
Avatar: The discarded blade.

Ever since Kye could remember the Dai lee was her only home, her only family. She lived for the Dai lee, trained until her body was riddled with scars for the Dai lee, killed for the Dai lee and was willing to die for the Dai lee. And eventually she did, but not in the way she wished for... She dreamed of the day she would fullfil her duty and die in service to the Dai lee, giving away her life to complete her mission. And her dream almost came true, after successfully assassinating the vermin that got in her lord's way she was besieged by a group of powerful earth benders whom had been under her target's employ. After fighting tooth and nail she miraculously managed to escape at the low low price of her left arm. Once she came back, instead of being praised for her impressive feat, she was ordered by her lord to end her own life, he had no use for a broken tool. She pleaded with her lord and knelt at his feet, her only wish to continue serving him till the bitter end. Her pleas fell on deaf ears however and she was ordered to end her life once more, this time a cold dagger thrown at her feet. Grasping the dagger and bringing it's cold edge to her neck, she felt unwillingness, sadness and fear bubble up from the depths unknown. Before she knew it she was fighting and killing her comrades, she had sworn to die alongside them yet she was now the one cutting them down. In a way her wish had been fulfilled, she had fought to the bitter end and had died on the same earth as her comrades, What a tragedy that they had died in her hands and she had died in theirs. That should have been the end of the story known as the life of kye, and maybe it was, after all the thing that rose from the grave certainly knew things Kye should have never known. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Felt like writing an avatar fanfic. upload schedule is whenever I have time. I don't own the cover (obviously) Bla bla bla gimme power stones. Bla bla bla mc won't be op from the start, tho she'll get there eventually.

Lustful_Death · TV
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Coldest Mf to ever live.

[1966 Words]

This chapter is written, Proof read and edited by me, Your only god and savior



In the lush green forest, the sun's warm rays of light drifted in between the branches of the trees, delivering their warmth onto the scar riddled back of a young girl who crawled on the forest ground on all three's.

The girl who crawled with both her eyes closed would occasionally get her arm cought on a protruding branch and fall on her face, making her feel as if a thousand knives had stabbed her through the chest, but she got up and continued her crawl.

Other times she would bump her head on a tree trunk or a rock but she would just go around it and continue on her way.

After having lost one of her arms, Kye's combat power had drastically plummeted, after all, one couldn't earth bend with a single arm, at least without any sort of precision or skill, It was no wonder that Long Feng decided to dispose of her.

In order to compensate for her new handicap, Kye needed to completely reinvent her earth bending style.

As a member of the Dai li Kye is undoubtedly a powerful earth bending master, intensively trained from a young age in not only pretty much all known earth bending techniques but also in special Dai li techniques such as earth gloves, earth cuffs and earth hanging.

And as primarily an assassin she was also thoroughly trained in all sorts of deadly earth bending techniques such as earth needles and earth spikes.

And now that she had lost one of her arms all of her earth bending techniques have had they're power and effectiveness decreased while some had become completely unusable.

"If I'm so powerful and skilled then why can't I see with my feet!?" Kye shouted before headbutting a rock, making it explode into bits.

Kye decided that the first step she would take in order to reinvent her earth bending would be to learn how to see using the earth.

Kye thought that she would at first only be able to see a few meters in her vicinity before gradually increasing her range, only to find out that even after a day of crawling through the woods like an animal and skinning both her knees and her hand she hadn't been able to even feel a few centimeters Infront of her.

*Rustle* (only the highest quality sfx in this fanfic)

Kye's ears perked up as she heard rustling from some bushes nearby. Kye struck the earth while keeping her eyes closed.

"Brrriit" hearing the cries of an animal Kye opened her eyes to find that she had caught a fire ferret. An earth spike had emerged from the ground and impaled straight through it's stomach, it was a wonder the thing hadn't been torn in half.

(pic of fire ferret)

Kye got up and walked towards the fire ferret that still futilely struggled against death.

She grabbed the top of it's head, stopping it from moving, Kye tapped her toe on the and a thine spike rose up from the ground and penetrated through the fire ferret's small lower jaw and into it's tiny brain, killing it instantly.

Kye gathered some branches and dry leaves and after 15 minutes she was able to start a small camp fire. After skinning and bleeding the Fire ferret, Kye cooked and ate it.

She tried to do as much of the process with her eyes closed though that did end up some very slight burns on the tips of her fingers and a small bone piercing through her thumb

After a satisfying meal, Kye put out the fire, got back on all three's and continued her journey.

Surprisingly enough, after abandoning her sight and living like a cabbage slug for three weeks, Kye gradually began to learn to see through the vibrations in the earth, at the beginning it was just a vague sense of the things around but gradually it developed into a vision that in a way was far better than her eyesight.

She could feel the roots of the trees that dug deep into the ground, the ant colonies that lived right under her feet and the large cave systems that extended through the land.

Although her seismic sensing was nowhere near as good as that of Toph, Kye could still see around thirty meters all around her in full detail with things getting fuzzy in longer ranges.

Now that she had unlocked seismic sensing, Kye now needed to be able to use it in conjunction with the vision of her eyes, although seismic sensing was incredibly useful, it still lacked things such as color and it's range couldn't compare to that of the naked eye.

