
Chapter 1: New beginning

My name is Zack Michael I was just you average run of the mill first year college student until and pandemic broke out. On my way to my college all student were informed to stay at home for the next two weeks at the time I thought it was just something small and nothing serious but I was so wrong. Two week's became three then a month then two months then a year. During this time millions died as people were forced to stay in their homes only to leave for necessities like shopping or medical care. I on the other hand was enjoying my break but as time passed I started getting board and all I did was be lazy and do nothing during the break but watch tv shows to pass the time.

As the more time passed I become lazy to the point where I did not want to watch any new shows at all but only rewatching old shows from my child hood and one of them being the Avatar the last Airbender and the Legend of Korra though the Legend of Korra did get canceled I still enjoyed it. But little did I know I was getting sick and ended up being hospitalized and dying in my early twenties. As my conscience started fading all I started to see was darknesses and in it I heard a voice though I never heard in my entire life it felt familiar to me a soothing voice that kept me calm like my mothers. As the voice told me to come closer and closer to her as I did she whispered in my ear to open my eyes as I did I saw the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life golden eyes as bright as the sun long silky hair reaching her waist and beautiful caramel skin with a body with no flaws.

As I stared at the woman I kept on getting bewitched by her looks and could not keep my eyes off of her as if I couldn't. In my mind all I could thinks is who's she is and why is it I can't stop looking at her then I heard a her voice once again as soon as she says" I am glad I got you attention you were spacing out for a min there" as I am apologizing she started to giggling at me as a red pigment started to form on my face. She then asked me "you seemed bewildered by something if you have any questions please go ahead and ask away" right after that I asked her "who are you?, where am I?, and what happened to me?" She then replied I am the mother of the Earth and all spirits the god know as Gaea, where you are is nether Heaven nor Hell but the medium realm where spirits travel through to reach their final destination, and to what is going on you have been chosen to be reincarnated.

As the words were spoken by her my mind went blank as I stood their motionless and expression less as my world is crashes. "But worry not my dear child you have been given a chance to live once again if you choose to be recanted or go to your final destination" as Gaea spoke. All that came out of my mouth is "why did you choose me out of the millions or billions of people you could have chosen." "You see my child you were given a bad hand in life you live in a world where people are greedy for power and will do anything to keep it and those people are the once who created the virus and killed you and the millions of victims in the process to gain control over the masses and because of that me and the me and the other gods choose to give the victims of your world two choices to live once again or to be reincarnated but as many don't want to live again they go on to the after life with their families and love one's. So my child what is your choice?" As I was thinking I ask "what about my family?" "They are living their best life and are happy but it did take them years to get over your death and to be happy once again" as she spoke those words I was happy to hear that my family is doing well as tiers start to fall from my eyes and I said "I would like to live once again" she then nods her head and says " You child will be reborn in a world of The Avatar the last Airbender you may now of the world as a show but trust me its more dangerous then it's seemed from your youth are you sure of your choice" "yes I am"

"But before anything I'll have to erase your memories before you cross over" I then ask "why can't I keep my past memories?" She replies "it is the law of the reincarnation in the world of the avatar where you are going to no one is allowed to keep their past memories of their life only those with great spiritual power like the avatar which is able to remember but don't worry you may also have the chance to regain you memories if you become enlighten enough so where do you choose to be reincarnated of the great nation fire, earth, water or air once you are reborn you will get an amplification on your body, soul, mind and bending so you won't die so easily "as I stood their thinking "I choose the earth nation" and as Gaea was about to snap her finger she told to me "you'll be in the body of a 5 year old boy named Jack Lee 15 years before the avatar is set free I hope you enjoy you next life may we meet again."


As I open my eyes I see a great frost around me as I wonder where I am a great pain pass through my head as I grab my head I fall on my knees and shack with pain and all I can remember is my name and age being a five years kid called Jack Lee

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