
Avatar The tale of two

Fire... Air... Water... Earth. For all that is good in this world, evil shall always exist alongside it. T'is a natural law for one cannot exist without the other. Love cannot exist without hate. A victor can't exist without the vanquished. Peace can't exist without conflict and war. So to as light cannot exist without darkness. We know that the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it. But did we pause to think what surrounds that light? Yes, it is darkness itself. The light may be strong but it will never be strong enough to completely extinguish the darkness around it. Even if it did, it will reappear. For what is light without darkness? Hence, most good that is perpetuated in this world has an ulterior motive. Whether it's for money, fame, power... Time will tell. But, when the darkness started to grow within the light and tint its pure, white rays black— The people mistook it for the same light they'd always known. Blinded and weakened by situations such as peace, comfort, lofty dreams and foolish ambitions, they did not see their error. A darklight. When the true light did come, they did not recognize it nor did they accept it. The Avatar has returned, now a member of the earth-kingdom, but is he the one the whole world knows and remembers? The bridge between spirits and humans? The one who brings balance to the world? The master of all four elements? Or, the harbinger of the dark age?

Triune_L47 · Action
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12 Chs

Chapter 7

"Fat load of help you were. How could you go down with a single blow?" Ronin asked facing the roof as he lay on the floor.

Roth's slightly higher pitched voice answered slowly.

"There are places which are not supposed to be hit." Also on the floor, he clutched his crotch.

"And Ben! How could you turn tail like that?!" he said looking up into the youngsters face as he bent over him.

"I think you guys should take on people your own size. I'm smaller than y'all and you expect me to stick around?" He answered playfully.

Ronin groaned and rolled over to stand.

With Roth's and Ben's impressive entrance, Ronin had expected better. Rather, it turned out with Ben running away and Roth getting kicked downstairs. (He'd be in soprano mode for a while.)

Left as the last man standing, the leader and Malik pummelled and dragged him towards some guard's desk. Probably to put him on their naughty list or something. He'd passed out at that point and when he came to, he lay beside a violated Roth.

They were in, what seemed to be, a courtyard for training and exercises. Several dummies were situated at various points within. Against a wall, several metal staffs, like the one he'd used earlier, were propped up for the non-benders in the facility.

Dotting the yard at various vantage points, guards with lethal guns stood guard to keep order. Once in a while, a fight would break up between members of the same groups. Mostly, they fought over the formation and groupings for the next games.

These were mostly settled quickly and the guards didn't really bother with those ones unless the elements started to get involved. However, fights between different groups were swiftly curtailed. The offending parties were then sent to solitary. Whatever additional punishments they had to undergo, he didn't want to know.

"We should get back. The last thing I need is to be beaten thrice in the same day."

"Yeah..." Roth rose slowly to a stand.

"Alright!" Ben replied gleefully.

'This kid... ' A small smile formed on Ronin's lips.

The disgruntled trio made their way around the courtyard. Spotting an exit flanked by two guards, they advanced towards it.

Ronin kept a hand in his pocket. Rubbing the same things over and over again. Mostly for comfort and slightly out of habit. Approaching the exit, his mind drifted to his present situation.

'How will I survive here?'

'Where are Lucas and Sean?'

'How can I protect Ben and Roth?'

'Will I die tommorow?'

So distracted was he that he tripped against a small stone. Falling forwards, he brought his hands out to stop his impact with the earth.

"Are you alright?" Roth asked.

"Yeah... Just a bit tired." he patted his pocket.


"What?" Ben asked.

The sensation on his hand was one of emptiness. Panicking, he thrust his hand inside. Fortunately there was one still inside but the others were missing. He looked around on the ground frantically...his head darting left and right.

"What's gotten into you?" Roth asked annoyed.


Ronin had spotted them. But there was a small problem, they lay right at the feet of one of the guards stationed at the exit. He bent down to pick up the items that had fallen near him.

Rushing over, he snatched them before the guard could pick them up.

"Hey!" Roth shouted after him as he rushed over.

Ronin opened his palm— but there was only one in it. The guard had been fast and the remaining two were clutched firmly in his hand.

He turned them over, examining them. Roth and Ben got there just at that moment and stared at the objects in the man's hand.

A wooden hog monkey and a wooden hand drum.

"Those are..." Roth began.

"Toys!" Ben exclaimed. "Didn't know you were still into them! Wait, how old are you again?"

Ronin ignored the question and stared silently at the man before him. He'd not taken his eyes off of his hands even when Ben and Roth had arrived. The look in his face was...

"Could I have those back please?"

One second passed, then two, three... On the fourth, he turned his scarred face towards Ronin and asked —

"Where is the last one?"

