
Avatar of the Death

The gods are dust, their reign a memory whispered on the wind 223 years past. But before their fall, they scattered their power across the world – a hidden legacy waiting to be claimed. These fragments, echoes of godhood, chose mortals as vessels, imbuing them with extraordinary abilities. These chosen ones, the Avatars, were born into a world teetering on chaos. Once, a bitter war raged between Avatars and Demigods, the blood-born descendants of the fallen gods. Now, an uneasy peace prevails, shattered by whispers of a new threat. The prison of Tartarus weakens, spewing monstrous nightmares into the human realm. Demigod machinations stir in the shadows, driven by an unknown purpose. Humanity hangs in the balance. Yanzaki Nakajima, an Avatar, stood as humanity's last bastion...until tragedy struck. Now, his brother, Haru Nakajima, consumed by grief and a thirst for truth, plunges into the perilous world of myth and magic. Unsure of his own survival in a world where reality bends to strange laws, Haru embarks on a desperate quest. Armed with unwavering determination, he seeks answers within the hallowed halls of Olympia Academy – a school that trains Avatars to wield their power and defend the world. Can Haru navigate this labyrinth of secrets and survive long enough to uncover the truth behind his brother's death? The fate of humanity may depend on it.

Shadow_Eun · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Sayonara Yanzaki~

Yanzaki's eyes fluttered madly. He was so shocked that even his breathing was failing. "Nii-Chan…" Miwa awkwardly muttered as she pressed one of her eyes with her hand. "I-If you don't come, they sa-said….kill...Ha...ru"

He closed his eyes tightly to wipe the tears from his eyes and bit his lip. "Miwa, don't go anywhere. Nii-Chan will be back soon."

Adrenaline coursing through him, ignoring the protests of his aching muscles, he jumped out the window and ran in the direction of the suspected evil. He ran and ran. Suddenly a voice echoed within him from the shadows.

"As expected from Number One Avatar....you are still alive Nakajima!"

Drawing his swords, Yanzaki whirled around. There was not a single plant or building in the wasteland. There was no light except that of the burning train. He searched around but could not find the person who spoke.

"Power of Styx huh..." This time it rose closer to Yanzaki. But he was not stupid enough to attack. He still couldn't find where Haru was.

"You know...." the voice swirled around him. "That's a great power. I'm too wielding the power of the Underworld, just like you, Nakajima."

"Oi Oi, I know what you were thinking. 'Don't compare yourself to me.' Isn't that what you thought Yanzaki Nakajima." The last part was said by the shadow person, sounding like a lot of hatred. Yanzaki was a little surprised. He certainly thought what the shadow man said.

"What's this, are you mute? Ah C'mon, let me hear Avatar Number One's voice."

Yanzaki said nothing. He was quietly listening to the environment, but he heard no footsteps. "Haru, where?" He finally asked in a cold, emotionless tone.

"Here!" One sword blocked the iridescent blade that was cutting through the air with a whoosh sound, and the other leaned forward like a whip as it circled around the shadow man's waist. Yanzaki pulled it towards him, but the shadowy figure escaped in an instant. "You can't touch me like that." He said with a mad smile.

Yanzaki tried to strike back, but the earth shook as if something broke through its confines and came up. As Yanzaki's feet slipped, a large earthen fist rose from the ground, trapping Yanzaki in the middle and crushing him. He didn't have time to think. As he lost his focus, he summoned Styx, eroding the soil hand. But it wasn't as easy as it was with Kami.

"Any last words from Kami?" came a voice. It sounded more like a voice came from the speaker of the train. Yanzaki understood. They are here to avenge their comrade. But defeat was not an option for him either, not when the lives of his siblings were at stake!

The Styx water formed a large bubble of water that wrapped around Yanzaki and engulfed him, which rapidly erupted and eventually completely corroded the soil arm. But he didn't expect it, as soon as the fist broke, a huge rain of earthy fists rained down on him, scraping Yanzaki's body. He secured Kyojin's position as he quickly responded to his enemy. Haru! Haru was also there. Those eyes were filled with fear. He was begging for help. He was begging his brother to save him.

