
chapter 14

Suyin snuck up on me and clapped while speaking "wow, you are a prodigy, really, yesterday your lava was unstable and bubbling all over the place now it seems like you have near perfect control over it"

"Wait I just thought about something if your from the Southern water nation then why are you an earthbender?" Suyin said while holding her finger to her lip

"Some earthbenders came to my village a little before I was born and my father was one of them and so I inherited my bending from him" I replied joyfully

"Intresting, well I'm teaching korra and Bolin metal bending over at a different training grounds wanna come over and get some tips on metal bending" I nodded and followed her over and greeted korra and bolin while waving "Hi Korra, hi Bolin"

Bolin greeted me back but korra didn't, Suyin started her lesson by grabbing a luqid like metal and saying "this metal is easier to bend grab a piece and try to move it" she made the metal into different shapes like a spiked ball and a triangle.

Korra, me, and bolin grabbed a piece and korra got it after a few minutes of trying and bolin hasn't even gotten it to move but I am already proficient in metal bending so it was easy for me.

Then my mother in a tank top looking slightly less sweaty but more loopy and angrier then earlier she said agitated "Suyin it's time we talk" "so after 30 years your finally ready to talk" Suyin said annoyed

"When we where in mom's office that day you could have taken responsibility for your actions but you had to put mom's career at stake" lin said looking and sounding pissed off

"Mom didn't throw her career away she retired a year later a hero" suyin said trying to defuse the situation but lin did not back down "no, she retired from guilt" and suyin said offended "look I admit I wasn't the perfect kid and I've made some mistakes in the past but"

"Haha, some mistakes" my mother chuckled as she said that. "lin, Mom and I already talked about this year's ago and worked things out, if you had gotten together with us like we asked you would know I'm a different person now, I've been a different person for a long time" suyin said acting like she was perfect and lin was in the wrong

This stuck some nerves in me but then lin started speaking way more aggressively then before "You think just because you live in a big, fancy house and have a chef who cooks you fancy food that your a different person, maybe you can fool everyone else but you can't fool me, I see right through you"

"You know what, lin your the one who hasn't changed, your still a bitter loner who only cares about herself, no wonder tenzin ended things with you years ago" suyin said coldly but this set off lin

Lin threw a rock at Su who blocked it and said "ok I guess this is how it's going to be" she got in a pose and made a line of spikes went for lin and a lump of that easy to bend metal moved at her.

Right before the line of spikes hit my mother I stopped it and I grabbed the lump and redirected it at Suyin who then threw it at me.

And lin yelled "Don't you hit my son" and she threw a barrage of small rocks at Suyin who dodged all of them.

Korra said in the background "Should I stop them" and bolin replied "you don't have any siblings, fighting is all part of the healing process"

I decided to let the fight run its course from now on, then suyins family ran over they were still a good distance away from the fight but still in hearing range which mine was still bad from the sound bending from my dream last night.

The twins yelled "GO mom" who wasn't losing but wasn't winning ethier.

My mother threw that one goth kids sculpture at Suyin who dodged it but then threw it at lin which she then threw it into a wall. The goth kid screamed "MY SCULPTURE" not like your mother is in a fight or anything and that's what you care about

The two were still duking it out and using the metal plates on the floor to throw at each other. Suyin got a lucky shot on lin and blew her back, my mother was not ok this was clear her fighting is shit compared to normal.

Lin threw a horde of medium rocks at Su who used some nearby metal as a shield then whipped back Lin with the metal and sent her flying far and into some steps.

Lin grabbed a large portion of the stairs and Su grabbed a large chunk of earth of similar mass. Before they could attack each other Opal jumped in between the two and pushed them back with Airbending.

Opal started talking about family or whatever but then lin started falling over I rushed over and grabbed her before her head hit the concrete but I sacrificed the skin on my knees.

After this we took her back to her room and laid her down and I knew this would be the perfect opportunity to get some more rest I went to bed and I didn't have the kyoshi dream this time when I woke up it was the next day around 9 am.

I went over to my mother's room with Korra, bolin, and Mako to wake her up we all didn't want to wake her up but then Mako grew a pair "uh, police chief you've been sleeping for 16 hours, we just wanted to make sure your ok" Mako fell down as lin opened the door and yawned, she was wearing the same thing that Suyin usually wore and she looked peaceful too.

All of us just stared at Lin as she told us in a peaceful tone unlike her usual tone "Good morning" she headed to get breakfast and I followed her, this was a late breakfast and I already ate but still went with her.

Opal passed by and looked in but then decided to walk away and lin said "Opal don't go, please sit down I want to talk to you" Lin started talking again "look I'm just not really comfortable talking about these kinds of things and, well, I wanted to say I'm sorry about the other night "

Opal replied to lin like this was a big deal and her only sibling just got murdered in front of her "it's ok" and lin started talking again "Your mother and I have a complicated relationship and" "it's probably difficult for you to be here" opal replied

"You're a smart you woman and an excellent airbender, I think it would be a wonderful opportunity for you to train with the other airbenders the northern Air temple"

Opal replied "there's a part of me that wants to go but I don't want to upset my mom

"When I was younger all I wanted to do was please my mother, I become a police chief because I thought it would make her happy but it didn't, you need to make decisions based on what you want don't make the same mistakes I did.

Opal hugged lin then left the room shortly thereafter and so did lin and I followed her, she went to a statue of Toph beifong and soon Suyin came and told lin "Opal has decided to go to the northern Air temple I'm guessing you had something to do with her decision"

"Well I was just" lin said then Su cut her off "it ok, I'm glad she was honest with me, I want her to do what makes her happy, Mom gave us to much freedom but I think it's time I let her choose her own way, I'm sorry I gave you such a hard time when we were younger, I couldn't have imagined what my life would be like if mom hadn't sent me away if I had stayed in the city"

"You'd probably be in prison" lin said in her normal tone which made me sigh In relief knowing lin was back to her normal self, Su the replied "You're probably right, mako told me that you're an excellent police chief republic city is lucky to have you, I know mom is proud, can we move on I'd like for you to be a part of my life again, there's plenty of space around the house for you and Bashann and the kids would love having there aunt and cousin around"

"Woah slow down how about for now I just promise not to just show up to your house and attack you again" lin said And Su said with happiness in her voice "deal"

-8 hours later-

It was Opal's farewell party and the chef made her favorite meal and the chef said "I'm really going to miss you Opal" there was some side conversation especially between Bolin and Opal after dinner Opal left for the Northern Air temple She waved bye as the airship flew further away.

Lin said "we will head out first thing in the morning" some guard in the background with a mole on her face spoke into a radio "Alright let's close up for the night" (I wonder who that could be, Kuvira, cough, kuvira, cough, cough)

After she said that the domes around Zoufu started to close and as the sky turned beautiful with vibrant colors behind it. I went to my room but I had to wait because it was only 7:56 pm and I had to wait until 8:30 pm.

This punishment was inhumane but I still waited out the time because rules are important and should never be broken