
Avatar: Legend of the Fire Demon

Vengcong · Fantasy
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Chapter 1-The Waste son of the General

Royal capital, Fire nation 7 years before the Avatar's Awakening.

"Sigh" In a courtyard of a big mansion, You could hear a big sigh of boy lying on the ground full of bruise.

"What a luck! Transmigrated on the avatar world without a bending power, fate really know how to play joke!"

"And those son of bitch!" Remembering my current situation, And how this new body live for the past 7 years really give me a chills!

This new body was named Ryuma, and the eldest son of a general on the fire nation, having a noble birth, you would imagine living a life full of glory and golden spoon, But destiny play cruel joke to ryuma, Being born with no bending power, his status was lower on his father heart, To tough it up, having a weak body and timid personality, His life really is a joke.

"Don't worry since i merge with you, I will make your name resounding all out heaven, And be remembered for a thousand of years." I muttered with a resolute eyes.

Having said that; he felt that his body got lighter and feel that ryuma souls fully merged to him, You could say that he was ryuma and Ryuma was him, They really become one.


Getting up and walking inside of the house, I could see Lin our headservant walking on my direction "Young master, The lord said he wants to talk to you in his office" he said, "Okay, I'm just gonna take a bath, I'll be there in minute" I replied.

Hearing this, The headservant was taken a back, Because this was the first time he saw me disobey an order, Especially from my father. "But young master, I don't thinks it is a good idea to delay the Pathriach's order" he said "Are you teaching me to do things" I look him in the eye and replied.

The Head servent was slightly shock from my reply and look at my golden eyes and my face full of bruise, all he can see is nothing but calmness.

"I see, young master. I will inform your father about your reply" He replied, The headservant didn't say anything, and Get on his way, because although i am not a favor son, My status still higher than him.

"Hey you, come here" I call one of the servant on the sideline, The servant didn't delay because he knew there something wrong about me today, "Inform the Chef to cook something for me, I'm gonna eat after i wash" I ordered.

"Yes young master" the servant said. While hurriedly get on his way to the kitchen,

Then I walk my way on my room.

After i entered the room, I go to the bathroom, undress my dirty robe and take a bath, After 30 minutes of washing, I go outside the bathroom and walk to my wardrobe and pick a random typical fire nation clothes with a dark red and gold color.

After that, I sat on the bed and look around my surrounding, My room was design with an ancient japanese style + chinese style decoration, With a typical Red and gold theme of the fire nation.

After looking around, I started to think of my future, First of all I need to have strength, because i know that this world is not so happy go lucky like that was shown on the canon. there's a lot of war, scheme and politics going around here especially on the fire nation. I thought.

"Nah.. Who am i kidding, I'm just a high school drop out, I only know how to fight on the street to survive, What do i know about war, Scheme and staffs..." I muttered.

" What I need to do now is to find a ways to strengthen myself, and Learn how to properly fight.

Because, oh boy; I know my lowly boxing shit not gonna work here" I muttered; and Thankfully my predecessor have been thought, Although he did not properly learn due to his weak body, They are still on my memory, I thought.

Knock* knock*

"Young master the food is ready" the servant said, I get up and open the door, and let the servant in.

Holding a tray full of food, the servant put the food on my study table. and carefully look at me and ask "Is there anything I could do for you, young master" he asked. "No, Carry on" I replied. then he go on his way.

after the servant left, I sat down and pick my chopstick to taste the food that he served me, "I got to say that although this world was a little backward compare to my old world, there food was really delicious.." I muttered.

After devouring all the food.. I lean back on my chair and have a deep satisfying Sigh.. "Hayst, That really hit the spot" I muttered.

"Now where are we? Oh yeah project strengthening myself 101" I said.

First step was strengthen my body, I said. I think due to soul merge, my body was not so weak as before, and Although not strong, I think i can take down a normal adult; I thought.

