
Avatar: The discarded blade.

Ever since Kye could remember the Dai lee was her only home, her only family. She lived for the Dai lee, trained until her body was riddled with scars for the Dai lee, killed for the Dai lee and was willing to die for the Dai lee. And eventually she did, but not in the way she wished for... She dreamed of the day she would fullfil her duty and die in service to the Dai lee, giving away her life to complete her mission. And her dream almost came true, after successfully assassinating the vermin that got in her lord's way she was besieged by a group of powerful earth benders whom had been under her target's employ. After fighting tooth and nail she miraculously managed to escape at the low low price of her left arm. Once she came back, instead of being praised for her impressive feat, she was ordered by her lord to end her own life, he had no use for a broken tool. She pleaded with her lord and knelt at his feet, her only wish to continue serving him till the bitter end. Her pleas fell on deaf ears however and she was ordered to end her life once more, this time a cold dagger thrown at her feet. Grasping the dagger and bringing it's cold edge to her neck, she felt unwillingness, sadness and fear bubble up from the depths unknown. Before she knew it she was fighting and killing her comrades, she had sworn to die alongside them yet she was now the one cutting them down. In a way her wish had been fulfilled, she had fought to the bitter end and had died on the same earth as her comrades, What a tragedy that they had died in her hands and she had died in theirs. That should have been the end of the story known as the life of kye, and maybe it was, after all the thing that rose from the grave certainly knew things Kye should have never known. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Felt like writing an avatar fanfic. upload schedule is whenever I have time. I don't own the cover (obviously) Bla bla bla gimme power stones. Bla bla bla mc won't be op from the start, tho she'll get there eventually.

Lustful_Death · TV
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Something about balls and jaws.

[1438 Words]

This chapter is written, Proof read and edited by me, Your only god and savior



"Denji.....torture my cock and balls Denji..."-Pochita.

Kye woke up at around mid day. She got up off the bed in which she had slumbered leaving a large human sized stain of dirt and filth on the bedding.

'Ugh my head hurts. I feel like there were mosquitoes buzzing in my ear all night.' Kye stretched her arm and looked back at the bedding she had ruined.

'I need to get cleaned up as soon as possible or i might get an infection from all this bacteria.' Kye thought as she rummaged through the belongings of the former hut owners.

But just as Kye grabbed some green clothing that she thought would fit her, the gears in her head suddenly halted to a stop.

'Wait....what the hell is bacteria and why would it cause an infection?' Kye rubbed her shoulder scar in contemplation.

'Meh I'm sure it's nothing.' Kye decided to willfully ignore her sudden strange discovery of bacteria.

While rummaging around, Kye found a bottle of alcohol, although she was no drinker she still grabbed it. A sort of voice was telling her that she should use it to clean her wounds.

Kye grabbed the clothes she picked out and went to the nearby stream.

She dipped her toes into the river to test it's temperature before walking in. Dirt and grime tainted the river even before she even started scrubbing her body.

Kye used a river stone that she had fashioned into a brush to scrub all over her body except for her stump preferring to use the tips of her fingers to gently clean the scar tissue.

Kye then grabbed the rock brush and turned it into a comb. After dipping her head in the cold river water she thoroughly brushed her straight black haired.

Having finished with cleaning herself. Kye sat at the edge of the river and grabbed the bottle of alcohol. She swished it around a bit before opening it, letting it's dizzying scent drift to her nose.

She gently poured it on her stump and accompanying scar before rubbing them with her fingers.

Kye then just sat in her naked glory and waited for the wind to dry her off. As Kye sat an idea popped into her head.

She sculpted a piece of rock into a small wind mill and then started spinning it rapidly as she controlled it to hover around her shooting a strong current of air on her body, drying at an exponentially faster pace.

Once done drying, Kye wrapped some cloth wraps around her modest chest to keep it from getting in the way.

She grabbed a pair of pants she found and tore off the long legs so that it only reached her thighs. She then wore some baggy pants a green robe with yellow decorations and put on a pair of shoes she found.

(Image to help ur pitiful imagination)

Once done dressed up she struggled to braid her hair before going back to the huts. She had yet to search them all.

