
Avatar : The Legend of Phoenix

An ordinary fellow gets sucked into the Avaterverse taking Zuko’s place while being blessed by Agni. In his eyes the Fire Nation is true perfection, considering it unfair to keep the world without it’s light. The Earth Kingdom is ruled by strength and fear while keeping it’s population miserable ... and on the North Pole, they still live almost like cavemen did. They deserve support from the Fire Nation, even if they don't appreciate it. Those conquered by another will always view their conquerors as pure evil. In a world tyrannically separated by a flawed concept of balance, an never ending dark age that humanity has been forced to accept is now is being brought to its rightful end by the enlightened Fire Nation. Only the Avatar, the embodiment of said tyranny and stratification itself, poses a threat to the new age. Glory to the Fire nation. Glory to the Phoenix Emperor! https://discord.gg/f3cJHYM SelfishMC. War over idelogies and power. +18 to be safe. Avatar bashing. Fire Nation fanboy. AU. Harem. *eventually synopsis might change to a less lame one ... tags may change as well. Disclaimer, this is a fan-fic, so credit goes to original authors. And this is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictional manner. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. I don't claim ownership over the Cover Photo.

Daichi_TBR193 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Queen of the girls that don’t win

"Kyoshi Island is located off the southern coast of the Earth Kingdom and dotted with many small villages.

Predominantly a fishing port, this small island in the South Sea is a popular destination among traders and travelers.

It is well known as the adopted home of Avatar Kyoshi and the residence of the elite Kyoshi Warriors, an all-female fighting outfit.

As a result, every village on the island hosts a statue of its revered Avatar, and one of the villages has converted a temple into a shrine dedicated to her.

The island is characterized by its relative seclusion and temperate climate.

Since its establishment, Kyoshi Island has been led by a governor, who can be either male or female.

It hosts minimal connection to the Earth Kingdom imperial government.

Every village of Kyoshi Island has a local civil leader and a band of female warriors to provide protection.

The inhabitants of Kyoshi Island have a relatively egalitarian culture, based on economic self-sufficiency.

They mostly live from fishing and farming, though some are also active as traders.

Their homes are made of wood and have steeply pitched thatched roofs to prevent the accumulation of snow.

Despite their unsophisticated economy, the Kyoshi Islanders are relatively well off.

Originally a peninsula whose most prominent settlement was Yokoya Port.

This village was an impoverished community of farmers and fishers whose hard lives were marked by monotonous work and a stubborn sense of xenophobic pride.

The peninsula was strategically and economically unimportant: merchant ships usually circumvented it due to the prevailing winds and currents of nearby Whaletail Strait, and the Earth Kingdom's government consequently had no interest in actually governing the area.

The people of Yokoya thus existed in relative isolation, save for occasional contact with the town of Qinchao further inland or passing travelers.

Decades later as Kyoshi had become a full fledged Avatar, a warlord known as Chin the Great conquered the entire Earth Kingdom with his armies, Ba Sing Se and Yokoya peninsula being the sole exceptions.

When the warlord marched his armies down to the neck of the peninsula in 270 BG, Avatar Kyoshi avoided a battle and managed to keep her people safe from invasion by using a combination of different bending techniques to separate their peninsula from the mainland and form Kyoshi Island.

Kyoshi consequently assumed responsibility for governing the newly formed island, becoming its governor.

Following Kyoshi's death, the island remained closely associated with her in popular memory, and some people such as Avatar Aang even falsely believed that she had been born there.

As the island held no significant military advantage and was home to only a few earthbenders, the region was not attacked at all during the early and intermediate stages of the Hundred Year War." The emperor concluded. "Until now."

"Geez, when you told me we were going to train my mind as well as my body as wasn't expecting this kind of lecture." Toph untied her hair.

"Am I boring you?" Zuko questioned with mirth in his voice.

"Not at all your majesty." Toph replied jokingly. "At least you seem to know your stuff. My teachers back at home were completely clueless about anything that I've always wondered what was the point."

"I see." Zuko said while turning away and leaving the world map for his subjects to store away. "I guess it's time then. Shall we?"

"Ah… okay, it would be good to set feet on firm ground again." Toph considered before following him. "But can you tell me why we have come here?"

"There isn't a particular reason beyond bringing this place into the fold. My empire will rule the world, places like the water tribes and the remaining independent earth kingdoms require a more tactical approach. But smaller places can help ease the war effort by simply not providing aid to our adversaries."

