
Avatar: Love in Danger

Avatar Aang was at Fire nation Palace when he suddenly willingly went into the Avatar state. He woke up and saw an unusual mystical fog all around him ,confused of what awaits but still knows that he is in the spirit world but this side of this world was never explored by him , he sees that he is wearing the traditional clothes of Air nomads more like what Gyatso used to wear. Has he finally achieved peace after resolving the 100 Year War? .... No a former enemy of the Earth King , Long Feng who is somehow back is now in hunger for revenge What will happen? Will long fang's scheme lead him to be victorious and gets his vengeance or will Aang be able to stop him in time before something worse happens. For those That dont know ATLA story plot, this is basically what happens ............................................. Water. Earth. Fire. Air. There was a time of peace when the Avatar kept balance between the Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and Air Nomads. But that all changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar mastered all four elements. Only he could stop the ruthless fire benders. But when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years have passed and the Fire Nation is nearing victory in the War. Some people believe that the Avatar was never reborn into the Air Nomads, and that the cycle is broken. But I haven't lost hope. I still believe that somehow, the Avatar will return to save the world. ............................................. DISCLAMER : All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended. There might be some content taken from the original show and there might be some content taken from other content writer’s story that I DON'T OWN those content I don't own All the characters in this story… *********************** If I owned them I would be sitting on an island beach right now with a frosty drink and a pair of cabana boys. Instead, I just shoveled a foot of snow from the roof of my car. Draw your own conclusions.

No0BxD · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Love in Danger Chapter 2 : The Fire Lord's Birthday (Updated!)

[A/N :  I somehow uploaded the bottom half of the chapter here and missed the upper half and it would have stayed that way for some time if it weren't for me looking at chapter 2's word count of only 822? My minimum word count is 1.5k. I am very sorry! Now enjoy!] (This note will be removed after 3 days)

All hail Fire Lord Zuko!" the Fire Sage proclaimed. As he declared this, the other sages beat on drums and chanted respectful hymns.

As the leading sage said this he stepped into the middle of the room facing the throne. Sitting on the throne was Fire Lord Zuko, with his grand robes, regal posture and burn scar over his left eye.

The sage continued, "On this, the Fire Lord's 17th birthday we pay tribute and honor to him. May he be presented with his gifts now."Two other Fire sages entered the chamber bearing a large chest.

"From the Fire Sages, incense of the highest quality and value, may they be burned at your discretion."

"From the Tribal Chief of the Northern Water Tribe," the sage continued as a man dressed in blue garbs came in holding a fur, "a priceless ceremonial headdress reflecting honorary acceptance into the tribe and mutual respect."

Then four men came in heaving a huge, yellow trunk. The men wore green and brown outfits.

"From His Majesty the Earth King, 100 pounds of gold, given in thankfulness for peace between our great nations."

The Fire Lord stood and politely announced, "Thank you all for these wonderful gifts. I cannot begin to expound onto you how grateful I am for your leader's generosity, acceptance and kindness even in the aftermath in such of a horrible war. I am humbled by it in ways impossible to describe."

He bowed. The gift bearers bowed in response and exited.

"Fire Lord Zuko, with all due respect, the endowment is not yet complete" the Fire Sage informed.

"Who else is left?" Fire Lord Zuko asked.

The sage cleared his throat and declared, "Announcing the presence of His Holiness, Avatar Aang, and Master Waterbender Katara of the Southern Water Tribe."

Aang and Katara walked into the room, each of them carrying a package of sorts. Abandoning all formality and custom, Zuko beamed, "Aang, Katara, I'm so glad to see you!" He ran over to them and embraced them in a brotherly hug.

"Happy birthday Zuko!" Katara greeted as if they hadn't seen each other in years.

"And many more Sifu Hotman" Aang welcomed childishly.

As he pulled away Zuko mocked, "Aang, if you call me that one more time I swear to the Spirits I'm going to…"

"Time for presents!" Katara cut in. "You can go first Aang."

"All right!" Aang acknowledged happily. holding a big scroll. He opened it and showed it to Zuko painted on the parchment was an illustration of, as Katara's brother Sokka describes it, Team Avatar. It was a detailed drawing of the group of buddies who had worked together to defeat Fire Lord Ozai and other of Zuko's friends; Aang, Katara, Sokka, Zuko, their blind Earthbender friend, Toph, Sokka's girlfriend Suki, Zuko's uncle Iroh, Zuko's girlfriend Mai, Mai's acrobat friend Ty Lee, Aang's pet Lemur Momo, and his flying bison Appa. It was drawn in amazing detail and accuracy


"You painted this?" Zuko asked as he marveled at it.

"Well sort of" Aang replied humbly. "I used Paintbending, you know Waterbending but with paint, it took me about a thousand tries to get it right, but it's still better than anything Sokka ever painted."

