

Bo Riley is hurled into the world of avatar with some gifts! Ps: Short story = will not be long English not first language I uploaded first chp on another account but had issues so I’m uploading on this acc

38chambers · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Threads of Destiny...

Weary from the fire lord's interrogation, Bo walked back to his room, scroll in hand, daydreaming about the majestic techniques and fire arts the scroll must contain.

Walking down the palace corridors lost in his thoughts, a figure jumped out of the darkness much to Bo's surprise.

"Eek!" Letting out a slight scream, Bo immediately activated his Sharingan and got into the Divine Devouring Dragon Style Dojo stance.

Letting out a light laugh the figure said, "Relax... it's only me."

With Bo's two tomoe sharingan activated he could see clearly in the dark palace halls and recognized the only person who could catch him off guard like that, Princess Azula.

Blinking rapidly, Bo straightened his posture and let out a cough to dispel any awkwardness, assuming a nonchalant expression Bo said, "Well why of course I knew you were there princess, I was only practicing my reaction time should a worthy foe try to ambush me."

Azula just looked at Bo strangely and shook her head, "Nevermind that, what did my father say? And what's this?" Azula said, pointing to the plain scroll in her hands.

Adopting a humble and sagely expression, Bo said, "The fire lord only expressed his never-ending gratitude for my accomplishments... for that he gifted me this scroll." Finishing his sentence it finally registered, his grip that was once firmly around the scroll was empty and Azula was grinning at Bo wickedly while juggling the scroll between her hands.

"Never-ending gratitude you say...? By the looks of this scroll, it seems like father reeaaally appreciated your help with the avatar." Azula said playfully, she wanted to get under Bo's skin and get a fun reaction.

'When did she grab that? It must have been when she caught me off guard from the shadows...' Realizing that this may be a good lesson to leave his Sharingan activated at all times, Bo slightly widened his eyes and with a pulse of his chi the two tomoes in his eyes began to spin and gradually pick up speed.

"I won't waste my words, princess, hand it back, or ill take it back myself," Bo said with an uncharacteristic solemn voice. It was one thing for the princess to act spoiled, but taking his hard-earned divine scroll passed a line.

Azula, realizing she may have gone a bit too far when she saw his facial expression, was too proud to back down from such a direct challenge and said while engulfing her free hand in blue flames, "Come and get it then..."

And just like that, Bo was off. At a speed that tricked the eye, Bo appeared next to Azula with his palm aimed at her stomach. Azula, not one to stand by and take a hit was already reacting to his surprising speed with a grace of her own.

Launching a surprising vertical knee kick that crash onto Bo's outstretched arm, Bo's attack was interrupted and he was forced to jump back and out of the way of a ball of blue fire that quickly engulfed the hallway tapestries.

Surrounded by a blue flame backdrop, Bo met Azulas gaze and wasted no time with frivolities. He knew that in the shape he was now even with his Sharingan, his body may not be able to match his mental reaction or his red flames to Azula's blue.

This time, Azula wasn't going to let Bo one-sidedly attack and counter-charged with blue flames engulfing her hands. Bo, reading Azulas actions with his Sharingan dived down in a knee slide, which with his momentum and speed zipped past Aula. Extending his leg out while he slid and kicked it into Azulas legs he successfully send her tumbling down to the floor.

However, Azula was no pushover and with practiced precision, barrel rolled and cartwheeled back up into a fighting stance.

Bo himself had stood up as well and was looking at Azula with a grin, Azula looked back grinning herself though rather than Bo's cheerful hers was more maniacal.

Bo stood up straight and met her eyes then said, "It's over."

Her grin turning into a frown she said, "What do you mean? Im just getting started..." It dawned on her, she lost the scroll. Shifting her eyes from her now empty hand to the scroll now spinning comfortably in Bo's fingers Azula said with a twitching eyebrow, "Well played.. you were going for the scroll, not for me."

Grinning playfully Bo said, "Next time I'll go for you... for now ill settle with the scroll." Azula hearing this turned a shade darker and said with a growl, "What did you just sa-"

"What's going on over here!" Both were taken out of their thoughts and turned to the large platoon of royal guards heading their way. Azula shook her head and just sighed, "This is over...for now! Next time well see who-" Turning back from the guards to where Bo was moments ago all there was the empty hallway.

"Where did you go!" Azula said angrily, not able to finish her monologue.


Meanwhile... Hundreds of Miles Away in a Fire Nation Destroyer.

A motley crew sat on its deck in a circle in deep discussion, among them was a blind girl, a blue girl, a boomerang boy, and the avatar.

Boomerang boy or better known as Sokka was in full storyteller mode and was retelling Aang what had happened these past few weeks, "After what happened in Ba Sing Se we had to get you to safety!"

"We flew back to Chameleon bay where we found my father and the other water tribe men...the earth king got a case of mental collapse and decided to travel to the world alone in disguise with his bear, Boo Boo." Sokka all the while animatedly made hand gestures to make sure Aang understood everything perfectly.

Continuing on he said, "Since then we've been traveling west..." With that silence descended on the group as everyone took in the experiences of the last month. Aang broke the silence by nervously asking, "So what now...?"

Sokkas dad spoke up, "We've been working on a modified invasion plan-" However he couldn't speak long before a bratty teen interrupted, "It's SoKkaS InVasIon PlAn!" Katara whined.

Looking at his daughter awkwardly, Pappa Sokka corrected himself and said, "Yes... Sokkas invasion plan... *cough* anywaaays we won't be able to mount a massive invasion without the earth king's armies."

And now Sokka spoke up, "But we still have to take advantage of the solar eclipse that will leave the fire nation vulnerable. So we're planning a smaller invasion with our friends and allies from around the earth kingdom... we already ran into a few friends- like Pipsqueak and da Duke!"

"And the best part is that's not even our biggest advantage...our best advantage is you!"

Confused, Aang asks, "Me?"

Sokka, smiling excitedly yells, "Yep! The whole world thinks your dead, isn't that great!"

Aang just stared at the boy like he was crazy and adopted a look of despair, without any words Aang grabbed his glider and stood up. "The whole world thinks I'm dead?! How is that great? I've got to help them!"

Sokka, forgetting that his little buddy was naive at times said childishly, "Nooo it's a good thing Aang, if the world thinks your dead then no one will expect you on the day of the Black Sun!"

Aang still had a look of despair on his face and couldn't help but think of the fateful day that led to this mess, when a boy with red eyes redirected a lightning bolt towards him and tried to kill him.

Gripping his staff in frustration, Aang thought, 'Just you wait... I'm coming for you... red eyes!'

"There's a fire nation ship approaching!" Yelled a sailor. And just like that the wheels of fate turned and the threads of destiny spun... what fate awaits our beloved Bo?!


(A/N: Short chp my bad, midterms coming up already at uni prob wont upload for a week or so :()