"So… this Island is just like my city?" Toph pondered with her arms crossed behind her head.

"Essentially, yes." Zuko replied.

He had already spoken with his mother and sister, apparently they were beginning to speak to one another.

If Azula is capable of triggering some of Ursa's memories back, then the young emperor won't oppose.

Kiyi, his half sister, was still a toddler, and Zuko had noticed how cute and intelligent she was. By the time the avatar returns, she will be at the proper age to begin her fire bending training.

Ty Lee had convinced Mai to stroll around the warship. Despite its militaristic purpose, there were still multiple areas where they could avoid boredom.

Toph had changed her clothes since she joined Zuko's company, her once foreign bending attire had been switched by one with a more clear influence of his empire and a layer of armor.

It wasn't exactly the traditional fashion of the old fire nation. Some traces of her earth kingdom heritage could still be noticed, but that's what Zuko wanted.

The blind loli followed him as they took a much smaller boat to land without alarming the entire islet of some possible invasion.

Zuko was aware of the place's "protector", so by avoiding sailing carelessly through the bay in which the unagi was usually found, they've made safe travel towards the beach.

But as soon as they set foot on the beach, Zuko noticed that they had been surrounded by the famous Kyoshi warriors.

At least a younger version of them.

'That's what I get by coming three years early.' Sighed Zuko. 'It seems all the care I've put to not be noticed had been for naught.'

The girls spent no time with presentations, warnings or questions, they immediately rushed at them.

Zuko swiftly dealt with the ones that attacked him, restraining himself from using his bending, he had the perfect opportunity to practice his chi blocking and knife throwing skills.

He instantly pinned two to a nearby tree while charging and showered the other two with his flurry of chi blocking pokes and grabs.

Toph wasn't as considerate against the non-bender attackers.

The sand of the beach might've been a little hindrance, but she managed to trap four enemies under the sand, with only their heads appearing.

Zuko was about to paralyze his sixth opponent, but ended up recognizing the leader and older fighter of the group. "So, I presume you must be the leader of this group of bandits."

"We are not bandits!" Shouted the painted girl.

"No? Then care to explain what's the meaning of this?" Zuko gestures with his head towards her defeated comrades.

"We are the guardians of this island! Any trespassers will face the might of the Kyoshi warriors. Mainly fire nation spies!" She stated as Toph dusted her clothes off and approached Zuko. "Now your time to answer! Why does an earth bender invade our neutral territory?"

"Haven't you heard? The fire nation is no longer." He replied, ignoring her question about Toph.

"I don't care how it names itself now, the sins of the past can't be easily erased!" She declared to him while still having her guard raised.

"I'm afraid you don't seem to be the type that solves things peacefully." He sighed. "But I will attempt it anyway." He stood facing her with his calm expression. "Surrender now, or give up your right of freedom."

"I knew it, not only a spy, but a slaver as well." She had an angry expression as she charged at him to attack.

Zuko at that moment signaled for Toph to not interfere, golden lightning began running through his body without affecting his attire.

Instead of launching a lightning attack at the charging girl, the energy was contained and he felt his senses enhancing to extreme levels as time seemed to have stopped.

Clearly there was no need to go that far to defeat the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors, but he needed to test his new power outside of a cage of metal.

He made his way towards his target, and with every step he took, the sand under him was melted into glass.

Taking care to not kill, he stood beside the attacking girl and casually placed one of his knives close to her neck while preparing to place the other hand to stop her.

He cut the current of electricity right away, and time began moving again.

The sudden burst of speed had its effect noticed through the scorched sand and the wind pressure that blew her headband off.

"Wow! So fast!" Remarked Toph, who seemed to have just noticed he had moved at all.

"Thanks! New trick!" He smiled and tightened his grip over the defeated leader. "Now then, I will be taking that." Zuko swiftly took her slightly curved sword and picked her fan and retractable shield.

Not wasting time, he retrieved his blade away from his opponent's neck and proceeded to choke hold her.

"Showing no mercy, eh Zuko?" Toph remarked with a grin.

"Heh, never." Zuko chuckled before carrying the defeated leader bridal style. "Restrain them, will you?"

"Alright." Toph nodded before bending the metal out of her attire and handcuffing all the Kyoshi Warriors in a chain.

"Release me!" Shouted one girl.

"You will pay for invading our lands!" Warned another.

