
Avatar: Romance in the four nations

A story of how a young man rises in the fire nation's court amidst the hundred year war. This records all events throughout his life, and the love affairs he had around the avatar world.

Mooncloud · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 2 - Royal Fire Academy

The naturally formed crater wall looked extremely towering in Haji's perspective, he wondered what the enemy would feel once they saw the nation's crater wall, would it be overwhelming? In his opinion, he'd rather run between his tails than besiege this city overwhelmed with defenses.

Looking around, buildings of all sizes could be seen outside his carriage, they were exquisitely designed, similar to the buildings of old imperial japan. The first time he laid eyes upon them, Haji remarked that someone probably dragged him somewhere in japan. To which he laughed at himself, stating that he wasn't even on earth anymore.

The road leading towards the academy was quite filled with citizens and carriages, to which belonged to fellow noble students from the academy. Theirs were also pulled by dragon mooses, much to Haji's irritation, as the bellows of the moose coincide with the loud banters of the citizens outside.

While overwhelmed by his thoughts, a carriage ran beside his, and a boy of his age waved at him from the carriage's window. "Good morning, Haji! Last night's duel was splendid!" Said Ban enthusiastically, "Let me hop on your carriage, please?"

"We'd be jailed if you keep on acting like this, Ban, and I don't hit that way." Haji playfully said, awakened from deep in his thoughts. "But since you're my friend, I'd take the risks."

Both carriages stopped at the command of the two, and Ban exited his carriage to enter Haji's. He talked to the coachman and ordered him to go back to their family's mansion, which the coachman obliged. While sitting inside Haji's carriage, Ban said, "There were talks about princess Azula's loud cheering while you were fighting, man, I wish i was the one being cheered by a princess."

"Then at least have the courage to participate in an Agni kai." Said Haji in a sarcastic tone, "Also, princess Azula would cheer in any duel as long as there is bloodshed."

Ban shamelessly laughed at Haji's remark, "Ha! I'd rather die than be in one." Then his expression turned into a questioning one, with his eyes squinting and such, "Haven't you seen Princess Azula's longing gaze for you whenever we hang out with Zuko?"

"Even if that's true, she's just a little kid. It's normal to idolize someone, especially me who's the best in our generation." Haji said nonchalantly, while shrugging with an arrogant look, "So how's your preparation for the exam?"

His face paled when the question was brought up, and nervously said, "I forgot to prepare for it! Pass me the answers later, please." Ban would have begged on his knees if it weren't for his aristocratic pride.

"Fool, I didn't say it was today." Haji chuckled.

Ban sulked, crossing his arms in protest, "You should have said so, everyone knows I don't memorize things that well."

"I'll remind you the day prior, next week." Haji winked at him, showing a suspicious smile as if stating that he'd probably forget about what he said.

Their conversation then went to casual chatter, things two young boys would mostly converse about. It went on until the carriage had stopped in front of a large gate with words written on it's large sign, Royal Fire Academy, it says. The way the characters were written was masterfully sharp, giving off a feeling of discipline.

"We're here, young master." The coachman's voice drifted from outside, and the door opened by him. The amiable looking middle-aged man had a warm smile, awaiting at the side for the two boys to step out.

Haji smiled at him, reciprocating the warm reception the man had always shown him, "Thank you once again, sir." He said, walking away after nodding his head to the man.

"I'll be here after school, young master." Replied the coachman before leaving.

"You're really polite to everyone, man... I wish you were that polite to me too." Said Ban, with his hands around the back of his head while walking in a casual manner beside Haji.

Haji's eye slitted and he weirdly gazed at Ban with the man doing the same to him, it continued for less than ten seconds before the two laughed, "I guess, it would be weird if you start treating me nicely." Ban said.

"Yeah, so don't go bringing a topic this weird, it would corrupt my mind." Haji chuckingly said, "Anyway, let's hurry our pace, it would suck to get punished again by the instructor."

The pathway to the academy would take around a minute or two to traverse and reach the academy buildings. Haji blamed the designer, couldn't the man just place the buildings near the entrance? It's a torture to do a two minute walk basked in the sun before eventually reaching the actual academy.

Soon, a large majestic building could be seen from afar, it was made of wood and stone, intricately designed and looked far better than an old japanese building. The roof had a spiky design, looking like a crown, one would probably be wowed, the first time they see such a building. There were also two more smaller buildings, their design wasn't as intricate as the main one but still, it looked far more extraordinary than a normal school building.