"Step Two; properly learn martial arts and integrate what my predecessor learn so far on the past year," I said. Well I think, I have good memory; because I could vividly remember the martial arts that my predecessor learn so far; I thought. "I guess it also one of the benifit of soul merging" I muttered.

" Hays.. It would be really good if I had a bending talent.." I muttered; Having a low mood...

"Oh well, Don't need to dwell about that, It's not like there no chance, As long I find a lion turtle, I could still be able to bend"

Although they where hunted down and only one remains, Still better than nothing right; I thought.

"As long there's a will, there's a way, I don't believe I can't bend an element in this lifetime"

I'm tired of being a mediocre shit! It's either I go Big or Die; I thought.

Onces I resolved my mind, I get up on my chair and go to my father's office..

Meanwhile on my father's Office; "Did he really say that" My father asked, "Yes, my lord," the headservant replied.

General Oda look at the the middle age man who wear a standard fire nation military uniform at the otherside of the room, "did you overdo his training today," General Oda asked.

"No, My lord I did it as Usual, Per your order." Instructor Zora Replied.

"Well, it seems all the beating and suffering all those year finally paid off, Although his still a weakling with no future, Alteast he finally learn how to be man" General Oda Said.

Knock knock*

"Father It's me," I said; "Come in." My Father replied.

I enter the room and look at the three people inside of the office, On the Leftside was Headservant Lin, On the Rightside was Intructor zora and on the middleside was my father, sitting on His desk With a Black Hair, Golden eyes and look like the middle version of me, My Father General Oda of the Fire Nation.

I look at him, and he also looking at me, Much to his disappointment, he connot see any change about me.

After 10 second of silence, He was the first one to break down a word and ask; "I heard you disobey my Summon, can I ask why" He said with a authoritative tone.

I look at his eyes calmly and replied; "I just finished my training, and i don't think it's right to see you with a sweat and untidy clothes, My lord father" I said.

"Interesting" My father said. While looking at me witha curve smile. "I'm planning to transfer you to the Fire Nation School at the Eastern island, Do you have opinion about it" He asked.

I look at his eyes, Although he is informing me, But I could hear from his tone that this not a question but an order; "I have no objection of it Lord father" I replied calmly, But in my heart I already cursing this shitty father of mine a hundred times.

Looks like his ready to disown me, Well it's not like I could do anything about it, I'm weak right now and have no bending talent, Beside my mother was already dead, Died on child birth and i think I'm the one his blaming about it; I thought.

"It's good that you understand," My father said.

Understand My Ass; I thought.

" Well I'm gonna straightforward with you, I'm planning to name your Little brother Asta as an heir, As my eldest son,.. He pause; I don't think you have what it takes to inherit this family 300 years old heritage," My father muttered in low voice.

Sure, It's not like I want to inherit it, As long I got a strengh, This family heritage was just a bullshit, I thought.

"So do have an Objection" My father asked

I Secretly rolled my eyes, Why bother asking, It's not like I could object; I thought in my heart, But on the surface " I don't have an objection father," I replied.

"Good, It's good that you understand.. This weekend, Your gonna go to Shu jing town at the eastern Island, I already bought a manor there and signed it on your name, Plus I will assign a 300 servant and 200 guard for your daily needs" He said.

So I'm really am being exiled hah; I thought. But on the surface "Thank you so much Lord father for your generosity" I said.

"So do you have any other question" He replied

"Ahm, can i have a request" I look him in the eye and hesistantly asked;

"Say it, As long it was not too much" He replied.

I look at him with a resolute eyes and determine tone; "Can I have a Sword and a warship" I Asked.

Of course what i mean was a finest sword and a best warship, And I know my father could understand my request, Well I'm not gonna be exiled without squeezing enought benefit; I thought.

"Done" He look at my resolute eye, and said.

"Thank you so much Lord Father" I sigh of relief and replied.

"Well, as my blood this all i could do for you, In addition I will also give you a 50 more elite bender guard,"He said.