"Fire nation scum!" Was muttered by others.

Zuko ignored the defeated group's insults and turned to Toph. "Nicely done, Toph!"

"Thanks…" She blushed a little. "But that was too easy. Aren't we supposed to be facing stronger people?"

"Heh, not yet. We are still in the preparing and planning phase. Remember?" Zuko said while handing something to her. "Now, take a look at these?"

"What are those? Fancy accessories?" Toph questioned while picking the fan and the retractable shield but not touching the curved sword.

"If not used skillfully, they might as well be." Zuko smiled. "But I believe they are indeed weapons. Or at least some kind of combat gear."

Toph seemed not too interested, returning them to Zuko she remarked. "Meh, I still think they are lame."

"Hum...I wonder which weapon will eventually catch your interest? We should go pay a visit to the warship's armory after we finish our business here." Zuko stated as he stored the Kyoshi relics on his belt.

"Yeah… sure." Toph replied.

The emperor looked around, expecting more warriors to come, but from what he remembered of the cartoon, there wasn't anyone else guarding this island.

How sad.

Zuko turned to the bunch clad in green kimonos and makeup, as the ones that were still conscious stared at him with mixed expressions of anger and confidence.

The young emperor smiled with open arms for them. "Ladies, it's really unfortunate the way that things had escalated." Noticing they still stared at him, he continued. "My name is Zuko, emperor of the magnificent Blaze Empire." Now he had finally got rid of the anger sentiment, fear was the natural replacement.

Enjoying witnessing the spirit of the group breaking apart so easily, he had a hard time hiding his smirk with a sigh. "Even though I've come fully intended to make a diplomatic deal with the people of this Island, I've been attacked on sight." Zuko walked closer to the group. "I'm afraid that your crimes are too grave to be so easily pardoned, if my empire desires to be taken seriously, no exceptions shall be made."

Noticing that the leader had awakened, Zuko turned to her. "You are clearly the leader of this group."

Extending his hand, the metal bindings around the girl's wrist moved on its own forcing her to approach him as she was freed from the main chain.

Right before the metal overheated, the pull over it stopped.

The girl had been caught off guard by the bending of metal. Her shock had increased even more as the one that defeated her had grabbed her chin.

The handsome boy began inspecting closely her painted face with his golden eyes and with the other hand he wiped her makeup off.

"Wha… how dar…" She attempted to shout at him.

Befitting her position as leader of her village's Kyoshi Warriors, she had always been tough, assertive, and not afraid to speak her mind.

But the one casually appraising her beauty had managed to silence her with a single stare.

"What's your name?" He asked calmly.

Not being in control of the situation, she instinctively answered him. "S-suki."

He smiled. "Suki, leader of the Kyoshi Warriors." He released her chin and her metal restraints. "You are now mine."

Suki's surprise was obvious to everyone.


Zuko and Toph sat outside the inn that they had made their temporarily home and were eating breakfast, as they sat there they watched the Blaze Empire soldiers walk around working with a few of the people who used to live here.

It was a very peaceful and quiet transition, since the islanders possessed no other form of military force to rely on.

"What's going to happen to them?" Zuko and Toph's attention was caught by a young woman who had directed those words towards the young emperor.

"What do you mean?" Zuko questioned back as they watched the soldiers working. "The vast majority will continue here with their lives under the supervision of one of my officers as if nothing had happened, safe for a stark improvement of quality, while the statues and symbols regarding the idolatry of the avatar will be confiscated." Zuko spoke.

After answering her, Zuko joined Toph who had already returned to eat her meal.

Suki watched them both simply ignoring her and that pissed her off, she decided that enough was enough and not wasted any time.

She instantly charged at Zuko who seemed to be distracted with his meal.

But when she was right about to touch him, her attack was however brought to a grinding halt, as the subtle shackles around her wrists completely restrained her ability to move.

As she struggled to overpower the restraints she had forgotten about, the metal began to heat up and emit a faint light.

"Arggg!" She attempted to free herself, but the heat was beginning to reach unbearable temperatures.

When the heat and push ended, Suki was surprised to see Zuko and Toph acting as if nothing had happened.

"Forgive me my dear, I won't allow you to have it your way." The young emperor said while tasting his food. "Many had been sentenced to spend their days working in an oil refinery in Yu Dao for far less."

Suki reserved herself to remain silent this time.

