
Avatar The Last Airbender: The Last Ancient Race

In this fanfiction of Avatar the Last Airbender, the Atlanteans, the most powerful water benders of all time, were sealed deep within the ocean to maintain balance. However, their seal has weakened and Krea, the older brother of the king and general of their armies, is sent to prepare for their invasion. The Atlanteans are characterized by their pale complexion, blue tattoos, and pale blue eyes with the royals having white/silver eyes the mirror the color of the moon which make their water bending stronger. Kre'as is by no means a hero, he has conflicting ideologies, but is haunted by his duty to avenge his family and kingdom, and his morality is somewhat grey.

nonrefundable_72 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Kre'as Vs Toph (2)

As Toph struggled to hold her ground, overwhelmed by the stamina that Kre'as possessed, a sudden blur of motion caught her attention. She turned just in time to see Sokka charging towards Kre'as, his boomerang whistling through the air as it arced towards its target.


Kre'as reacted swiftly, sidestepping the boomerang with ease before raising his arms to block Sokka's sword strike. Metal clashed against flesh as the two warriors collided, the sound of their collision echoing through the air.


With a grunt of annoyance, Kre'as pushed Sokka away, sending him flying across the battlefield, Sokka's blade strikes not even leaving so much as a scratch.

"How disappointing" Kre'as shook his head and turned his attention back to Toph.


Toph's heart skipped a beat as she watched her friend soar through the air, his body twisting and turning mid-air like an amateur contortionist, unable to control his movements, as he headed towards the ground.


Acting on instinct, Toph reached out with her earthbending, summoning a wall of soft, malleable mud to cushion Sokka's fall. He landed with a grunt, his body sinking into the wet earth as Toph rushed to his side.


But there was no time to waste. As Toph tended to Sokka, Kre'as wasted no time in launching his next attack. He turned his scythes of water into hardened ice, sharpened the edges, he made it cruder and more jagged, like razor-sharp teeth with each one gleaming in the fading sunlight as they soared towards their target.


Toph's heart pounded in her chest as she faced down the deadly barrage, her mind racing as she searched for a way to counter Kre'as' onslaught, her stamina fading. With a surge of determination, her flight or fight reserves kicked in, and she stomped her foot on the ground, sending a shockwave rippling through the earth.


In an instant, the ground beneath Kre'as erupted, a towering wall of rock rising up to meet the icy projectiles head-on. The two elements clashed with a deafening roar, sending shards of ice and chunks of rock flying in all directions.


For a moment, it seemed as though the two warriors were evenly matched, locked in a fierce battle of strength and willpower. But then, with a sudden burst of energy, Kre'as' eyes burned brighter increasing the strength of his attacks, Toph looked visibly exhausted, whereas Kre'as looked like he had only taken a light stroll through a muddy forest.


With a fierce battle cry, Kre'as thrust his arms forward, unleashing a barrage of jagged ice shards that soared towards Toph with deadly speed. The broken remnants of her earlier defenses served as ammunition for his relentless attack, slicing and tearing at her with the force of a thousand glass shards. Despite her best efforts to protect Sokka, each icy cut froze parts of her body and weakened her resolve. With labored breaths and buckling knees, Toph fought like a mountain being eroded by an unrelenting ocean. Finally, the overwhelming assault forced her to submit, sinking into the frozen battlefield like a defeated titan.


Before Kre'as could deal the finishing blow, he heard a whistling sound, but it was too late, it had broken the sound barrier.

The boomerang thrown earlier by Sokka was sent back with such velocity, lit with fire as Aang's airbending fanned the flame and the speed, hit Kre'as square in the chest pushing him back, his feet dragging in the ground and disrupting his attack.


Everyone stood on edge, waiting for the outcome, Aang looked from the sky hoping that it had done damage, Toph taking the moment to catch her breath and regain her strength.


Kre'as stood tall, the falling sun casting his shadow over the city, his usual grin causing a sense of despair to wash over the group. "It can't be, he can't be defeated," Aang growled through gritted teeth, a rare display of aggression from him.

However, to everyone's shock, Kre'as began to violently cough, spewing out bright blue liquid from his mouth, his menacing smile now resembling something out of a nightmare. The boomerang he held crumbled into pieces, consumed by flames and winds before leaving its mark on both Kre'as and history itself. As blood seeped from his wound, Sokka triumphantly declared their victory as cheers erupted from the soldiers. But Aang and Toph couldn't share in his optimism; they knew well that this was far from over.


Seizing the opportunity, Toph summons all of her remaining strength, her earthbending surging like a rumbling earthquake as she unleashes a relentless barrage of boulders and debris towards her weakened opponent. With a cry of defiance, she pushes herself to the brink, channeling every ounce of power into each strike. Aang wastes no time in joining the attack, his firebending igniting the projectiles into flaming comets that rain down upon Kre'as. As the onslaught hits its mark, Aang carefully controls his airbending, unleashing just enough force to feed the flames without losing himself to the destructive power of Kre'as ability to manipulate large concentrations of air. This moment is critical, any misstep could spell disaster for them both.

In the heat of battle, time appeared to slow down as Toph and Aang relentlessly attacked with precision and force. And then, in a final explosive crash, dust and debris filled the air. The battlefield fell silent, anticipating what was to come. From the trembling streets to the ruined rooftops where remnants of ice remained, everyone's eyes were fixed on Kre'as, wishing for his defeat. Aang, Zuko, Azula, and Sokka stood alert on the ground. Sokka opened his mouth to complain about Azula, but Aang used a gust of air to clear away the debris.


To their utter horror and disbelief, Kre'as remained still in the same position, his eyes transfixed on the blood staining his hands as if under a dark spell. "He's still standing," Aang growled, steeling himself for another round of battle. "Prepare for attack, soldiers!" Sokka bellowed, earning a scowl of disapproval from Azula. The tension in the air was thick as they braced for what could be their final showdown.


"Thank you," Kre'as finally said, awaking from his dreamlike state. His voice was distant and unfocused, as if he were still lost in a haze of memories. "What is that crazy guy talking about? Maybe my boomerang fried his brain," Sokka mocked with a sly grin on his face. But Azula had had enough, her patience wearing thin like a thread stretched to its limit. Lightning crackled at her fingertips, ready to strike.


"Shut up, you fool," she hissed, her voice laced with venom.


"Sister, stop. This is not the time," Zuko stepped in between the two, trying to diffuse the tension.


Kre'as continued to stare at his own blood, transfixed by it as if it held all the answers he sought. Aang stepped forward and broke the silence", "Why are you thanking us?"


"My blood...I haven't seen it since the duel of succession with my brother," he murmured, his tone filled with both sadness and nostalgia.


Finally, Kre'as tore his gaze away from his own blood. It was like a lover not willing to say goodbye.


"As thanks for your help, I will spare any loved ones who may be hidden within that city surrounded by dirt," Kre'as spoke with surprising sincerity and kindness. The threat still lingered in the air, but there was also a sense of gratitude and honor in his words. "That is the next city I will be going to," Kre'as said as a matter of fact like he never thought about losing against the Avatar and all the nation's combined forces at the Republic City.