
Calm before The Storm

"How could he say that?", Nami furiously stomped into the house, "you're not allowed to meet Baru ever again"

"Why not?", her husband questioned, "did he say something stupid? Baru has a habit of speaking without thinking. It has gotten him into a lot of trouble over the years"

"It is also the reason why he never had a girlfriend", Noraq laughed, "that, and his ugly mug"

"He said 'Zerun will prove himself to be a great warrior'", Nami complained, "there's no way I'm sending my son to war"

"No, darling", Noraq eased his wife, "Baru didn't mean it like that. He meant that Zerun will grow up to be a strong man"

"Mom, I'll never join the war", Zerun entered the room, a sleeping Luna in hand.

"That's my boy", she smooched him.

"But I plan to fight any and all-powerful benders I meet", he grinned.


"Mom, I love fighting"


"You need a reason to fight?", Zerun questioned. Even in his past life, a battle was somewhere he truly felt alive, "To obtain power, to improve, and to measure that gained power in battle. It's something that brings me joy"

"You enjoy killing?", Noraq frowned in worry.

"No, I don't", Zerun shook his head, "l love fighting, and I love improvement"

"But through continuous practice, you'll achieve the same results", Nami caressed his face.

"Moooom!", he protested, "Only if I risk going too far, will I ever experience how far I can go"

"What if going too far, gets you killed", his mother cried.

Gently placing Luna on soft fur, Zerun rushed and tightly hugged his mom.

"I promise to always survive and come back to you", he vowed.

"May the moon watch over you", Nami hugged back, "I'm raising such a problematic child"

"Well he's the only one you got", Zerun lightened the mood.

 <<----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>

Zerun had fought Pakku before, but not like this. A few shards of ice zipped by as he elegantly dodged them. Bringing one into his control, he turned it into a water whip.

Extending his reach, Zerun tried to lock Pakku's legs with the whip, but the master waterbender dodged.

"First to draw blood?", Pakku asked

"First to draw blood"

A ring of water circulated around his waist as he continuously jabbed his arms forward, sending shards of ice towards Pakku. His master weaved past them, water sliding out of their way. 

The students cheered on the sidelines like they always did. Watching Zerun and his waterbending master fight was a spectacle many came to witness.

A huge wave crashed in Zerun's direction, and he changed it to an ice wall. Hiding behind it, he quickly formed spiked ice gauntlets onto his forearms.

"Let's end this", Zerun exploded around the ice wall, and rushed Pakku.

Six water tentacles swung at him, but he danced past them. Surprise colored Pakku's face, as he failed to stop Zerun's momentum. The boy swung a powerful right punch. Too late, Pakku tried to duck under his arm, getting hit in the jaw, and spitting out blood.

Pakku dropped to the ground, breathing heavily, yet with a proud gleam in his eyes. 

The crowd was silent, waiting for the master to get to his feet. The silence shattered with Pakku's genuine laughter.

"I've got nothing else to teach you, boy", he placed his hand on his student's shoulder, "I knew this day was coming, but its quick arrival, surprised me"

"Thank you", Zerun bowed, "I'll continue practicing"

"I know you will"

<<----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>

Healer Yagoda made rounds at the Healer Hut, helping the nurses tending to injured warriors. Her students shadowed her, "Today you'll gain real-life experience"

Approaching a young man, she started to heal him, "carefully observe my movements. You'll be asked to replicate them after this demonstration"

The patient groaned, blinking away his weariness. Focusing on the faces in front of him, he squinted his eyes on Zerun.

"Zerun, why are you here instead of patrolling a post", he asked.

"I'm too young for active duty"

"Then go practice waterbending instead of parading around little girls"

His comment drew a few unpleasant squeaks and comments. Despite his behavior, Yagoda kept healing him.

"Healing someone is a lot harder, than killin' 'em" , Zerun smirked 

"Your injuries will completely heal in an hour. You can leave then", Yagoda interrupted, "Girls, Zerun, no matter how difficult a patient is being; keeping a cool head and effectively tending to his circumstance is a healer's duty"

"Yes, master"

"Baru, your tongue has already gotten you into a lot of trouble", the healer shook her head, "learn to be charismatic, otherwise you'll stay single forever"

The students giggled, following their master as she tended to other patients. 

<<----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>

The family sat around the table, feasting on Nami's wonderful cooking.

"I love Puffin-seal sausages", cheered Zerun, and Luna excitedly cawed in agreement.

"Both of you, no speaking with mouths full", Nami smiled, "but thank you"

"He's right darling, these dishes are savory", Noraq flirted, "I love the kale cookies"

"What the special occasion?", Zerun asked

"Well, we've noticed how bored you get", Nami twirled her spoon, "It's been months since your victory against Master Pakku. So Noraq has decided to take you out on a ship"

"You're going to teach me ice-dodging", a wide smile beamed the boy's face

"No. Ice-dodging is a rite of passage for 14 year old teenagers", Noraq smirked, "we'll instead be riding a whirlpool" 

"Wooow!! Isn't that dangerous?"

"Not with experienced Water Tribe Warriors around", Noraq flexed his muscles

Nami laughed at Noraq's silliness, "You both better sleep early tonight. Prepare for an adventurous day tomorrow"

Quickly inhaling his food, Zerun rushed to wash off and prepare for bed, "Luna, we'll be sailing tomorrow. I love my new life"

<<----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>

A bag strapped to his back and Luna comfortable on his bed of hair, Zerun re-checked his skills

[Power System

Ø Adaptive Development {Level MAX}

Ø Supernatural Vision {Level MAX}

Ø Meditation {Level 27 (34%)}

Ø Familiar: Luna

· Swift Travel {Level MAX}


Ø Waterbending {Level 44 (02%)}

· Healing {Level 31 (52%)}

· Spiritbending {Level 06 (11%)}

· Bloodbending {Level 10 (89%)}]

Nami escorted him to the harbor, tightly holding his hand.

"Remember to not stand on the ship's edge or bow", she lectured, "listen to Noraq's instructions and keep safe at all times"

 "I will, mom"

An old couple walking behind them fought, the wife screaming at the man.

"You're not allowed to go fishing. There's going to be a terrible storm"

Hearing her words Nami stopped, "Zerun, baby, I know you're excited, but I've got a bad feeling about today"

"The skies are clear, mom", Zerun spread his arms out, "No clouds, no wind"

"Maybe, you're right", nervously, his mom conceded.

Minutes later they arrived at the port, unaware of the storm of change coming their way. 

A storm that will send the boy on an expansive journey.

Nami knelled down, kissing her son. 'Thank you for this wonderful gift, sister'

"I love you", she declared

Zerun felt his heart lift at her words. The years he had experienced so far, were his golden years.

"I love you too", Zerun teared up, "I'll love you, always"

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