I was taken a back.. and asked; "Really"

"Yes, And I also think being a marine is more suitable for you than a soldier, He said.

While continuing "Because it has less than hand to hand comabat situation compare to the army, It really suits you, Well althought I'm more bias on the army, I'm still fine either way. As long you didn't bring down are family honor, I'm fine with it. He replied.

Oh so he misunderstood, I thought; Oh well, it's good to have more benifits, I guess Hahah. But on the surface; "Don't worry father, I won't let you down" I said.

"Good, I hope you don't bring down our family honor, You could Go now and prepare for your journey this weekend. He said.

"Thank you so much lord father" I bowed down and said good bye to him.

Watching my son back leaving on the door, General Oda uttered a deep sigh, "Hayst,.. this all I could do for him" General Oda muttered.

"You doned well enough my lord" Headservant Lin said.

"Sigh, I hope so, General Oda muttered in a low voice. "Lin go get the Yang Sword at the treasury." General oda ordered. While Putting the golden key on the table.

"Yes my lord" Headservant Lin replied. while taking the key and going outside to go to the treasury.

"Zora" General Oda call. "Yes my lord" Instructor Zora replied. "Take this badge and go to marine shipyard, And order me the latest Battleship Cruiser they had" General Oda said, While taking his military badge, and putting it on the table.

"Remember I want all the finest and best material they had availabe on that ship" General Oda said. "Yes my lord" Instructor Zora replied. While taking the badge and going out to go to the marine shipyard..

"I did all I could do, I hope you are already satisfied, My Tanya." General Oda muttered with a sorrowful eyes.


While I was leaving my father's office and walking outside the main door, there was a cute little girl jump on my body;


"Big brother" Moka said with a cute voice "hug" I subconsciously stretch my arm on her, and let her jump on my arm.

I was taken a back, then through my memory I remember who she is, Then I smiled to her and said; "My little moka, how was your day" I asked. That's right she is my little sister, My half sister to be precise.

"It's great.. Are teacher taught us how to control fire," My sister said with enthusiasm while flickering her thumb and middle finger to light out her index finger like lighter.

"Whoa" I let out a slightly exaggerated shock to let her see how amaze I am, "Are little moka was really capable and talented fire bender" I said.

"Hehe" My sister let out a cute giggle with a happy expression, Showing how satisfied she was from my praise..

Looking up, I also so a 5 year old kid with similar black hair and golden eyes, with many servant and guard behind them, I guess the black hair and golden eyes was genetic on our families, because even moka have them; I thought.

Also looking at me, Asta let out a slightly smile, and I also smile back at him. I guess in this house they are the two people i could consider a family, With a neutral relationship with my little brother and a super close relationship with my little sister, I thought.

Eventhough there mom, Maya hate my guts, it didn't affect are siblings relationship.

I guess the old saying where right, Kids are really innocent creature.

After putting down Moka, "Alright go change your clothes and eat a lunch with your brother asta; I said.

"Brother can you take me today at the park" my sister ask with a pleading eyes.

"Not today little moka, big brother was gonna be busy" I replied.

My sister hurriedly hug my waist and look at me with a puppy eyes; "Come on, big brother please" she said with a cute pleading voice.

Looking at my sister pleading eyes, My heart easily melted, "Hayst" I let out a helpless sigh..

"Big brother was really gonna be busy today; I muttered. "how about we play this evening, and you could also sleep with me."

My sister stare at me with a trouble to look, contemplating the pro's and con''s And thinking whether she should agree with it..

While I let out a finishing move of a.. "How about i tell you a bed time stories" I said.

"Deal" My sister replied with a happy smile.

"Hehe" I let out a slight chuckle, and a little Amuse of how easy to please my younger sister was..

"Alright moka, Come here and Stop bothering big brother," Asta said.

"Alright see you tonight big bro," moka let go of me an said.

"Alright see you" I let out a smile and said.