
chapter 8

I fell asleep and woke up back in the fight between me and kyoshi. "-cause I need someone who can give me a challenge" I walked away from this fight and my only thoughts were 'Damm kyoshi is fine, at least 9.5 out of 10 but I heard she was a lesbian let's hope she was actually a bisexual'

I walked away I had no idea where I was so I just kept walking and walking its been around 2 days of walking then I found a city no a town it was quiet and peaceful but right before I reached the town I was awakend by Lin who said "kid what's wrong with you how have you slept for 19 hours straight"

I was still groggy and all I heard was "kid, wrong, with, 19, straight" and I replied "what, huh why are you wrong with 19 straight" then I went ungroggy and realized what she said

"19 hours straight wow that's close to my record of 23 hours"

"Damm kid what kind of problems do you have, and you kept repeating the words 'kyoshi' like the avatar, in your sleep.

"I don't know what problems maybe my brother was murdered right infront of me and his blood splattered on my face maybe that's what problems I have but I don't know about the kyoshi thing" I did know about the kyoshi thing though.

Lin said "your lying about the kyoshi thing you know why you were" and I replied partly truthfully "I had a dream about kyoshi I don't know why though"

'She could sense my heart rate with Seismic sense, I need a counter measure to this, I got it I can try and vibrate my chest so she can't sense it properly' I tried to use water bending to move the blood in my chest fast which caused small vibrations.

I then told her a lie and she believed me this would most definitely be useful for the future I looked at the clock and it read '5:21' and probably am because Lin is home at 5:20 am and not pm.

(BTW this chapter takes place around where season 2 ep 10 would be in legend of korra)

"What should I do today?" I said aloud and lin replied "you could come to work with me for experience and today is mostly paper work from last night because we raided an underground fighting ring only 2 people managed to escape, which is odd because we've been planning it for months and knew every exit, the people who escaped was a fire bender and the receptionist apparently the fire bender carried the receptionist he had an option between some girl and the receptionist and he yelled so loud I could Hear it over the and do you know what he screamed 'BROS BEFORE HOES' that person is funny as hell"

We walked to the police headquarters and on the way I asked "how are mako and Asumi" and lin replied saying "I heard they are good in fact I heard Mako is visiting the headquarters today to give his report on what he remembers"

"Good" I said knowing what I did to them, we walked in the building and headed for her office which was pretty big there were papers all over her desk all about last night's raid and the blood bender which from the papers they labeled me Amon 2.0

I sat down at a chair on the side of the room and asked "so what do I do for the next

14 hours" and lin replied dismissively "I don't know just watch read a book or train at the training grounds"

I looked on the shelf and picked out some random book and read it for 2 and a half hours then I went to sleep I woke up on the outskirts of the town I continued walking and I asked around until I found a job for an earthbender, it was to move coal from some storage facility to a black Smith. I got it done on the first trip and I was paid with around 50 earth nation coins. Until I heard about the place where the avatar works out of it was a mansion.

I asked about where it was and got a direction it was east of the town, I started using earth bending to speed up my speed 10 fold I was rock surfing until I saw a mansion with an injured kyoshi sitting down with a crutch.

When she saw me she got up and started to hobble away on her crutches while screaming and throwing rocks at me "help, help" and I screamed back "this is the greatest light avatar in history, wow, I'm the first and only dark avatar I don't have thousands upon thousands of people to recall knowledge from and I still win, but I'm not here to fight I'm here to talk"

Then some guards ran out and tried to attack me with there fire bending but I made them some prisons and said "kyoshi stop running I'm here to talk"

Kyoshi couldn't really fight back since her arms were pretty banged up and so were her feet. She fell over and then tried to crawl but I helped her up and handed her her crutches and said "I'm sorry for beating your ass, please forgive me I may be the dark avatar but I'm the one in control not Vaatu so I'm really just a neutral avatar"

She looked calmed down but it was odd to see the strongest avatar defenseless and screaming for help then the fire bender ran in and said "get away from her" and I replied "I'm here to talk things out not finished off the kill if I wanted to kyoshi would already be dead"

I stepped away and freed the guards and put my hands behind my head in a sign of submission and said jokingly "I surrender"

Then I woke up with 1 hour and a half left until we can go home.

I checked to see what my mother was doing and saw her filling out paper work, then Mako walked in and said in his squeaky voice "I'm here to talk about the bloodbender"

"Let's start, what did he look like" lin said

And Mako replied "well he was wearing a black coat with a red or maroon shirt and a black pair of pants he was around 6 ft and he had a deep voice"

Lin started writing this down on a piece of paper then said "now how strong of a

water-bender was he"

"well he was like I said in the hospital the strongest water-bender I've ever seen not korra or Amon would be able to take him down only using water bending also I forgot he has black hair"

"Thank you but we're there any other defining details" lin said And Mako replied in his fuck boy voice "he had the black blue and red mask and other then that there were no other defining details" "you can go home now" lin said with boredom.

Then a metal bender walked in and spoke "I'm here to report on the incident yesterday with the blood bender" "perfect timing I was just getting bored" lin said sarcastically.

The metal bender said "my name is loato Jin I am 27 years old and a metal bender in republic city, and yesterday I chased a blood bender in the city how it happened was we heard of a water bender flying over the city so we brought out the sky blimp and departed once we found him we started dropping I was the second one down and I saw the bloodbender he had black hair a black red and blue mask and he was wearing a black coat a black pair of pants and a reddish shirt, he was a very very very strong water-bender and probably the greatest water-bender ever, one of my comrades landed a cable on the blood bender as he tried to make it away from us he broke the cable and it whipped back and hit Jeonn urya in the balls. I screamed get back here then we started to give chase then a bunch of reinforcements arrived and we all started to give chase eventually we he turned around the corner of a tall building and he made some of us just go limp but he blood bended them to saftey then he turned the water he was using to fly into ice and threw it at the side of the Sato industries building, it started to tilt and people started to fall out but strangely he saved the people who would fall to there deaths he slowed then down with blood bending then some of us used this Opportunity to attack him but that caused him to lose focus and almost drop the civilians and my boss said 'stop if we attack him he might drop the citizens' we didn't attack him then he said 'Wise Mr. Metal bender and just for the record I'm not holding them hostage I'm saving these innocent citizens from certain death and I'm sorry about the other dudes balls' he seems like a nut case to be honest"

The metal bender took a break to catch his breath then started talking again "then I started to reinforce the structure so it didn't fall into the other buildings then he prasied me "thank you mister metal bender, now we may continue our chase 3..2..1.. GO" he sped off faster then anything else over ever seen that's when we lost him"

"Thank you for the detailed report" lin said a few other people walked in and gave pretty much the same report with only a few minor differences. Then it was time to go home and we walked out, I guess with Amon and the revolutionizes the police can focus on different things that means alot of other underground bending arena's are going to be raided so I can't do underground fighting anymore.

(Hope you liked this chapter ❤️❤️❤️ love you no homo except for a little homo)

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