Yanzaki widened the Styx bubble as pain shot through his body, stopping the kyojin's attacks with one blow, and pointed the sword at Haru with the intention of pulling Haru towards him. But, "Don't forget me, Nakajima! I'll be angry then." The shadow man yelled as his sword blade slashed the Yanzaki's thin whip-like sword.

"There there now, Yanzaki....don't be so rude. If you kneel down and beg for our forgiveness, maybe you can join our organization without dying." Kyojin said laughing out loud. One of his arms was wrapped around Haru's shoulder.

Yanzaki was still silent. "Are you mute or what?" The shadow man shouted, launching an attack from behind. It certainly wasn't a threat to Yanzaki. As Styx blocked the attack, the shadow man disappeared again with a concerned sound.

"Don't worry Wraith," Kyojin said. "He's Yanzaki Nakajima right? Coldest Avatar."

"Really, he doesn't even have any sympathy for a girl." Coming up behind Kyojin, a woman said, fluttering like a snake. As her fingers trailed over Haru's shoulders, a bright green snake slithered over his shoulders and wrapped around his neck as she raised her fist. "Don't do anything unnecessary...it's deadly, trust me."

Yanzaki lowered his sword. "What do you want?" he asked, with gloomy eyes. There was no feeling in them.

"Ah, now we can have a talk," Kyojin said with a wink. "We want you to apologize to Kami...Yanzaki Nakajima."

"Then, I'm sorry." Said Yanzaki without hesitation.

Kyojin didn't expect that at all. He was eventually surprised. Kyojin didn't expect someone as powerful as Yanzaki to apologize so quickly. He thought Yanzaki would reject it like the other Avatars. A surprised smile erupted on Kyojin's mouth. "I am touched! Yanzaki Nakajima...you are an amazing guy....but as you see a simple apology was not enough."

"Hmm.." said Yanzaki.

"Why don't you join us? We demigods hate Avatars....but I would make an exception for you." Kyojin said with sparkling eyes as he raised his hand.

"I refused.." Said Yanzaki.

"Oho...let me ask why...Yanzaki?"

"I will not take the side of darkness, no matter what."

"Tsk, tsk.." Kyojin made a frustrated sound. Wraith appeared beside him, grinning maniacally. "You won't even side with the darkness to save these people?" he asked in an amused tone.

"No." Yanzaki's answers were direct and short. All that time there was no expression on his face or eyes.

The wind roared in their ears and stirred up the dust. Kyojin smiled darkly. "What about your brother then? You wouldn't really join the darkness for him?" Ayumi asked as the snake wrapped itself around Haru's neck even tighter.

"Did you think...I apologized because I am weak?"

Yanzaki asked, fixing his gaze directly on Kyojin. Even Kyojin flinched a bit at that look, forcing himself to take a step back.

"You killed so many people." Yanzaki roared. "I still apologize because I want to avoid unnecessary fights and save the rest I can. But I see.....you don't want my apology in the first place."

"I guess I was lucky. I must be the first rival who spent the most minutes talking with the Avatar of the Styx." Kyojin bloomed with a laugh. His eyes were wide and full of madness like a mad dog. "Even so Yanzaki, you are going to kill both yourself and your brother by fighting us."

Yanzaki came into a fighting stance, holding both of his swords forward. "It won't happen." He said.

"What makes you think that?" Kyojin also raised his fist as Dust responded to him. Yanzaki's eyes were fixed somewhere behind Kyojin.

"Because...I am the strongest!"

As the Styx waved behind Kyojin, Yanzaki's sword swung directly at Haru, pulling him towards him. Kyojin quickly formed a wall of earth to avoid the huge waves from behind, and when Ayumi's attention was broken, her snake disappeared into a puff of black smoke as Yanzaki tore it from Haru's neck and threw it away.

"Oi Oi!" Kyojin shouted frantically. "Is this how you want to play Yanzaki?" He said, smiling like a madman, straightening his hair. "Attack from the back..ayyaa you are not the person I heard about."

Yanzaki staggered back as the ground shook as if in a massive earthquake. Kyojin lunged at Yanzaki, a malicious grin splitting his face.

"The strongest...but you knew that too Yanzaki..this is a three-to-one fight. No matter what you will be lost. And there is no one-" Kyojin slammed his fist down. "-Left to save you!"

