
Avatar The Last Airbender: Spirit

Mc voice in Azula's mind. The Fire Master is preparing a special gift for the coming of age of his perfect heiress. By undergoing one of the old rituals, devised long before Azula was born, she gains even more power, along with an extra inhabitant in her head. What will such consequences of the ritual lead to? With an unknown housemate constantly commenting on her every action, either to the point of gnashing her teeth or suggesting the best way out of a situation? patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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70 Chs

Epilogue: Demons No More/The end of volume one

That's all the chapters I've written so far, expect a sequel, any patreon subscription will speed up the writing time.


Enjoy reading and have a good day.


The bright light disappeared!

Vision gradually returned to his eyes. The multicoloured spots gradually became clearer, I was beginning to see all the colours of the world. Water... blue and clear. Behind it a sandy bottom dotted with shells and various pebbles and... feet. My own feet with pale skin! Seeing them, I closed my toes in disbelief, feeling the sand ripple. I have feet and hands! They are beautiful, as is the pale skin without any hint of blemish. Oh, it's intoxicating to be alive again. These feelings are better than any alcohol. Surely in other ways, the great spirit has not failed me, providing me with a body close to perfect, just as I asked for. I feel great strength in my new muscles. Clenching my fingers into a fist a few times, I listen to the sensations. My body is just full of energy and strength, including spiritual strength. How pleasant it all feels. This water, this sand, this air!

- Yoaru?

Am I breathing?! I didn't even notice the fact that my lungs were working. Seeing the reflection of my new, perfectly tailored body was indescribable. And what I saw made me very happy. Finished examining my hands, I focused my gaze on the reflection. Golden glowing eyes, long wavy black hair that reached almost to my waist. A perfectly symmetrical face that gave off aristocratic blood. Most of my face was hidden by fringes that reached almost to my chin. And of course the muscles, yes, they're there. I'm not as big as Berkrut, but I'm not a dead man, not by a long shot, something in between. I'm like a well-fed weightlifter. To say I liked what I saw is a vast understatement. Now I'm just sex!

And what's that? As I contemplated my reflection, my eyes stopped glowing golden. Gradually they dimmed until they changed their colour to amber. That's not bad. I like it even better this way. Glowing eyes would definitely draw too much attention to my person.

- Yoaru?!

М? Raising my eyes, I immediately stumble upon the source of the sound. Due to the intoxicating feelings of the human body, I didn't even immediately recognise Azula's voice. She, along with Tai Li and Mei, was now scrutinising the new me while Misu was happily hugging her brother. Why are they so tense? It's like they're preparing for a fight. Didn't they recognise me? That's right! I looked completely different as a ghost!

- Yes, Azula? - Oh, is that my voice? Out of shock and disbelief, I even gently start groping my lips and throat. My voice is so confident, bassy, with a lot of charisma and a certain slyness. I definitely like being alive again!

- Is that you?" the princess asks in a strained voice, catching my attention again.

- What kind of stupid question is that? Are you so shocked by my beauty that you didn't recognise it? - I pretend to sigh sadly. - You're breaking my heart.

- You look different," she said, tense, feeling like she was about to attack, I probably shouldn't be testing my fighting skills right now.

- Of course I look different," I spread my hands apart, not denying the obvious. - I had the chance to choose my appearance, and of course I chose very whimsically. Do you like it? - I turn round leisurely, letting the ladies look at me from every angle. - For the most part, I chose based on the notions of beauty among the fire people.

- Pfft, get that smug smile off your face," the princess snorted, "it's annoying.

- Oh, I'll have to live with that," I smiled even wider in response. - I'm too happy and emotional. After all, it's this day, my new birthday. How can I not jump with happiness?

- Pfft," Azula snorted, crossing her arms over her chest and asking, "How long are you going to stand in the water? Stop it. The spirit might get angry at such insolent actions on your part, and you might catch a cold yourself. You're a living person now, don't forget that if you don't want to become intangible again. And I think we were a bit wrong about the size of the clothes. - She finishes, throwing a glance at the rucksack with the picked clothes. Since I didn't know what size I would be, the clothes were chosen to fit my body exactly.

- Yes, a new body still takes some getting used to. And Zula, thanks for your concern, the water in the lake is really cool. But first I want to check something, - with these words I light the fire in my hand without any problems, enjoying the beautiful dance of the flames. What an unusual feeling...

- Blue? - is surprised by the princess along with the rest of the girls. Even Rafa and Misu turned their attention to me, slightly surprised by the unconventional colour of the flame.

- From you, my dear," I answer the question that hasn't been asked yet. That's right, my skills and power of magic have been preserved, or should I say passed on from Azula to the fullest extent. Huh, it's impossible to consider me defenseless now since fire will always be with me. And that's without checking my other combat skills of hand-to-hand combat and fighting with cold weapons.

- Don't call me that, especially in front of strangers," the girl said grudgingly.

- I'm not promising anything," she said with a little effort, pretending to send Azula an air kiss. Using fire magic, I let the flame out of my mouth in a heart shape. The blue heart slowly floated through the air, on my side, straight to Zula, who was stunned by my actions.

