
Avatar The Last Airbender: Spirit

Mc voice in Azula's mind. The Fire Master is preparing a special gift for the coming of age of his perfect heiress. By undergoing one of the old rituals, devised long before Azula was born, she gains even more power, along with an extra inhabitant in her head. What will such consequences of the ritual lead to? With an unknown housemate constantly commenting on her every action, either to the point of gnashing her teeth or suggesting the best way out of a situation? patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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70 Chs

The Fox


There will be a bonus chapter for 10 more reviews.

And for 100 stones too.

Enjoy reading.


It had been almost three weeks since our squad had inspected the last border town. Time flew by so fast that I barely had time to notice how the days and weeks were changing. All thanks to Ty Lee. With this cheerful girl, time flew by very quickly no matter what we did together. The circus girl was always in favour of any entertainment and was a real soul of the company. And if before her impulses were restrained by circumstances and the risks of a sudden battle, now these factors have disappeared.

Being away from the border towns, the princess allowed the squad to relax a little. Zula began to tyrannise her subordinates much less on the subject of her safety. Our solitude in the evenings has played a big part in her peace of mind. As far as I'm concerned, sex is a great stress reliever. Although what's going on between us isn't exactly classic sex, it's more like masturbation. Thanks to these two factors, the girls started spending a lot more time together, playing games, hiking and other fun activities. Even I began to join their company often, having finally finished transferring the knowledge available to me onto paper.

With all this going on, I didn't notice the towns and villages succeeding each other. We travelled across the mainland at a rapid pace, not staying anywhere for long. The men knew their jobs and had not committed any serious crimes, so Azula hadn't executed anyone else during the inspection. Everything was fine, I was satisfied with our speed and the expected date of departure from the mainland. Already very soon I would meet the great spirit that gave faces and bodies to almost everything living and intelligent. There was enough time, including for a little rest with entertainment.

But only such an easy and quiet way hinted at impending trouble. However, time passed, the problems did not appear, and my intuition calmed down. What could happen away from the front, in the midst of the Fire Nation's long-captured lands? Nothing. The road didn't have to be full of difficulties, and we had already overcome them.

One evening, my routine was brightened by a small event. Visiting the princess in the late afternoon, I found her reading an unknown letter.

"Hmm? What is it?"

- A letter," the girl replied calmly as she continued reading.

It must be something important. Everyone close to Azula is close by, and as a princess she can't be sent unimportant letters. Perhaps from her father or the captain of her ship. The girl sat and continued to look at the parchment with mild interest. 'Hmm, and yet we had plans of our own for this evening.

"Oh? I leave you alone for a couple of hours and already you're getting letters? Should I be jealous?" - I continue the conversation in a joking manner, moving closer to Zula.

- 'It's a report on the Mechanist,' Azula replies calmly, not taking a break from reading.

"Uh-oh. You got your hands on an old man's heart, what a... bad girl," my jokes and cheerful mood only made her frown. The princess's sense of humour problems never went away.

- Stop it, your humour is inappropriate.

"Okay, what's it say?" - I replied in a peaceful tone, placing my hands on her shoulders and starting to massage her gently.

- See for yourself.

She holds out the parchment to me. A little effort and there it is in my transparent hands. I look at it, read it, wonder.

The mechanic wasted no time. Mayor Yu Dao carried out Azula's orders perfectly. The refugees were welcomed into the colony, housed, employed, and the scientist was given a private laboratory. Where he successfully began to create unprecedented mechanisms. The tanks modernised by the scientist had already passed all the tests and were adopted by the army. In the rear, at the factories, they will soon begin to assemble them. Given the industrial power of the state, I think that by the end of the year, the army of fire will be several times stronger. Even Ozai has taken an interest in the new tanks and the scientist himself. I feel like the 100-year war will soon be over. Especially when you consider that I saw among the old man's prototypes a small analogue of a hot air balloon. And once they start dominating the air, the Fire Nation will have no problem taking over the world. And that's the way it will be if the avatar doesn't return in a few months.

But to the interested Azula looking at me, I replied something completely different.

"Hmmm... Soon the world will be shaken by a series of discoveries by the old man. Sending him to Yu Dao was a good idea. It's amazing how much he's accomplished in such a short time with your little help. This is what a good government looks like, with all the knowledgeable people in their seats. However, the part about your father's interest in the inventor is disturbing. What do you think about that?" - I turn my gaze to the calm princess.