After half an hour of searching Kye stood before her loot, it consisted of a couple dozen arrows, a few bows, almost a hundred blue water tribe coins, two hundred earth silver coins, 86 copper earth coins, one fire nation armor and a naked one edged sword missing not only a sheath but also a handle.

'It seems the old lady wasn't lying, they're definitely from the water tribe and they have engaged with at least one fire soldier.' Kye thought as she inspected the armor.

'Wearing the helmet and chest piece will be too conspicuous but the boots and arm guard won't be much of a problem.' Kye thought as she tried on the boots and arm guard. The boots were too big to be of any practical use but the arm guard was fine so she decided to wear the arm guard and leave the boots.

As for the other loot, Kye decided to only take the earth kingdom coins as using the water tribe ones would only put suspicion on her.

She wrapped the sword in a white cloth, dismantled the arrow and kept only the arrow heads which left her to deal with the armor. She would definitely leave it but decided to try her hand at metal bending before she got on the road.

Kye touched the armor and closed her eyes. She then used her seismic sensing to try and sense the earth particles remaining in the metal.

To Kye's slight surprise, it was a success. Kye used her earth bending to move the earth particles to her will, with the sound of metal being bent a large indentation appeared on the chest plate. And just like that, Kye became the worlds first metal bender. Probably...

After having success with the chest plate, Kye decided to try to bend the arrow heads. And the results were a success, Kye managed to squeeze the triangular arrow head into a long and thin cylindrical piece of metal.

However a subsequent attempt to bend it back into it's original shape resulted in complete failure.

'Looks like I'll need more training.' Kye thought as she stared at the sorry excuse of a triangle in her palm.

Nonetheless Kye was happy with the results. She now could bend metal which was thought to be impossible by everyone, including herself.

This sort of secret weapon is every assassin's wet dream, an entire bending element only they have knowledge of and can access.

Well, the exclusive knowledge and access part is still debatable after all, who knows, maybe there are hundreds of thousands of others who had her same dream. Kye wasn't naive enough to believe that she was the only one.

Going back to the hut she had spent the previous night in, Kye Grabbed a turtle shell on her bed and put in on her head before tying it to her head with a white piece of cloth.

Drippy hat acquired. Kye grabbed a bag full of spare clothes and other necessities and went on her merry way.

She was heading south west, her destination being the Si Wong desert. She would attempt and find Wan Shi Tong's library but wouldn't spend more than a few months searching for it.

Kye and Adam walked until sundown. Once the sun had set. Kye started a camp fire and used her seismic sensing to find the closest food source.

She found a young boarcupine and used her earth bending to bring it over to her, one murder later Kye enjoyed her fresh meat on some quill skewers while Adam enjoyed some nearby vegetation and fruits Kye gathered for him.

Once Kye had filled her stomach she made and earth shelter and slept until dawn. after which she continued on the road.

Kye continued with this daily routine of traveling while training her mental bending and seismic sensing at day time and sleeping at night for a few days before finally stepping on the yellow sands of the Si Wong desert.

After which Kye traveled through the desert at night while resting deep underground at day in order to avoid the scorching sun.

Maybe having thought that things were going too smoothly for Kye, The benevolent universe decided to grant it's assistant.

While Kye was using her mediocre sand bending to travel through the desert she felt large vibrations in the earth below. Kye tried to ascertain the source of the disturbance but was unable to do so due to her seismic sensing being fragmented because to the sand.

All she could tell was that whatever was rising from the ground was gigantic, that being reason enough for Kye to speed up.

Soon, behind Kye a gigantic blue fin rose from the ground prompting Kye to go at her top speed. Soon enough the rest of the gigantic body attached to the fin rose from the sand, it's mouth opened wide, sharp teeth gleaming under the moonlight.

The open jaws were quickly narrowing the distance between them and kye.

Kye thought through her options of retaliation quickly figuring out that she had none. Her sand bending was mediocre, her metal bending not strong enough and her earth bending unusable.

The only way for her to take down this thing would be to pull off a Kiyoshi level lava bending move.


Alright that's it for this chapter, see you when I post the next one in like a year or something....(Too busy studying)

Fuck you

Lustful_Deathcreators' thoughts