The two entered the main building with many students entering as well, and they walked into their respective classrooms. School atmosphere in the fire nation wasn't all happy go lucky, instead it cultivates discipline, deeply etching it into the marrows of their students. However, the rules would be eased once it's breaktime, letting the students interact with their circles. Of course, the nation's noble wouldn't want their children not to interact with their contemporaries, building relationships is a must in the aristocracy. Having a circle would not only help you in your career, but one can also garner his prospective partners.

Boring, a word Haji would say to define the lessons in class, the indoctrination of this nation would be the same as other countries on earth, Although they were milder though in terms of how intense the fire nation would emphasize its justification of their war-time acts and the way they burnt their history prior to Sozin's reign, father of the current reigning fire lord, Azulon. Nonetheless, Haji would study hard, never asking why he must learn these. "I would be no one in the future if I don't support this nation's acts, and I'd also suffer if the nation were to fall." He once said back then, fiercely slapping himself, and discarding the last remaining thoughts that go against his morals.

And so, the man continued to absorb every knowledge like a sponge, expanding his understanding of this world and the fire nation's current standing. "Lucky me!" Delightedly he had said when he found out how superior their nation was.

As the bell rings, breaktime was synonymous with it and everyone rejoiced, the tense atmosphere eased up once the instructor in front declared dismissal. On the grassy field at the open field of the academy sat Haji and Ban, eating both their extravagant lunches prepared by the cooks. Their meal was better compared to some due to them having a higher lineage, yet none looked dissatisfied at this kind of special treatment as it is a normal instance in the royal academy to prioritize those scions of high nobility.

"Damn! I can't get over how delicious this is." Ban praised, loudly chewing his food and looked very uncouth with the remains hurling off around him. A slight stain was left on the side of his lips after swallowing the meat in his mouth.

Haji, however, ate very elegantly, the two looked very incompatible like fire and ice. One composed of elegance and another looking quite barbaric. A part of meat flew on his cheeks, Haji touched it and felt very disgusted at such a thing. Pissed off, he shouted, "Stop eating like a barbarian! Look at this piece of shit on my finger, I've already told you to watch it when you eat."

"I'm sorry! Come on, Haji, forgive me. I'd treat you to a meal later." Said Ban, letting Haji's finger wipe the dirt on his clothes. He was instantly forgiven as Haji could not stay angry at this sidekick of his, they continued to eat after this with Ban trying to eat quietly.

While looking around, Ban saw a familiar figure, he waved and shouted, "Zuko! Come over here and eat with us!" His shout easily attracted the gazes of fellow students in the field. Zuko, who was walking alone, looked very annoyed when he heard Ban, still, he went over to Haji and Ban.

"It's 'Prince' Zuko, Ban. You'd lose your head if you weren't my friend." Said Zuko, emphasizing the word, prince, while putting a facade as he glared at Ban.

Ban didn't mind Zuko's attitude and continued to speak, "Aren't we too close for such honorifics? At Least give me this privilege for being your closest friend."

"Hello, Haji, you've fought great as always, moreover you won flawlessly yesterday." Zuko ignored Ban's shameless words and greeted Haji with an admiring gaze.

Ban sulked and said, "Don't just ignore me. Haji being the best in fighting doesn't mean you should treat me less than him."

"I'd treat you better if you weren't annoying." Said Zuko, then he continued looking at Haji.

"Thanks for coming to watch me yesterday, Zuko." Said Haji, "We'll be going to the palace again, right?"

It had almost been two years since the three became friends, and their bond became deeper as time passed by. The palace turned into their favorite hangout place, given that they were close with Zuko, and their statues being higher, they were allowed to enter the palace as long as Zuko was with them. The three became a solid circle and it stayed the same till this day.

"Yeah, let's celebrate your victory. Azula also wanted to congratulate you, she's bringing Mai and Ty lee as well." Zuko said with his tone became forced at the mention of his sister, Princess Azula.

"I'd finally get to see Ty lee again!" Ban cheered, his expression turning expectant. The two didn't give him any attention, letting him go wild with his excitement.

"Alright, let's meet at the academy gate after class and use my carriage to go there." Said Haji, Zuko nodded at him then started to munch on his food. The three continued to chat, Haji and Ban laid on the ground, making it easier for them to digest their food. They looked very happy until the bell rang, and their expression turned into someone who's about to enter hell once more.

"Let's just skip afternoon class! It's too boring, anyway." Ban complained, staying at his spot.

Haji walked behind him and gently kicked his butt, forcing him to stand up and caress his butt. "The instructor's stick would hurt more if we were to do that." Haji said, walking towards the building with Zuko, leaving behind Ban. They bid farewell to Zuko after entering the main building and they split up in the hallway since Zuko's classroom was on the other side.