- Nothing. I made his son healthy and able to walk again. It will be hard for a father to get more loyalty from an old man, but I don't intend to make conversation this evening. You and I had definite plans for this time," she takes the letter from my hand and sets it aside on the table, turning to look at me defiantly. - Or are you waiting for a special invitation in me?

The girl has become much bolder since the first time we had sex. I realised for myself that I didn't particularly like bossy women, even if all that bossiness was a mask to hide insecurity and fear of rejection.

"Ooh, that sounded dirty. However, I would like to take this opportunity to discuss a matter. It's been quite some time, I think you've had time to think it over, weigh it up, and make a decision..." - However, Azula did not allow herself to be teased further, exploding with indignation.

- Why do you have to ruin a moment like this? Can't you see that? Now, that's not what I want at all, we'll talk in the morning, but now take me! - wow, how demanding, almost like an order, and I really don't like being given orders.

"Hush, or the extra ears will hear. Did someone miss a treat? I'm catching you off guard, now..." - Saying all this, I led the lady to the bed, savouring the power over the girl, and as soon as I finished speaking, my hands pushed the princess on the bed, immediately taking possession of her body...

A while later, when the girl and I were completely satisfied, I helped her fall into a sound sleep, and insisted on talking to her in the morning. Azula was embarrassed, angry, but I kept insisting, and soon she decided to give an answer, not so much to me as to herself.

In the Land of Fire, tolerance is not widespread, but rather the opposite, any weakness is frowned upon. Same-sex couples do not officially exist and are considered a kind of savagery. Zula simply can not get close to Tai Li and not tarnish the reputation. And the girl herself, despite the ostensible courage, felt extremely insecure in any relationship and simply afraid of them. She would not be able to make the first step, even for a light affair, as it was with me. It was not her opinion that should have been sought here, but that of the circus girl. That was my mistake. I'm sure the princess will agree if I continue to insist on a threesome already together with the acrobat, but here to make the first step, she simply can not.

I pondered over this topic until the dawn, and then the group again moved on the road. I will not be able to return to this question anytime soon. Nevertheless, we were less than halfway to the last colony on the mainland. Soon enough we would be at sea again....


It was a dark night.

The full moon was shining brightly in the sky, and the stars shone brightly in the distant space. It was a mesmerising picture that I began to admire often at night. I didn't need sleep, so I had to somehow shorten the lonely nights. After all, I could only spend time with girls in cities. In a cramped camp someone could hear us messing around at night, and nobody wanted that.

Alas, even the most beautiful things in the world can not be enjoyed forever, everything sooner or later gets boring. Tired of drifting across the sky and admiring the stars, I head back to the camp to keep an eye on the camp and eavesdrop on the rare conversations of the military. Though it was rare to hear anything, it was even rarer to hear anything interesting or valuable. The soldiers had long ago been taught by the princess not to talk without a special reason, so the men stood in their outfits in silence, so to speak, catching the silence.

I expected this night to be the same as the dozens of nights before it, but no.

It was only when I flew closer to the broken camp that I noticed a certain strangeness. A huge dog was wandering around the camp as if it were at home, sniffing and looking for something. At first I didn't believe what I saw, thinking it was a hallucination, but I'm a spirit, it can't happen to us. Humans, on the other hand, may not see much. It took me a while to realise that the insolent animal wandering in front of the guards was a spirit I had never expected to meet. I realised it when the guest was about to enter Azula's bedroom.

- Greetings, - I begin, from which the unknown creature sharply turns its muzzle in my direction, looking around with a surprisingly intelligent look. - No need to go into the tent, the one you're looking for is in front of you. Unless of course you've come from Hei Bai.

The animal silently continued to stare directly into my eyes as I slowly descended to the ground through the air as if on stairs, wary of making sudden movements. There was no longer any doubt, it was a spirit and nothing else. Even common animals don't notice me, only special people or other spirits. Not to mention that the dog, which actually turned out to be a large whitish fox, heard my voice. Good thing I was in time to stop it. I doubt Azula was happy to see that creature upon waking up. Something like that would definitely end in a fire, there was no guessing.

As soon as I was level with the big fox, she spoke in a thin, feminine, even girlish voice.

- So you're Yoaru? Hei Bai spoke of you, and your desire to meet Wang Shi Tong. Your way of communicating was... unusual,'' the vixen replied, landing her arse on the ground.