Soil reacted with shock. Crusts of hard sand rose from the ground, swirling around Yanzaki's legs, threatening to crush him. With a growl, Yanzaki channeled Styx. Acidic water blackened the soil bonds with a noise. The pungent smell of scorched earth tore through the air.

Then, with a crack that echoed across the desolate landscape, the ground erupted.


If Yanzaki hadn't acted quickly, he would have ended up as a large snake's food. Pushing the Haru aside, he covered his brother. "Don't forget about me!"

Oh crap! I totally forgot about you.

Yanzaki stopped the wraith's blade with his blade before it could kiss Haru's neck, but he couldn't stop something from somewhere piercing his leg. As the Wraith disappeared, the giant snake lunged at him as Kyojin's sand carving attacks were directed at him. They are strong! They were definitely more powerful than Kami.

"You can be an Avatar...but remember you are still a human. Those nectars and ambrosia can't heal you, right? No matter what you will be exhausted. And then you will die on your knees. We are totally different Yanzaki Nakajima !" Kyojin shouted loudly, launching one attack after another. He firmly pressed his foot into the ground, sending a shock wave through the ground. Cracks formed around Yanzaki, and the earth split open at his feet. Grabbing Haru's collar, Yanzaki leaped back as the large snake lunged at him, letting the snake crash onto the sand geyser.

He floated up and he expected an attack from the Wraith. Just as he had expected, the Wraith's midair attack came from behind. Taking a quick turn, Yanzaki channeled the Styx around his right arm, burning the Wraith's arm, albeit with a minor injury.

"Hah ha! It's great Nakajima!" The Wraith screamed like a madman.

Yanzaki was no fool. He knew he was in trouble. His tired body could not handle Styx's overwhelming power. After the giant snake sank into the ground, Ayumi became less of a threat to him. But with the Wraith at her side, her little magic snakes were definitely a problem. At that moment he remembered his Master's words.

"Why do we have a limit Yanzaki?" Those words echoed through the space. At that time, he clearly remembers that he did not answer that question. Master patted his head and said, "We do have a limit...because we need to surpass it!"

A small smile bloomed on his face. "Yeah master, I will..... definitely exceed that limit!"

Not that he hadn't faced more dangerous enemies before. He was just tired. He is human after all.

He also diverted the last of the Styx dregs within himself. The black water responded, swirling around his arms, this time merging with his wickedly curved blades, making them glow with an obsidian glow.

The battle started with a bang. Ayumi and Kyojin attacked from all directions using Wraith's ability. Emerald bodies blurred as magical snakes slithered toward Yanzaki. He leaped aside, the Styx blade blurring into black as he parried the snapping fangs.

But the battle was a constant game of shadows and deception. From behind Yanzaki, the Wraith's spectral blade slammed into his back. "You, damn creation of that bastard. I will chop you to the pieces, and that time I want to see that damn bastard's face.." 

As he bent to the ground in a desperate twist, the Wraith's blade passed through the air where Yanzaki's neck had been a moment ago, Splitting the place. He appeared from different places smiling like a maniac. "He will hate me right!"

Yanzaki didn't have the faintest idea what the Wraith was saying. Styx was acting as a shield, protecting Yanzaki as Kyojin and Ayumi attacked from all sides.

"I want...I want that bastard to hate me!" He quickly swung his sword at the Wraith as the blade scratched Yanzaki's chest.

"I want to see his face when I kill you! Hah ha, this is gonna be fun!"

Yanzaki only thought about one thing. This person is totally a lunatic. He countered by bending the Styx, the black water forming a plume that struck the Wraith. This time it captured the Wraith. The Wraith screamed as his fist touched through the shaft, his form flaring wildly. But before Yanzaki could gain his advantage, Ayumi and Kyojin launched another series of attacks.

This time, they came from all sides and were threatening to devour him. As Styx responded with vengeance.. the water of the Styx shot through his fingertips like black whips, they struck like whips and separated the magical snakes with a satisfying roar.

"You are the mastermind!" Yanzaki growled, chasing away the Wraith that came up behind him. He saw the Wraith's face, albeit for a brief moment. It reminded him strongly of someone. Those dark, cold eyes are like darkness, why are they so familiar? "You figured it out!" He said, punching and laughing. "I wanted to kill that bastard Kai Muichiro, the disguise of the demigod society..." said Wraith, attacking from nowhere.