Not to mention the fatal weakness of not being able to see things not in contact with the earth.

After a month of walking through the forest that seemed to never end, Kye finally managed to exit the forest.

Standing at the edge of the sea of trees Kye hid behind a tree as she spied on a small village.

Even the label of village may be too much for such a small gathering of people, there were only around seven wooden huts.

Kye didn't see any men around but she saw twelve women doing laundry in a small stream only thirty meters away from her and three young boys playing with a dog.

What Kye most needed now were clothes and information about her current location and these people had it.

Staring at this group of people, Kye pondered about her options.

'I can interrogate them and kill them all afterwards, I would gain information, clothes and a place to stay. I'm sick of sleeping in earth shelters.' Kye thought.

Kye looked at the children happily playing. 'I can also just say that I got lost in the woods and ask for help, with my current appearance they'll probably take pity on me. But there's always the chance that they'll tell someone about me and my survival might reach the ears of the Dai li, although the chance of that happening is extremely unlikely it's not completely zero and if they start hunting me down I'm dead for sure.'

Kye was quite stumped on what to do. In her missions she never left any witnesses but that didn't mean that she enjoyed killing, quite the opposite infact, Kye hated unnecessary killing, if it was a matter of survival or for her mission she wouldn't hesitate to kill but it would definitely leave a bad taste in her mouth if she killed innocent women and children just for clothes and information.

Unsure of what to do Kye decided to observe those people for now. She watch the women do the laundry while talking about cooking.

They were listening attentively to an old woman as she told them about her special turtle duck recipe.

It was such a mundane conversation yet Kye couldn't help be drawn in and listen attentively. Most of the conversations Kye had with her fellow Dai li members were about training, missions, weapons and she would occasionally have a chat with her friend in the torture department about torture techniques.

Conversations about how to season a turtle duck never happened. Although she was taught how to cook she was only taught about how to prepare and cook game and how to distinguish poisonous plants from nonpoisonous ones, something like seasoning which only enhanced the taste was wasted time that could be used to learn about more useful things.

After the women were done with their laundry, ten men returned with animals they seemed to have hunted hoisted on their shoulders.

The children shouted "Dad's back!" and ran to some of the men. They lifted them in the air while laughing heartily.

Kye watched the members of this village for hours as they laughed, talked and played around.

This was the first time Kye got to observe the lives of ordinary people like these, she usually only spied on Long Feng's political enemies who were all rich and powerful, so they all followed strict rules and cumbersome etiquette constantly even when only around their own families.

These people didn't hide their true selves and we're completely honest with each other.

'They seem like nice people.' Kye thought as she walked out of the woods.

The sky had already turned orange as the sun was setting. Kye walked to the stream, her entire body covered with a healthy coat of dirt....multiple healthy coats of dirt.

Walking through the stream she walked towards the camp fire around which they sat.

Hearing her footsteps one of the men turned around, seeing her he immediately grabbed his bow and arrow and aimed it towards her.

"Halt! Who are you!" The man shouted which alerted the other men who proceeded to point their bows and arrows at her while the women tightly grasped their children and hid behind the men, shaking intensely.

'Although I am a stranger their reaction is a bit too extreme, maybe they're running away from someone.' Kye thought but she answered none the less,"I am of no threat, I've been lost in the forest for days and was wondering if you could spare some clothes and point me towards-"

Before she could even finish her sentence one of the men loosened his arrow and it sped towards her followed by several more others.

Kye's battle instincts took over and she blocked the arrow with a rock wall and using her seismic sensing she made earth spikes come from the ground which accurately impaled all of them, turning them into swiss cheese and raising them to the sky.

'Being able to hit targets without seeing them sure is handy.'

Once that was done she proceeded to disintegrate the rock wall in front of her into shrapnel which she used to shred their bodies into pieces, she wouldn't take the chance of one of them being alive and shooting her with an arrow.

As the flesh and blood rained down onto the women and children they all broke from their momentary shock and broke into a mad dash. The children who were still frozen were quickly snatched by their mothers as they ran away.

Kye stared at the escaping women and children but she didn't shout for them to stop. She was done talking.

She used the same move again, this time using a bigger wall. She mowed almost all of them down and watched them fall into piles of broken bodies. The only one she spared was the old woman as she was probably the one who knew most in the group.

(U thought she would spare the children lol. Kye is nice but she's cold.)

As for the children? They could only blame their parents and she wasn't interested in playing out a revenge story, better to wash the slate clean.

Kye threw a large chunk of rock towards the old woman and made it wound around her neck, she then used it to drag her towards herself.

The old woman screamed and resisted as she clung to the ground until tips of her fingers turned bloody from the friction.

No matter how much she resisted she still arrived at Kye's feet. She looked up at Kye with such a piercing glare it could bore holes into metal, it was a glare full of hatred that one would only give to their worse enemy who took everything from them.

Kye was unaffected however as she spoke to woman calmly without emotion. "You will tell me everything."

That night the water flowed red.


Zamn! Kye's a cold mf, but then again she is an assassin.

Fuck you

Lustful_Deathcreators' thoughts