
Avatar: Legend of the Blood Bender

Dying too young, Noah on accident shatter a balance he didn't know existed, and now it also forces him to fix it. Good thing he's allowed to have fun during it. This Fanfiction is based on the Avatar: The Last Airbender universe. Disclaimer: I don't own the story or any images yada yada. Disclaimer 2: This is my first time writing, and english isn't my first language so if any gramma or spelling is wack that's why. I also work fulltime so for now this is a hobby thing with no fixed upload schedule.

Emilowish · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 6


Waking up from my short journey to the spiritworld, I feel a wave of negative emotions hit me. My head is burning up, my body is sore all over because of the weird position I "slept" in, and I'm not sure how long my body can continue on without some proper nutrition.

As I lay on the cold ground complaining to myself, I try to process the absurd amount of infomation that weird owl spirit threw into my head at mach 5.

For now I shelve most of it, as interesting as the ancient secret's of bending is, I need to focus on water bending for now. The way Arvelir cramped the information into my head, seem to be more like a mental library I can access, so I properly don't have to worry about forgetting it. How considerate.

I need a surprising amount of effort to get up, being empty on both mental and physical energi sure is hard. As I stand I begin forming my chi i my head, apparently benders form some kind of pathway with their chi, which they then guide their intent through. Their arm and leg motions are to help guiding their intent. This is also why a benders emotional state is important, as emotions have a very large and vastly different kinds of effects on the intent as it goes through the pathway.

This pathway goes thougth the entire body, and is mostly naturally formed in benders in their first 5-6 years of life, non-benders either have malformed paths, or missing parts, both can apparently be fixing through energi bending, though it seems Arvelir didn't want to share anymore than exactly what I needed to form my own path.

Having formed my paths to be as wide as possible, I begin moving my arms with the intent to move some of snow around me. And is honestly shocked at how easy it is, with a wide smile a can't help but say "Genius indeed."

After throwing an absurd amount of snow around in random directions, creating some walls around an ginormous hill of snow, that will be my future igloo. I go toward the lake, intent on learning how to perfectly freeze and heat water up, so I can finally get something to eat.

Moving stuff around is easy, I barely even need to use my hands, but changing their state is a lot harder. I can force snow closer together, making it more dense, but making it either water or ice take a great deal of effort. Though I've also noticed that even though I drained a large amount of chi earlier, I didn't feel like anything change while throwing snow around, or maybe it was just so miniscule I didn't notice, Arvelir said the amount I posses is inhuman after all.

Having arrived at the lakes shore, I put my hand on ice and focus on my intent, what I want to happen to be exact, speeding the molecules up, and unlike before I feel a pull on my chi reserves as steam begin to rise around me. At my instant succes I laugh to myself.

"Biggest genius around!"