts.


Kai's scarlet eyes, seeing Azula's eyes imitating his own, made him purr in the language of dragons, something the princess unconsciously understood. Azula crawled up until she was face to face with Kai and gave him a gentle, loving kiss, the two of them using their tongues in perfect harmony, their shared saliva falling from their mouths.


Kai grabbed Azula's waist and pinned her to the floor, spreading her legs to position the head of his penis against her vaginal lips. With a simple movement, his groin slid perfectly inside Azula, filling her in a mere second. Azula's red eyes lit up at the gesture, and then she let out a scream of pleasure that made Kai's instincts kick in, driving his member deep inside her.


In the weeks that have passed since the couple began their romantic crusade, mating has allowed Azula to change her body much more than her appearance, her insides have been shaped by the days, making all of her holes much more flexible and elastic, able to handle with the size difference easily.


Feeling his member being squeezed inside Azula, Kai continued his thrusts without holding back his strength, the sound of their skins colliding with their moans a symphony for both of them.


After a few minutes of this rhythm, Azula's eyes returned to their usual golden color, she seemed confused, as if she had lost consciousness for a moment, but her confusion mixed with pleasure had a direct influence on her concentration, making her ignore her "fainting" and embrace the emotion of pleasure again.


I had already lost myself in this exhilarating feeling, my body felt like a furnace, it was so hot, each time my body was invaded, an indescribable wave ran through my body, sometimes I couldn't tell what was happening to my own body at those moments.


The sensation, so electrifying and hot, made my private parts go numb, leaving only a growing pleasure that multiplied with each thrust. In those moments, I was the one being tamed, becoming someone who desperately wanted to delve deeper into this feeling, in search of new terrains of pleasure.


I opened my mouth and stretched out my tongue, waiting to be kissed and smothered by a naughty tongue that had experimented with every part of my body. Kai brought his face close to mine, I pulled him with the rest of my strength that resides in my arms, our mouths joined in harmony, a fierce and passionate dance.


The kiss we gave in mutual return of our love became intense as we both came, from the electrifying discharge within me, I accidentally spat fire into Kai's mouth, causing him to swallow my flames.


After literally devouring Azula's flames, Kai gave her a provocative smile, revealing his razor-sharp teeth, the same ones he used to inflict small bites on his lover's skin. He shifted position, sitting on the floor with Azula surrounding his hard intimacy, holding her waist with both hands.


The couple stared at each other lustfully, their mouths inches away from resuming a new battle of tongues, just teasing each other with their hot breaths on each other's skin. Azula felt her pussy tighten with a stimulation that made her look down and realize that her fiancé was ready to launch her once again into an unknown land of pleasure.


Kai's hair takes on his golden spectrum, causing Azula to lose her focus on pleasure, but before she can question her fiancé's actions, her mouth is surrounded by Kai's lips, deepening their kiss even more than in the past few weeks. Repeating Azula's unconscious action, Kai deliberately uses his power to make his beloved swallow and "devour" the Embers of Light, causing her eyes to turn red again.


I didn't know what was happening to me, I felt my body getting lighter and stronger, especially stronger, but along with this feeling of power, I felt my desire explode, an explosion of lust and pleasure inside me.


- I want more! - I shouted at Kai like a roar, completely driven by this desire.


Kai purred close to my ear, but this time I managed to understand his meaning: "How to desire my queen." Finally getting what I'd hoped for, the happiness that overflowed within me was so great that it made me shed tears.


- That's right, satisfy your queen without holding back, I want to feel everything my king can offer me. - I teased, rolling my ass on that thick cock as I crushed as much as I could with my insides.


Accepting the challenge, Kai grabbed Azula's ass with all his might, moving his hips like an explosion so that he could push in with more of his length, causing Azula to roll her eyes at the new flame of pleasure burning in both of them.


As I felt my pussy being destroyed with each orgasmic thrust of my king, my hardened nipples began to bother me, so I couldn't help myself and used my hands to crush them in a fierce massage, causing my milk to drip from my hands.


- Your queen needs your attention! - I squeezed my breasts so that my milk poured into Kai's mouth.


Almost like a magnetic attraction, Kai sucked mercilessly on his queen's breasts, causing her to have mini-orgasms with every move he made.


- Ahhhhhhhhh! - I screamed in pure pleasure as I felt a wave of cum fill me, digging my nails into his skin, trying to measure the pleasure my body was proclaiming.


My ass hurt, obviously from the grip of Kai's hands, my legs were covered in cum and numb, my throat burned from my scream, along with my nipples that had been bitten and sucked.


When I felt his cock coming out of me, I was disappointed because I wanted to stimulate that fire inside me. He stood proudly watching me as I kneeled on the floor without the strength to move my legs.


As much as I understood that the first real demonstration of Kai's true stimulation of me had managed to shake me so much, I didn't want to lose this challenge, so I took the opportunity to grab his more relaxed cock and suck on its head.


I looked at Kai with determination, sucking his delicious cock that tasted like honey, making him realize that our fight was still going on. He smiled at me with mockery and lust, squatted down and made me swallow this piece of meat, stopping me from breathing.


Kai gently grabbed his queen's head and began a series of squats that eased the tension in his member, wasting no time in removing it from Azula's mouth so she could breathe. He understood that she was unable to withstand that kind of pressure, though it was stimulating to see his queen committed to continuing their sessions.


Kai lay on the floor next to an Azula trying to catch her breath, then held her leg and positioned his member right on the border between her vaginal and anal entrance. He played with Azula, pretending to penetrate her, not wanting her to prepare herself for the wave of pleasure that was about to invade her. Azula made a rare expression of expectation and despair at always being betrayed, as one of her entrances was slightly pushed.


- Stop teasing me... Aaaaaahhhh! - I screamed in pleasure as I was interrupted by another assault. The rhythmic movements of Kai's every move made my heart beat faster, the waves of pleasure making my consciousness tremble with every second.


The synchronicity of the two of them was in their dance, a symbolic relationship between their souls, which can only fully love each other, even if they are completely devoted to their soul mate, their personalities are ironically dominant, so it wasn't long before they tried to command the rhythm of sex.


Azula's eyes turned red, making her personality even more rebellious as she tried to take control of her king, who responded with mockery. Azula shifted position as Kai repeatedly used his strength and speed to keep Azula's rebellious spirit in check.


This exchange of sexual positions only increased the fire burning in their souls, the intensity of their emotions for each other, feeding each other's flame with their own in a constant cycle.


The end of the day came with Azula on top of Kai, completely exhausted and drenched in sweat, staring at her fiancé with superiority, almost fainting from their intense "fight".


- In the end! I won. - I declared, feeling a great sense of exhaustion under my mind, making my vision blur.


Kai opened his eyes and watched his little queen sleeping on his chest, feeling her breath on his skin. He stroked her hair softly, remembering the last few days when his mind was foggy. His mind finally synchronized with his body and he felt great relief at finally being in control of his draconic instincts.


A huge sigh of relief came from Kai, who was grateful that Azula had mostly kept her bestial side under control. The silence was a comfort to him as he contemplated the memories of hundreds of dragons who had assumed the role of king before him, but he still could not envision the future like his predecessors, understanding that it was too complex a skill to be properly executed. learned in his current self.


- Wars, conspiracies, betrayals... seem less trivial now. - Kai whispered, almost inaudible even to Azula's sensitive hearing. - I have a lot of work to do, but I need to sort out my memories one by one. - He watched his queen sleeping soundly and couldn't help but smile fondly. - I was very hard on you, my queen.


Next chapter: Tension of War


Author's note: I'm almost done with my studies, so I'll be able to update the story more often.