
Avatar: Romance in the four nations

A story of how a young man rises in the fire nation's court amidst the hundred year war. This records all events throughout his life, and the love affairs he had around the avatar world.

Mooncloud · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 8 - Azula's Birthday

A week later, Haji walked around the grandiose and extravagantly decorated Royal palace courtyard. The palace, today was far from lifeless, music resounded from all forms of instrument, soothing the ears of everyone in the periphery. On a corner was a stage, and a performer played his brilliant tricks, greatly entertaining the guests, they clapped as the man produced an imitation of a dragon through his firebending. He even juggled fire and turned fireballs into doves, attracting the attention of the young guests. Feeling bored from such cheap tricks, Haji moved over to the long table and examined the dishes that were prepared by the cooks. There was almost every delicacy available in the fire nation on that table, and he felt hungry just by looking at them. The scent produced by the freshly roasted komodo chicken lingered on his nose, he looked at the server and asked him to serve a plate of chicken on their table.

On a round ornate table sat Cheon, who was busy chatting with a plump woman, their giggles would sometimes garner the attention of men that stared at Cheon with longing. She was once the most beautiful lady in the nation, how unfortunate it must be for her to fall in love with such a scum that left her after a passionate night. Many still yearn for her, and many had asked for her hand, but she thoroughly refused them. Haji was more than enough, and the scar she had experienced from his father will never heal away.

"Mother, I'm back." She smiled when Haji's voice called from behind her. She turned to him and said. "Where have you been? Lord Ozai and Princess Azula are about to arrive."

"I got too bored waiting here, mother, so I looked around." He sat on a chair beside his mother and looked at Gyun, the plump woman. "It's sad that Ban couldn't come, Auntie, the party would be more enjoyable with him here."

Indeed, the party would have been enjoyable with his partner, it was too boring being alone with middle-aged women. Now that he's entangled with Azula, talking to a young lady during the party would be a death sentence. Even the most foolish girls would only dare to look at him for a moment, different from the past where they'd approach him, smiling sweetly as they fall for him deeper. Everything's different since the news regarding his date with the princess had been spread by now, no one would establish an affair with someone whom the princess favor.

"That boy's illness is really serious and he's been stuck in his bed. I would have taken care of him at home if I didn't need to attend the party." Gyun, Ban's mother, spoke in concern. She looked very stressed by Ban's current situation, not knowing it was an excuse thought by Haji for Ban to skip the birthday party. They'd even used a mild poison to increase Ban's temperature, much to Haji's surprise that Ban agreed with such a thing since they were talking about poisoning himself here. How desperate must his friend be to resort to such extremes?

Haji, feeling guilty, extended his hand and held Gyun's, he comforted. "I'm sure Ban will be fine, Auntie, I'll come to your estate tomorrow and bring him medicine."

"Thank you, Haji, I'm happy that my son has a friend who cares for him." She smiled at him and turned to Cheon. "Isn't it a blessing for both our children to follow our steps?"

Cheon, who felt the same, jokingly said. "Indeed. However, it's sad that they're both boys. We could have betrothed them to each other."

They both laughed, something told Haji that it would have really happened. He sighed in relief that they were both boys, lest he'd be forced to marry a plump woman version of Ban. While Haji was sipping on his watered-down wine, a strong, raucous voice echoed through the courtyard, stopping everyone from their actions. "Lord Ozai and Princess Azula have arrived!"

Silence ensued with the appearance of the Fire Lord, and everyone kowtowed at his direction. Only the footsteps of the two could be heard until Ozai spoke, his voice oozing with charisma. "Rise!"

When Haji stood up, he shivered. The Fire Lord, Ozai, had his hands behind his back and his amber eyes peered intently at Haji. Overwhelmed by such gaze, Haji averted his eyes, he wasn't dumb enough to try his luck and stare back at the Fire Lord, being submissive was the only way to prevent Ozai's ire. Ozai then spoke a few words of courtesy before retiring inside the palace. It was a cold, wordless encounter with Ozai but something Haji would never forget.