Ronin's heart clawed it's way up his throat. He suddenly found himself short of breath and the ground seemed to spin beneath him.

'This guy...!'

Spinning on his foot, he slapped the toys out of the guards hands, grabbed them in mid-air and dashed through the exit, leaving Roth and Ben behind.

"What was that about?" Roth asked. "Guy's embarrassed over kids toys? Well, not that he's wrong to be embarrassed about it"

"Hey, they're for the young and young at heart." answered Ben laying his hands on his chest.

"I don't think you're young, just stupid."


They began to argue so much so that they did not realise that the guard was no longer there.


Ronin ran. He ran and ran and still kept running. Any thing that would take him as far away as possible from that guard. Those who knew the story his toys told, whatever the reason, wanted him. So much so that they killed all who were a potential hindrance. They'd made that point clear 3 years ago.

He stuffed them into his pocket and slowed to a jog when he began to run out of breath.

'Are there more of them?'

He began to turn a corner, oblivious to where he was going.


He crashed into someone and stumbled back.

"Can't you watch where you're..." The individual began.

"Oh it's you. Perfect timing." He said recognising Ronin.

It was his third cell mate. The one who'd shed tears at the grave.

"Come with me, and put this on. You don't wanna be broadcasting yourself to others. " he said nodding at Ronin's bare chest and fresh tattoo. He handed him a thin, brown shirt.

Ronin continued staring at the guy as he began walking away.

"Well?" he called back turning back towards Ronin.

He thought...

'I don't know my away around this God-forsaken place. I also don't t wanna end up somewhere I shouldn't be.'

'Besides, it seems he wants to help me somehow.'

He took up the shirt, put it on and walked towards the guy.

"Great." he replied.

He led the way and Ronin followed suit.

"I'm Soren by the way, and you are?"


"Right... , now that that's outta the way. What are you here for?"

They rounded another corner, the entire place made less and less sense as they moved. Each corridor looked the same as the last."


He chuckled.

"Normally that wouldn't land you in this hell hole. I guess it depends on whom you were stealing from. I landed here 'cus I beat up an officer."

He laughed bitterly.

"It' s not 'cus I liked doing it or anything, but they're using their power to do whatever they want. And no one dares say anything' cus they're scared."

His fists clenched tightly. Ronin looked on quietly.

"I don't deserve to be here!" he stopped so suddenly that Ronin nearly bumped into him again.

"And neither do you." he turned back to face Ronin.

"When push came to shove, we had to do what we could to survive! But since they want us to die quietly like the insignificant people we are, they oppress us, sentence us... Murder us, all for their own pleasure"

He grabbed Ronin's shoulders, alarming him.

"I don't know why I'm telling you this, but I feel the darkness in everyone here, but you..." he gulped.

"Your eyes, your aura so..."

He looked down. Ronin was already feeling uncomfortable with this overt show of emotion.

"There's a way to get outta here." Soren said.

This reached Ronin and he held Soren back.


Soren looked right into his eyes. Eyes of sheer will.

"We'll have to participate in a tournament. That said, it's not just anyone who can sign up for those. You'd have to curry favour from the spectators and those in charge."

"We've been trying, but you'd have to kill so many... The other two had no problem with it but Steve held 'em back. That's how we've been surviving all this time."

Ronin released his grip as he realised the price he'd have to pay for freedom.

"Alive, but doomed to die. We've just been lucky... Then you came along."

"Huh?" Ronin sputtered.

"You! You're the big break we need! What you did in the last game completely thrilled the crowd. In one game, we racked up 500 points! Just what we need to sign up for the tournament!"

Ronin staggered back.

'So that's what they did!' he thought as he recalled the time where he'd been dragged towards that desk and he'd passed out.

'They must've used me to sign up!'

But still he felt no joy. For if the last game had involved them racing and trying to kill each other, this would be far worse.

"This tournament... How does it work?"

"They're held thrice every year. Out of those times, the strongest teams wage out in a battle royale and the last team standing wins their freedom back!"

Ronin was liking this less and less.

"The next tournaments only three days away! If we can train real hard, I'm sure we can win this."

"And how exactly do you expect to win?" Ronin asked below his breath.

"How else?" Soren answered. "Kill them all. I won't make the same mistake Steve did."

Ronin looked up at him straight in the eyes and said...

"So you'd defile his memory by getting blood on your hands?"

His hands clenched tightly on Ronin's shoulders.

"For his sake, I've gotta live. And I don't care if I have to become a killer to do so."

Ronin looked down, painful memories of the past re-surfacing.

'Who knew a human could be so still?'

"It's the worst feeling. " he whispered.


"Knowing that a life is no more because of you."

