
Chapter 44: Arrival

Katara POV:

It has been over a month since we arrived in the North Water tribe. When we arrived it was a warm welcome you could say.

We did find Aang an instructor called Pakku who is known as one of the best water benders that there is. Aang did learn a lot from him but when I tried to join he told me that only men can join. Having such a sexiest way of thinking made me very angry but I could not do anything.

Soon Aang had an idea that he would teach me what he learned in secret. It was working for a while but Pakku soon found out about our secret lessons. Banning Aang from coming to his class and hearing this angered me to attack Pakku instinctually.

Failing he pinned me down as I saw his eyes widen asking where I got my necklaces. Telling him that my grandmother gave it to me when I was little. He then asked me for my grandmother's name telling him it is Kana.

Hearing these words tears began to fall from his eyes as he wrapped his arms around me. Flipping his mood letting it be I asked him why he was so happy. Telling me that he was my grandma's husband who left for the war and never returned.

Hearing this brought tears to my eye asking why he never came back to the tribe. He told me that after hearing about the fire nation attack in the south he thought he lost everyone and did not want to be reminded of such memories of his past loved ones.

Later we explained to Sokka that Pakku was our grandfather. He then rushed to Pakku and hugged him. The next day he began to allow girls in his class but only those that showed promise. For the next half month, we began to train while Sokka was flirting with the chief's daughter.

I began to see them together more often on the streets. Being happy for my brother and that hopefully one day I can find someone. Lost in thought it began to snow getting a closer look I saw black snowflakes beginning to fall.

Knowing that this meant fire Nation ships are near I ran to Pakku to let him know. Finding him I saw him with Soakka and the chief running up to Sokka telling him what I knew he began to explain the situation.

Sokka explained that during the attack in the south black snow began to fall and it was the calling sign of the Fire nation. That they would Arrive in their metal battleship that emits black smoke into the sky.

Hearing this the chief and Pakku ready the soldiers and the male citizens to prepare for Battel. Getting any regular civilians and children in the inner city. As Bella's began to ring throughout people began to rush soon Aang arrived with us asking for the plan.

Pakku being the strongest bender here asked him to stand by with him and the rest during the fight. We then started to see the fire nation navy arrive in a ship convoy.

Getting closer they began to launch fireballs at the walls shaking the whole place. As one strayed away into the city Aang jumped in the air using his staff and slashed it in half before causing any harm.

Bosting everyone's morale after that attack the fire nation stopped. The head chef shortly after received a letter from a messenger hawk saying to surrender now or to peeper for battle. Writing a letter telling the head officer of the convoy that we won't surrender sending it back with the hawk.

Seeing the hawk fly back I began to worry hoping that what happened to my tribe won't happen here.

Jacks POV:

Getting closer to the North water tribe it began to snow beginning my first time seeing snow there was a sparkle in my eye. Soon it began to change color from white to black getting darker as it continued.

Soon we began to see the water tribe as we launched fireballs at their wall trying to break it but we were not successful. But we did cause some serious damage and hopefully, a few more waves of attacks would destroy the wall.

Seeing them continue I saw one of them get destroyed by a bald teen with orange clothing and a staff. Knowing who it was my excitement rose I headed to the control room.

On my walk, Vaatu asked if we were going to fight with Raava, and her host telling him we would he began to leak out energy making me even more excited. Arriving in front of a door knocking as I walk in I saw the head office and Azula reading a letter.

Asking what they were reading they told me that the Water tribe have refused to surrender and will commence the battle. Asking what I'll do they told me that I'll stay put till they broke the wall enough to enter.

Once they do I would enter with Azula and the rest to capture the Avatar. Hearing this Vattu told me that he could lead me enough power to make a large hole. Thinking for a while about the pros and cons of doing this find that I would only speed up the process.

Telling the head officer that I could make a large enough hole that we could all enteric he allowed me. Having look at dought Azula convinced him to allow me. Telling me to wait a bit before my attack so he could gather all the soldiers.

During the wait, I left Dhara in my room so she won't be in any harm's way. Leaving her and grabbing my spear

I went to the front deck as everyone began to arrive. Having the girl to my right and the head officer on my left I told Vattu to begin supplying me with energy.

Doing so I felt a burning sensation that I had to let out as my tattoos began to glow as well as my eyes. My clothes covered my body and no one except the girls saw my eye shine red.

At the peak of the moment as the Head officer was giving a speech I launched a 35-foot fireball once he finished. As a pale blue ball of death hit the wall a large explosion sent ruble everywhere mainly inside the city.

Seeing the destruction I have caused I admired my work as Vaatu began to brag about his power and how superior he was to Raava. Seeing my attack boosted everyone's morale even more after hearing the head officer's speech.

Staying back with the girls as the battle commenced.


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