- Hm! - with a smooth motion of the brush, the heart was scattered in the wind in front of the girl. - All gambling, come out already, do not make everyone wait, - with barely noticeable hint of embarrassment answers me Azula.

In principle, she's right. I'd like to go for a swim, but doing something like that in the lake of the great spirit is a foolish thing to do. I'll have to be patient and wait for a better time to enjoy life. By force of will I overcame my whims and headed for the shore. Every step was pleasant. The resistance of the water, the loose sand and even the sensation of gravity, how I missed it all!

- You know, I'm totally happy with Yoaru's new appearance," Tai Li blushed deeply and stared at me. Following her gaze, I instantly found the reason for the girl's embarrassment.

- Ahem," Mei coughed, turning sideways to me. But my keen eye could see the slight blush on her ever-calm face. She was not indifferent to the sight of my "sword" either.

- It's..." Azula said, not taking her gaze off my device. - Ahem, did you ask the spirit to make it so big too? - The girl says with embarrassment, looking away with an effort.

- Of course I did, ahem," I hold back a laugh at their confused looks, covering myself with a cough.

Yes, it's a strange reaction to a handsome but ordinary man. I expect too much from them, though. They're young girls in the prime of puberty. They've probably rarely, if ever, seen a naked man. Their minds are simply not hardened by the vast amount of porn that overflows the internet of my past world. And bodies full of hormones react accordingly. Their embarrassment was no surprise, and Ty Lee was the only one who didn't look away. The good sisters had enlightened the girl about many things, I even wondered what she was thinking with such a focused look.

- You know Misu, I have my own wish for the mother of faces, - Misu's brother suddenly says, thoughtfully transferring his gaze from me to the lake. Huh, I think I know what he will wish for the Mother of Faces at the next change of seasons.

- Rafa!!! - his sister exclaimed indignantly. - You just got your vote back and you're already talking nonsense! Life teaches you nothing! Next time...

Without listening to their family squabble, I calmly walk to the shore. Tai Li embarrassingly handed me my rucksack and I finally stopped embarrassing the young girls with my naked appearance. But the impressions left behind still made their cheeks red. Leigh even giggled quietly as I got dressed. The rest of the girls, however, remembered their upbringing and turned away, giving me the opportunity to cover my naked body in peace.

- I'm done. We can go back to the camp, but before that, - I take a couple of steps towards the foreigners, - Rafa, Misu, I wonder what you will do now that you have succeeded. Go back to your homeland, or...

- Am? - Rafa answered confusedly, rubbing the back of his head. - I don't know, any ideas? Sister?

- Oh, I don't know what to say,' Misu replies uncertainly. - It's been so long since we left our home tribe. We've probably been forgotten by now, thought to be dead. I haven't thought that far ahead, but I know one thing for sure, I don't intend to return home," the water conqueror finishes in a confident voice, leaving no hint of a chance to change her mind.

- Then where should we go? - asked his brother, turning to his sister.

These two are nice enough people, I think I'll help them a little.

- You can stay in this nice place. You could go into animal husbandry, or become a farmer, or even an actor if you're lucky. All it takes is a change of clothes and you can easily pass for a local. Azula will be happy to help you with that," I pull Azula towards me.

- Hey! Don't decide for me! - immediately resented the princess.

- Thank them, and I'll thank you tonight," I whisper in her ear in an affectionate tone, catching the gaze of her golden eyes. Ugh, so much indignation in her gaze. Now she has gathered her strength, I can't embarrass her anymore, but it's not the first day of my new life.

It didn't take long to persuade the princess. After some thought, Azula decided to help the foreigners with documents, accommodation and jobs by arranging them in Kira`a. A gesture of gratitude for the Emperor's help. But I could see that her indignation was just for show, saying: I don't obey you. How nice. With the matter settled, our party travelled back to the city. And of course, on the way back to the city, one energetic person did not stop asking me about the changes.

- Yoaru, why did you look like a close relative of Azula before?

- She and I have a strong bond. I'll tell you the details of that connection sometime later, if she doesn't mind," I answered the acrobat calmly, glancing at the princess. She, like the others, was warming her ears at our conversation, which was turning out to be somewhat one-sided. Lee asks questions, I answer, and then again and again. That's how we moved along the overgrown road in the middle of the jungle.

- Why were your eyes glowing and now they're not?

- Chakras and spiritual energy. I guess my eyes will glow every time I tense my body and chakras in the process of conquering the fire," I explain my theory to the girl, which I still have to back up with facts. However, this is not such a peculiarity, I remember, I remember, especially strong fire mages had such a peculiarity when demonstrating very complex techniques of magic.

- Why did you choose to look like that? No, I like everything, it's just that now we have to protect you! - Now I really don't understand what you're talking about.

- Protect me? Me? I don't think so," I answered Lee with a grin, making a mental training plan to test all my skills. And I have plenty of them, I'll have to thank Azula again for all this.

- Yes, yes! That's exactly what it is! - Lee spoke with even more emotion, actively gesturing with her hands and nodding her head. - A huge number of girls will want a groom like you!

