
Chapter 26

Chapter 26:

(A/N: This chapter may seem a little cringe because of the romance, it's not really my forte you see)

The Avatar's Inaction: Examining Korra's Lack of Responsibility

By Wáahlaal of Republic City Press

The recent events in Republic City have once again cast a spotlight on Avatar Korra, but not for the reasons one might expect. As the city grapples with the aftermath of Amon's arrest and the dismantling of the Equalist movement, questions have arisen regarding Korra's role—or lack thereof—in the face of adversity.

Critics have long scrutinized Korra's leadership and decision-making abilities, citing instances of inaction and irresponsibility that have undermined her status as the Avatar. One glaring example of this was her failure to intervene during Amon's reign of terror, despite possessing the power and authority to do so.

Throughout Amon's campaign of fear and oppression, Korra remained conspicuously absent from the frontlines, opting instead to focus on trivial pursuits such as Pro-bending competitions. While the citizens of Republic City looked to her for guidance and protection, Korra chose to prioritize personal interests over her duties as the Avatar—a decision that ultimately led to devastating consequences for the city and its inhabitants.

Furthermore, Korra's lack of foresight and planning became glaringly evident during the final confrontation with Amon. Instead of taking decisive action to thwart the Equalist leader, Korra relied on others to do her job for her, ultimately delegating the task of defeating Amon to the mysterious airbender known as Jiran.

This failure to take responsibility for her actions—or lack thereof—has not gone unnoticed by the citizens of Republic City. Many have expressed frustration and disappointment with Korra's apparent disregard for her role as the Avatar, viewing her as a symbol of incompetence rather than strength.

In light of these revelations, it is imperative that Korra reevaluates her priorities and rededicates herself to the principles of duty and responsibility that come with being the Avatar. The people of Republic City deserve a leader who is willing to put their needs above personal desires and confront challenges head-on, rather than shying away from them.

Only time will tell whether Korra can rise to the occasion and fulfill her destiny as the Avatar, or if her legacy will be forever tarnished by her inaction and lack of accountability. But one thing is certain: the citizens of Republic City will not soon forget the Avatar who failed to live up to her title.

End of Article


Notice how Jiran's statement that Korra planned the arrest was conveniently taken out. This just shows how people of republic city appreciates Korra so little.

Korra looked at the news she was reading with red eyes. Is this how the people of Republic City looked at her?

She spent her entire life in the guiding hands of the White Lotus to become the best version of herself to do her duty as the avatar, to protect the people and maintain peace.

But… reading this article who pointed out her faults hit her hard. She wants to rebuke it, burn it and punch the guy who wrote this but she can't find any response.

Because deep down she knew it was correct. She prioritized her personal interest to participate in the Pro-bending championship instead of going to the frontlines and doing her job to hunt down Amon.

Of course Mako also pushed her, because she knew Mako dearly wanted the championship and she didn't want to disappoint the two brothers so she pushed that the championship should continue even at the cost of the people's safety.

She's not blaming him or anything. It's just that he had hands on this.


She just wants to put her head in a pillow and cry it out a little but she knows she can't.

"I thought you and Tenzin are busy for your Airbending Master Tattoo ceremony" She said as he felt a gust of warm wind surround her in comfort.

She put her head up and saw Jiran walking slowly towards her.

"What did I say to you? I got time, I always got time for you," He said with a tender voice.

"Don't read that, read this instead" Jiran handed her a news paper. She looked down on to the paper and read it.

Avatar Korra's Strategic Plan Leads to Amon's Arrest

By Sun Press

In a surprising turn of events, it has been revealed that Avatar Korra was the mastermind behind the arrest of Amon, leader of the Equalists.

It turns out that Korra intentionally placed herself as bait to lure out Amon, allowing the skilled airbender Jiran to defeat him.

This strategic plan orchestrated by Korra has led to the dismantling of the Equalist movement and brought justice to Republic City. Her decisive actions and tactical thinking have proven her leadership and commitment to protecting the city from threats. As the city celebrates the end of Amon's reign

End of Article

Korra looked at the paper with gratefulness, she was feeling emotional once again but something cane up to her so she handed back the paper to Jiran.

"No… this is not right… I didn't do anything… you were the one who did everything, I'm no mastermind, I'm just a dumb girl" Korra said as she turned her head away and doubted herself however she felt Jiran's warm hands touch her cheek as he turn back Korra's head to face him.

"Look at me, Korra. This; whether it be the truth or not, it doesn't matter what's important is that Amon is gone, and that was thanks to you for putting yourself out there in the championship. This is all because of you. I just ate what was already at the table. Korra, never doubt yourself, okay, you are not dumb, nor are you unworthy. You are Korra, the Avatar and the girl I believe wholeheartedly in."

At those words Korta froze. Her mind is going haywire.

When someone sees the person they are romantically in love with, they may feel a range of emotions such as excitement, joy, warmth, nervousness, butterflies in their stomach, and a sense of completeness or connection.

Each person's experience can vary based on their individual feelings and the dynamics of their relationship.

And for Korra, what she was feeling right now was all of those. Jiran was always there for her, always, and never fails to rescue her out of danger.

After recounting all of what happened to her, she finally made up her mind.

"J-Jiran….?" She said,

"What is it?"

"Do you think that we can be…"

"Can be what?"

"We can be something more?"

"You mean like… a couple?" His eyes beamed as a happy and expectant smile rose up from his lips.

""Y-yeah…" Korra had her head down from embarrassment. She was expecting to hear rejection but suddenly she heard the opposite.

"OF COURSE!! We can!!" Jiran higged Korra and lifted her up.

Korra was taken by surprise but soon she just smiled and hugged Jiran back.

The two of them stayed like that, hugging each other as if this was the most they want to do.

Jiran caressed her hair, and Korra remained stuck on him.

"I'm so glad that we came to this." Jiran said.

"After what happened at Avatar Aang's Island, I thought that we would never be the same… I was dreading for that to happen… I know we just met each other for a month but you are the first person that made me feel something, Korra, and I love you for that, I love you, Korra" Said Jiran with his voice shaking.

"I love you too, Jiran" With a smile Korra replied, then she tipped on her feet and kissed Jiran. The latter responded to her as he passionately responded back.

The two sat down on a small corner and talked about their feelings. They released what they have been bottling up for months, it was fun and refreshing.

Suddenly all of Korra's anxiety, fear, disappointment about herself, all of those negative things disappeared like wind.

Jiran was always her hero, and she loved him for that.

As the two talked, their topic suddenly came to the most recent happening.

"Why did you accept to become an Airbender Master now? Weren't you adamant that you don't want to?"

"I thought that too at first, Korra but I realized during the battle with Amon that I should embrace my culture more. And that's why I also wanted to leave and travel the world to visit the four air temples to learn more about Air Nomad culture" Said Jiran.

Suddenly Korra jolted up from her seat and asked.

"What? You're going to leave?"

"For a short while, yes," He said.

"As you have your duties to fill, I have one of my own too. But don't worry Korra, what do I always say to you?"

"I will always be here for you, always" She said.

"That's right, so what if I'm gone for a couple of months! My love and spirit with always be with you and trouble comes, I will be by your side!"


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