"Yu Dao is an absolutely beautiful city, mind you. Did you know it is our very first colony here in the Earth kingdom?" Zuko asked Suki, but instead of answering, she spat at him.

"Your people are dishonorable liars that do nothing but destroy the balance of the world!" Suki yelled at him.

"She sure likes you." Chuckled Toph.

"You meant us?" Zuko smiled while wiping the spit out of his robe.

As Suki got ignored again, she could feel her hopes dwindling.

There had to be some way to fight him, some way to get Kyoshi Island back.

She didn't care what she had to do, and then it hit her.

There was something she could try, she wasn't sure if he would react to it, but it was her only idea.

"I challenge you to an Agni kai!" Suki yelled.

When the words left her lips the Island became dead quiet.

The soldiers walking closer to them all looked at each other confused, they were never expecting to witness a slave challenging their supreme leader.

However, Zuko quickly settled it as he stood up and faced her. "Very well. I accept your challenge." Zuko spoke.

Suki noticed that he wasn't trying to taunt or be funny anymore, right now he was dead serious.

"First tell me why, you demand this Agni kai? Are you aware of its importance to my people?" Zuko spoke as his eyes stared down at her.

"I'm the leader of the warriors on this Island, I can't allow this destiny to befall over my people without risking everything I have, therefore I ask that if I win that whatever the fire nation calls itself will leave this Island and never return." Suki spoke staring right back at Zuko, her eyes filled with determination.

"I accept the fight. If you win, my soldiers won't pursue vengeance or retribution. However, if you lose, you will no longer be a regular slave." Zuko spoke as he stared at her with a small smile.

This Island was going to be built up from scrap and was going to become an important new outpost for his empire, Zuko doubted that the people of this Island could have a better life than the one he was proposing.

"You will be my concubine." Zuko declared with a smirk.

"In your dreams!" She replied shortly.

"But you can only offer yourself my dear." He said. "Taking your life serves me nothing."

"Arg! Alright! IF you win this fight, I will accept my fate!" She spoke as she continued to stare up at him. "But otherwise, you will leave my people alone."

While Zuko had no doubt that he was going to win, he had briefly considered if he really desired her.

"Then it's settle." Zuko spoke as the spectating soldiers quickly distanced themselves, leaving the two of them to have the town square as their battleground. "Do you even know the rules of an Agni kai?" He asked her before they began to which she shook her head. "Very well, it's a simple custom, weapons aren't allowed and fire bending is the only bending allowed. You win by making your opponent surrender, burn him or knock him unconscious." He explained and Suki could already feel a huge disadvantage by looking at the rules.

With no weapons she only had her fists and feet to fight with, while Zuko had basically everything.

But still she refused to back down.

No matter how fast he was.

As they once again stared at each other preparing to fight, they were surrounded by silence as everyone around had gathered to watch the fight.

The people who lived on the Island of course believed that Suki would win as she was the strongest fighter they knew, while the Blaze Empire soldiers all pitied the girl.

Not many soldiers had ever seen their crown prince fight seriously, but the stories they heard had been enough and according to them he was an absolute monster.

"So are you going to attack or not?" Zuko questioned Suki who just continued to stare at him, maybe she was hoping he would just get a heart attack and die.

She was already planning on how she was going to win this.

First charge him, when he tries to land a punch grab his arm and throw him over her shoulder making him land on his back, when down straddle him and finish with two quick punches to the face.

However plans do not always go as planned.

And just like that, Suki came charging at him, when she was right in front of him Zuko threw a quick open handed punch right at her face, but Suki barely managed to dodge beneath the fist.

Suddenly a big smile appeared on his face as she was ready to deliver an uppercut straight to his jaw, she felt all air leave her as her eyes rolled back when Zuko had planted his knee deep into her stomach sending her into the air and down on her back.

The young emperor wasn't someone she could face.

"I must admit I had hoped for something more of a challenge my dear." He spoke clearly unaffected. "Really? That's all you have? Oh come now, do make this more interesting."

Seeing that she hadn't recovered from his previous attack, he calmly began walking towards Suki who hastily attempted to regain more distance. "Fine, then I will end it."

Suddenly in a quick burst of speed, hoping to catch Zuko by surprise.

Zuko tried to counter her by raising one leg and aimed a kick towards her chest, she was so lucky that he underestimated her and with that she managed to catch his leg and held his leg high in the air.

Zuko was still calm wondering what she was trying to do, her sadistic smile was quite amusing, and then it happened as she was right in front of Zuko holding off his legs.