Right, if she's here, then... ugh, I don't even want to think about it. But you can't keep quiet, you have to keep the conversation going.

- That's right. I assume you're a fox in his service, a seeker of knowledge? As for the method, accept my apologies if it made you uncomfortable - damn, why am I feeling shame? Azula, I'll be sure to remind you of that.

- Yeah, I'm one of them. I'm not angry. You must have had your reasons for associating in such a manner. And while we're still talking, I'm guessing you have knowledge unknown to the lord, and want to get into the library? - And the fox is savvy and clever, though... no wonder the spirit of knowledge has such clever subordinates.

- That's exactly right. Shall I demonstrate knowledge?

- No, he'll be watching, I'm just bringing Wang Shi Tong the knowledge written down on paper. I can take you to the library, its master is always present in his domain, so no proof is required, suspicious.

I don't think it would do me any good to try to fool the spirits, but I wouldn't do something so foolish, would I? There's nothing to be afraid of. It's just the fact that I'm going to such a powerful spirit that makes me suspicious. I'm so confident with people, feeling invulnerable, but with spirits it's different. And that respectful way she's treating me is alarming. And what she said about knowledge. I wonder, if I hadn't turned up, would the fox have tried to steal my books? I'm sure she would. I doubt her kind makes deals with everyone, but stealing other people's knowledge is more logical and profitable for a spirit. And her offer... I like the bluntness of it, but it's a little too harsh and suspicious.

- Are we leaving right now? - I thought I'd check with my companion.

- Yes.

- Is the library really that close? It must be at least a few days away, right?

- Close is a stretch. We can easily run there long before dawn, I'll show you the way," the fox continued to answer as confidently as if such journeys were routine for her. Though, given that she is a seeker of knowledge, she probably is.

But I guess that the library is located in the desert, and from this place to her about two thousand kilometres. To cross that distance before dawn? It's possible, but in the current era with the local level of technology... it's still possible, but only if the method takes place in a different plane. That only meant one thing.

- The spirit world, huh?

- Right, were you expecting something else?

- Yeah... well, fine with my expectations. I'm not going to miss this chance. I'm going to need a bit of time, these people we're having this unceremonious conversation in their camp, I'm travelling with them. I need to warn someone that I'm going to be away. And yes, this may seem impertinent, but will you escort me back to this place? - I've almost forgotten the most important thing, I can only hope the animal agrees.

- Hmm, only if you feed me.

- Deal.

After saying that, I quickly flew into the princess' room. After waking Azula, I briefly recounted the encounter with the knowledge seeker. It didn't take long. She and I had already discussed the possibility of such an outcome. The princess who woke up quickly wasn't surprised by my departure, she was surprised by something else.

- Ah-ah. Back by sunrise? Am I that ignorant of your capabilities, or is the library much closer than I imagined? - Zula mumbled after my story, yawning drowsily.

- The fox will take care of that. Don't fill your head with spiritual stuff. I'll take some of the books and try to make contact with Wang Shi Tong, I might be delayed. Keep travelling the route you're on, I'll catch up with you sooner or later.

- Hmm, I could have used a note," she replied grumpily, lying back down and covering herself with the blanket.

- What about a kiss? Or at least a good luck wish?

- Just go already.

- At best, you won't notice I'm gone, and I'll be back as soon as possible. This is a chance not to be missed, and now, I need to replenish my strength a little, - I decide to kiss the princess lightly, replenishing my strength in such an intimate way.

After saying goodbye to Zula, who went straight back to sleep, grumbling quietly about the intruder, I leave the tent to get my books. The guards were guarding Azula first and then the rest of the camp, so I managed to get my backpack and books without any problems. Having anticipated the appearance of the spirit, the valuable backpack was always in the most secluded place of the camp, namely among Mei and Tai Li's things. Taking my things, I returned to the fox, who was watching my every action with interest.

- I'm ready. How do we move? Through the sky? - I put my backpack on the ground, so as not to waste valuable energy, and asked the thoughtful fox.

- You're strange," the fox says, tilting his muzzle to the side. - No, I can't fly, only run and walk. We'll run on the ground.

- But will we make it?

- We'll run very fast.

- Um, I'm not sure I can keep up with you, and I'll be exhausted. The library is in the desert, isn't it?

- That's right, it's in the desert, but it doesn't matter. Get on me, I'll carry you straight to the library.....