Azula wasn't a bit fazed by the attitude her father showed, rather, she was just used to it. There was someone more important she'd expect to attend her party. Someone she'll be happy with even if the two of them were the only ones to celebrate this day.

Soon, the atmosphere recovered and the music has started to ring once more, accompanied by the laughter of those swayed by the jubilant mood. Azula stood at the center of everybody, A grin on her face while she listened to their praises, it was like music to her ears. She gazed around, and saw Haji in the middle of the crowd, looking at her. "Come here." She mouthed at him, thinking that he'll be able to read her lips.

Haji stared at her, expressing his confusion. Annoyed, Azula gestured with her hands, and like a dog called by its owner, Haji slid through the crowd and walked his way to Azula.

"Happy birthday, Azula." Said Haji, he could only say these few words due to the uncomfortable feeling he got from being in front of the crowd.

Azula showed him her most beautiful smile, it looked a bit forced at first but became natural when she got used to it. "I've missed you so much." She extended her arm and held his hand, speaking her words for all to hear. "I'm happy that you came here."

"I wouldn't dare to miss your special day." He caressed her hand that held his, the crowd was amazed by the intimacy of the two. Some women who once had a relationship with Haji felt their hearts broken and crushed, especially, a lady whose tears dripped from her eyes. Her hands were tightly clenched in anger, nails piercing her palms, and blood sipped down from the wound. She continued to watch the romantic show, choosing to gaze at his face even if it pains. A smile then bloomed on her face, and she whispered. "He'll get tired of her and come back to me."

Everyone dispersed at Azula's order, she wanted to spend her time with Haji since it's been a week since they met. They sat side by side at the table designated for the princess, munching on the food, and talking about the things that happened during the past week.

"I heard from Zuzu that you'll be enlisting in the army at the start of winter." She spoke, not out of concern, but amazement. "You'll be great there, strong and quick-minded, you can even be a captain in your first year if you will it."

"Yeah, I'll be going with grandfather to the barracks in the eastern islands. Hm, thanks but I wish I'm as great as you describe me to be" Haji humbled. He surmised that he'll just be in the barracks training his skills without seeing any action. Haji ate the fire dumplings served on the table in frustration.

It takes days to travel to the eastern islands, and Azula wouldn't even be allowed to go that far without a valid reason. She presumed that he was to be trained in the royal barracks, allowing her to visit him often, with the reason that she's conducting an inspection. She lightly shouted in protest. "That's too far! General Bujing ought to be talked to."

"Isn't it fine? As the saying goes, distance makes the heart grow fonder." He said sweetly, to prevent her from making a big deal out of it.

Azula interjected. "And the doubts go bigger."

"Trust me a bit will you, I'm only loyal to you alone," Haji assured her, yet, Azula's face didn't budge, she said in a serious yet quiet voice. "Don't be all talk, I will be watching you."

Her words made him speechless, it reminded him that he could be under surveillance by some Imperial Firebender. Haji became anxious, maybe Zuko told her about what happened in the last week, and his relationship with Yue. Speaking of Zuko, shouldn't the guy at least attend his sister's party even if their relationship was somewhat strained. With a curious, yet awkward tone, he asked. "Not a good time to ask questions, but where's Zuko?"

"Zuzu's with Mai in the gardens, they told me that they'll arrive a little late, not that I even want them here." She answered. Azula wanted to do something to relieve the awkward air revolving around the two of them, however, she was too inexperienced in this matter.

Haji let out a relieved sigh, finally, she had spoken and it was the right time for him to joke. "Let's meet every week before winter, Azula, cause I hope we can spend some Koalaty time together!" Then he imitated the sound a koalaotter makes.

She stared blankly at him, processing what she had just heard, and did not expect he'd even talk like that. Koalaty... The sound of Koalaotters... It took a while for her to realize that he had just said a joke, she let out a forceful laugh. "HA! HAHAHAHA!"

Her rare laughter shocked the guests, and they looked at her, wondering if the princess had gone crazy. While Haji felt his manhood dwindling at every second he hears her laughter, and the stares all around him made him want to hide under the table. He swore to never tell a joke he had heard of in his past life, never again...

Koalaotters are a thing in the avatar world... Anyway, thank you for reading!

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