Suki raised her own leg and with all the force she could muster, she attempted to kick Zuko right in between the legs.

A hard thud could be heard throughout the town square and everyone watching gasped.

Instead of taking the blow, he used Suki's chest as leverage and flipped backwards. Kicking Suki while freeing his other leg.

Suki had a clear sign of pain plastered on her face as she had difficulty breathing.

Looking up to Zuko's face and realizing that he was right in front of her, she felt a cold chill of terror run down her back as he sent her flying back again with a kick.

"Aiming for a man's most holy place, how truly desperate you must be." Zuko spoke in an amused voice. "But how about we cut this short already?" Zuko asked her, confused and in pain Suki slowly raised herself from the ground to look at him.

However something was wrong this time as she stared at him once again.

The world around her began to disappear, the only thing that remained was her adversary, and she wasn't able to focus on anything else.

"Suki, I want you to surrender." His voice was different in her ears, hot and terrifying as if it was melting her brain, her feet began to shake uncontrollably.

He was without a doubt no man, but a demon.

"Suki trust me, put aside your fears, go to sleep and when you wake up everything will be as it was." He continued, his words so incredibly persuasive to her ears.

Her eyes felt heavier as Zuko grabbed her by the chin again, she no longer had any intention of fighting him, and she just wanted to rest.

When she felt Zuko's hands cup her cheek , an indescribable warmth filled her body and a blush spread across her face through her dizzy tired eyes.

She could see Zuko staring at her with his beautiful golden eyes. "That's it Suki, relax now! Don't worry, I'll protect you." He spoke and those were the last words she heard before her eyes rolled back in her head and fell into his arms.

What everyone else saw however was quite different.

After Suki had failed to kick Zuko in the crotch, he had blown her away with another hard kick. But then Suki had raised herself from the ground, just standing still, her eyes zoning out as Zuko approached her. When he grabbed her shoulder Suki collapsed into his arms.

"Alright, easy victory!" Mused Zuko before looking around. "Hurry up Toph, it's almost time for us to go." He spoke in his usual tone as he lunged the unconscious Suki over his shoulder.

"Don't tell me that's how you carried me after our first fight?" She asked but Zuko just chuckled.


Hours later...

Suki's eyes fluttered open.

Strangely, she felt at peace.

She slowly sat up and noticed that she was inside a big room, the room felt like it was moving and by slightly turning her head she managed to notice a large window.

The only thing outside was the clear ocean and the sun slowly on its way down over the horizon leaving an orange sky.

It was then that she realized where she was…

But couldn't remember everything that had happened.

It all felt so serene and yet so terrifying.

Looking around the room she assumed that it was Zuko's chamber at how luxurious it was.

The entire floor was covered by a soft snow white rug and beautiful paintings covered the wall, the left side of the room was completely dedicated to his collection of artifacts as the Kyoshi Warriors' fans and shields hung there.

She was a concubine now, she had promised to serve him if he won.

Her honor as a kyoshi warrior compelled her to abide by her promise and she refused to whine about it now.

But she still hoped that everyone on the island was safe.

The door then opened up and she saw the handsome emperor walk in. "Good morning. I was beginning to fear that you had planned to sleep the entire day away." Zuko spoke with a smile as he approached her. "You must be hungry by now right?" He asked her, but instead of her mouth it was her stomach who answered for her with a deep growl.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you will love my favorite chef! Hope that you like the clothes and please do tell if the collar is too tight." Zuko spoke much to Suki's shock.

It was just now that she realized she was only wearing a strange robe and a collar had been placed around her neck much to her humiliation. "Is a collar really necessary?" Suki questioned, she would really like to get it off.

"It is, what if you get lost or you run away from home by accident, then people wouldn't be able to see where you belong. Don't worry, one day I will trust you enough to take it off." Zuko assured her.

Shortly afterwards the food arrived along with a small scroll for Zuko.

After they had eaten, Zuko quickly read through the scroll, as he continued reading his eyes became sharper and the temperature slightly rose in the room showing he wasn't happy with the message.

Regardless, Zuko then used the rest of the evening to show her around the warship and introduce her to what kind of training she would be taking.



*Hope this chapter is of your liking. Anything you wish to ask, feel free to do so.

Thanks as always for your attention and please be safe.

Any problems with my writing, just point them out and I will correct them as soon as possible.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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