"Thank you" Zuko replied. He then hugged Aang like he would a little brother.

"Well it'll be hard to top that" Katara confessed.

"I'm sure you got me something just as special" Zuko assured.

"You could say that" Katara said as she looked at what she was holding. It was a glass box with the Water Nation symbol carved into it.

"Zuko, remember when we were in prison together and I told you I might be able to heal your scar?" Katara asked.

"Y…yeah" the Fire Lord cautiously answered.

"Well I uh…used the Spirit Water I was going to do that with when Azula almost killed Aang, but since then I…uh went back to the North Pole. This box is filled with water from the Spirit Oasis, more than I had before. If anything can finally heal you, this can.

Zuko gasped. He did not want to become hopeful in vain, for his scar was deep and permanent, but there was still a chance that this could work. "Let's try it" he murmured.


Katara nodded. She opened a small flap on the container and set in on the ground. Using the movements of the Kung Fu style Tai Chi she bended the water into the air in a flowing mass and gently guided it to Zuko's face. The cool liquid rested over his scar that stretched from his eye to his ear. Katara touched the water with her right palm and the puddle began to glow a soothing, light blue.


They stood frozen in that position for what seemed like hours but were really only a few minutes. Abruptly, Zuko pulled away and starting grunting loudly, grabbing his face with both hands.

Avatar State! I'm sure he would be wilpoli to help!"


"Well that's one man for one temple" Zuko pointed out. "What about the North, South and…"


"There are already people living in the Northern Air Temple!" Aang exclaimed. "We just have to convince them to pollute less and help keep the history alive."


"Shouldn't be that hard" Katara assured. "The Mechanist is a reasonable guy."


Aang grabbed Katara's shoulders eagerly. "Katara, we're going to rebuild my nation!" he said

joyfully. They hugged each other.


"That's all fine and good" Zuko said. "But what about the other two temples, there's no one living at them and there are no other Airbenders to put in charge of them. Who can we ask to be in control of them? Who can we trust to do that?"


"I…have no clue" Aang owned up. "What about your uncle?"


"He's still running his tea shop in Ba Sing Se. He's done enough in this war. I don't want to ask him to interrupt his new, quiet life" Zuko informed respectfully.


"What about the other members of the Order of the White Lotus?" Katara posed. "Could they do something to help?" The Order of the White Lotus was an organization of philosophers and warriors that transcended the boundaries of the Four Nations.


"They…just might be able to" Zuko recognized. "Out of anyone who would be able to they would be the most wilpoli people to help."


"Could you call a meeting of them so we could ask them?" Aang asked.


"I think so" Zuko said, pulpoli a White Lotus Pai Sho piece from his sleeve. "I am just a junior member but I think I can arrange that. Good idea guys."


"So you'll help?" Aang asked buoyantly.


"I already promised you that we would rebuild the world together didn't I? If I provide escorts then the meeting should be able to take place in about a week. How does that work?" Zuko said.


"That'll be just perfect Sifu Hotbrow" Aang replied mockingly. "Don't call me that you jackass!" Zuko ordered.

"Don't call my boyfriend a jackass you jackass!" Katara snapped. "Don't call me a jackass you…you…" Zuko stuttered.

"Whatever word you're thinking of saying it's a bad idea Zuko" a gloomy, yet oddly uplifted voice said.


Zuko's girlfriend Mai entered the hall with a partially sarcastic smile on her face.


"After all the word 'jackass' wasn't meant to be used for girls and the words that were, are guaranteed to get you an angry Waterbending icicle shoved up your…"


"Mai!" Zuko interjected standing up. "How are you?"


"As happy as my personality will permit me to be" Mai joked, walking up to Zuko. "That's good."

Mai skipped a breath. She was staring at Zuko's face mesmerized. "Oh…oh my…" "What's wrong Mai?"

Mai touched the skin under Zuko's left eye with her palm. "You're scar…it's gone" she whispered. Zuko put his hands on her shoulders. "That's right Mai, I'm healed now" he told her.

Mai wrapped her arms around Zuko's neck and he embraced her as well. "Thank the Spirits" she said.


"The Spirits aren't the only ones to thank" Zuko informed. Mai pulled away with a curious look on her face. "Katara healed me."


Mai still held on to Zuko as she looked towards his friends and said, with more happiness and gratitude than anyone who knows her would expect, "Thank you so much for doing this for Zuko, Katara."


"Of course" Katara replied.


"Now" Zuko said, "let's get the rest of Team Avatar back together, we've got a lot of work to do if we want to rebuild the Air Nation."


"Rebuild the Air Nation?" Mai repeated. "What have you been doing behind my back this time Zuko?"


They all shared in a laugh at this, save for self-conscious Zuko.

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