- Oh! That's what you mean. Don't worry, you'll always stand out among the rest! - I can't resist the girl's cuteness, pulling Tai Li to me, immediately ruffling her hair. It's so nice. And the smell. It's nice.

- Why aren't you saying anything? - The girl in my arms looks excitedly at the others. - Don't you want to ask him something? - She tries to get out, but I don't let her.

Let them watch and be jealous, although I could also hug Azula, but she's too shy to show her feelings in public. She only has to glare at us with an intensely angry look, in the depths of which I could read jealousy mixed with envy. Lee must have sensed something, if she wanted to pull away from me so badly, but I wouldn't let her.

- I don't care," May said without emotion, even though we were in spite of each other.

- Your questions are enough for me, and there will be more time, - Azula answers with a hint in her voice, not stopping throwing meaningful glances at me and Tai Li.

- Tell Yoaru, did it hurt...?

Having a conversation with my favourite girl, I didn't notice how quickly the time flew by. We met up with the rest of the squad and then moved on to the city, traversing the jungle without any unnecessary problems or encounters. The soldiers didn't ask any unnecessary questions at the sight of me. Azula simply said that she would explain everything a little later and to all her subordinates at once. How convenient it is to be the Emperor's lover.

However, just before the city itself, coming out of the thicket of the forest, something made me turn around. At that moment, I saw a fox's face looking at me from the jungle. Ari, once again, made her presence known, making me wince. Making sure that my hiccup had gone unnoticed, I calmly caught up with the group. You're a nasty fox, but that's okay, I'll find a way to deal with you, too!

Already in the city Azula helped her brother and sister with their problems. They became happy farmers as well as full citizens of the Fire Nation. This happened rather quickly, while Tai Li and I were looking for suitable clothes. Alas, it was a small town, and there were no good clothes, but we managed to find something that fit me, and when we got back, Azula was just finishing solving all the problems of the foreigners.

As I watched my princess accept the words of eternal gratitude from Rafe and Misu, I realised that Azula no longer had any demons inside her.


One day later.

Dawn. Wharf. Princess Azula's personal ship.

Now, on the frigate among the military and most of the Princess's crew, the daily procedure of morning debriefing was taking place. The soldiers were waiting for the captain to make another inspection of the crew, and to start asking about the fulfilment of their tasks, while issuing new orders to their subordinates. Everything was usual, routine, every soldier and any other crew member present at the morning debriefing had seen this picture more than a dozen times. However, this morning's discharge was unusual. One of the last people to enter the main deck was Princess Azula herself and the unidentified man accompanying her.

No, she had sometimes been present before, and even commanded divorce personally, but it was very rare and for the crew it meant only one thing... something was about to happen, and it was something very important. And so it was, the process of morning debriefing began, reports, new orders and other routine things. The soldiers silently listened and carried out the orders without asking any unnecessary questions. And so, when it was time for the command to disperse, the princess brought up the topic that was on everyone's mind.

- And the last news for today. In the process of inspecting this region, I discovered a promising talent missed by the military and other fire conquering masters. I'd like you to meet Yoaru. - A slight nod towards the stranger standing next to him. - He is now my ward and apprentice. He will accompany me wherever I deem his presence necessary. This divorce is over, disperse!

The soldiers went off to carry out their orders, to get into their dressing orders, and to do their work on the ship. Most of them were thinking about the princess's apprentice, who looked a bit older than his master. And now it was time for dinner, a huge mass of soldiers gathered in the dining room, of course, they quietly began to discuss the new topic of the day, grinding the bones of their princess.

- And I tell you, this is no apprentice, but a common lover. I'm sure he's nothing of the sort! Have you seen his appearance? I doubt if this pansy has ever held a sword in his life. No scars, no beard, a young young man whose face the Lady has taken a liking to," a man of considerable age grumbled.

- I doubt it. Such a thing is not in our Mistress's character. I don't believe that she would fall for the pretty face of some slum-dweller," replied one of his friends at the table.

- I hear she's only interested in girls," said the youngest of the group.

- Ew, that's disgusting.

- It's disgusting," said the others.

- I wondered how they met. And what unknown husband could impress our princess? - another man enters the conversation.

- Who knows. Why? Jealousy is eating your heart? - his mate jokes with a chuckle.

- A little, - the envious man admits without remorse. - After all, our lady is a beautiful woman.

- Yes, but she has a problem with her character," his friend reminds him. - Although lately she has become less strict.

- The ideal is unattainable.

- Chen, you're dressed for the main deck, right? - Meanwhile, at the other table, a completely different conversation was going on.

- Yes, why? - Chen replied, turning his attention to his mate Lee.

- Do you want to switch with me? I'm joining the outfit the day after tomorrow, I want to have a look at this Yoaru.

- Hmm, sure. We'll see you later, Lee.

- Thanks, I'll owe you one," Lee replied with a smile, mentally thinking that he needed to find out as much as he could about the new face near the princess. The Fire Master would surely be interested in any information regarding this Yoaru.

While the soldiers in the canteen were discussing the recent events, somewhere among the ice of the south pole, a bald monk was waiting for his awakening.