The hands on his shoulders were released. Soren looked straight into his eyes.

"Even so, we must survive."

There was a flurry of footsteps behind them.

"Make way! Make way!!"

Two men wearing white, pushed through them carrying a limp person between them. They were soon followed by others dressed in a similar fashion and they all carried bodies between them.

Soren placed a hand on one of the shoulders of the men.

"What happened here?"

Ronin stole a glance at one of the bodies and nearly threw up.

The body was peppered with numerous bloody holes as big as bullet holes. They were everywhere. On the victims face, back, throat... It was like the woman had been surrounded by an army and they'd let loose an all out salvo on her.

"Why don't you go find out in a tournament." The man replied shrugging Soren's hand off.

"Take your time and get acquainted with the Red scourge."


"Breathe deeply. Feel the energy of the universe, the ki of all that lives and become one with it. Focus..."

He opened an eye to peek at the young Avatar. He was actually following along quite well. His breathing was even. His poise relaxed but alert. His eyes closed peacefully as they knelt in the serene garden with only the sound of a rushing spring and the tweet of birds to keep them company.

Master Jin was pleased. The young man had come along so well. All the earth benders he'd met had been muscle headed nincompoops unable to just take a moment and be at peace; Always chucking rocks at each other and being stupid about it.

He winced as he remembered the time when he'd tried to train a young boy in meditation and he'd been clobbered with a boulder because, "It was so boring."


But the young Avatar was different. He learnt fast, was obedient, submissive... It was every teachers wish to have a student such as this. A student one could take pride in. He sighed contently and closed his eye. Letting the lull of the spring set his spirit free.


Avatar Will was dead bored.

He'd been sitting in the Lotus position for close to 2 hours and he wasn't feeling anything different. Meditating was so much pain.

He took a deep breathe and tried to relax his strained legs.

'One more time.'

He breathed again and let his mind wander. He focused on his environs... The song of the birds, the ripple of the creek, the rustling of the grass, the gentle wind that caressed his face, the sunlight on his back... He felt it all.

Then he began to see. Colors began to form in his vision. He hadn't moved a muscle, but he was able to move. His eyes were closed, but he saw things around him.

Like the water at his feet and the white light pouring down upon him in that dark place. A drip-drip sound made its way to his ears but he couldn't pinpoint where it came from.

"What is this place?"

He looked around but beyond the light pouring upon him was nothingness.

"Did I, by chance, enter the Spirit world?"


A stone had fallen from above.

Will glanced up to see what had caused it. He shielded his eyes as he did for the light was so bright.


He fell down unto the water in utter shock as he stared at the "thing" before him.

It looked down upon him with cruel, intelligent eyes. They shimmered blue in the white light save for the feline slit in it's eyes. And they looked absolutely livid.

It spread its huge wings and let out a blood-curling roar from its huge beak. The light reflected off of its dark coat giving it an almost ethereal magnificence of silver and ebony. Will might have been entranced by its beauty but it was looking at Will as if he was the object of its hatred. Rearing up, it lunged at him from above.

Panic seized Will's heart. Clambering up, he began to run but the water made his movements slow. He glanced back in fear as the beast opened its mouth ready to devour him.


Shutting his eyes, he shot his arm forward, bending the element of his birth though he felt no earth around him.


The earth split open and Master Jin was sent flying. With a confused look on his face.

Will was on his feet. Breathing hard and sweating profusely. His mind on high alert. His head darted around frantically.

'Where is it?'

He was back in the garden with Master Jin. Nothing had really changed. In fact, the sun was even setting and drawing long shadows on the ground.

His frantic breathing continued. Adrenalin coursed through his veins keeping him in fight or flight mode.

'What was that?!'

Master Jin groaned a few metres away.

Realizing he might have hurt his master, Will rushed over and tried to help.

The master was conscious.

"Are you alright, Master Jin?"

"I knew it." he answered under his breath.


"You're all the same! Always chucking rocks for no reason and getting me hurt as a result!! "

"Master..., let me help you."

"Help my foot!" he answered angrily.

Will faltered. Perhaps he'd really managed to tick off an air nomad. A feat thought impossible.

"No seriously, help my foot!" Master Jin cried pointing at one of his feet. It wasn't facing the right way.


The scream that followed next could be heard from a mile away.

Hey guys. Tl_47 here back on time with the next chapter. My dearest apologies with the misshap of the previous chapter. Some parts of this chapter were in it due to a copy-paste error. Also my apologies for it's shortness. Its supposed to be at least 2000 words long. But I hope this chapter can make up for it. Once again, I'm grateful for all the support and I look forward to release the next chapter in the next 2 weeks.

Maybe I should do a special and release two chapters one day. :-)

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